848 research outputs found

    Depolarization canals and interstellar turbulence

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    Recent radio polarization observations have revealed a plethora of unexpected features in the polarized Galactic radio background that arise from propagation effects in the random (turbulent) interstellar medium. The canals are especially striking among them, a random network of very dark, narrow regions clearly visible in many directions against a bright polarized Galactic synchrotron background. There are no obvious physical structures in the ISM that may have caused the canals, and so they have been called Faraday ghosts. They evidently carry information about interstellar turbulence but only now is it becoming clear how this information can be extracted. Two theories for the origin of the canals have been proposed; both attribute the canals to Faraday rotation, but one invokes strong gradients in Faraday rotation in the sky plane (specifically, in a foreground Faraday screen) and the other only relies on line-of-sight effects (differential Faraday rotation). In this review we discuss the physical nature of the canals and how they can be used to explore statistical properties of interstellar turbulence. This opens studies of magnetized interstellar turbulence to new methods of analysis, such as contour statistics and related techniques of computational geometry and topology. In particular, we can hope to measure such elusive quantities as the Taylor microscale and the effective magnetic Reynolds number of interstellar MHD turbulence.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of the conference 'Polarization 2005', September 12 to 15, Orsay, France. Replaced one figure, changed three figure caption

    Canals in Milky Way radio polarization maps

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    Narrow depolarized canals are common in maps of the polarized synchrotron emission of the Milky Way. Two physical effects that can produce these canals have been identified: the presence of Faraday rotation measure (\RM) gradients in a foreground screen and the cumulative cancellation of polarization known as differential Faraday rotation. We show that the behaviour of the Stokes parameters QQ and UU in the vicinity of a canal can be used to identify its origin. In the case of canals produced by a Faraday screen we demonstrate that, if the polarization angle changes by 90\degr across the canal, as is observed in all fields to-date, the gradients in \RM must be discontinuous. Shocks are an obvious source of such discontinuities and we derive a relation of the expected mean separation of canals to the abundance and Mach number of supernova driven shocks, and compare this with recent observations by \citet{Haverkorn03}. We also predict the existence of less common canals with polarization angle changes other than 90\degr. Differential Faraday rotation can produce canals in a uniform magneto-ionic medium, but as the emitting layer becomes less uniform the canals will disappear. We show that for moderate differences in emissivity in a two-layer medium, of up to 1/2, and for Faraday depth fluctuations of standard deviation ≲1rad\lesssim 1 \mathrm{rad}, canals produced by differential rotation will still be visible.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters. 5 pages, 3 figure

    Why coronal mass ejections are necessary for the dynamo

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    Large scale dynamo-generated fields are a combination of interlocked poloidal and toroidal fields. Such fields possess magnetic helicity that needs to be regenerated and destroyed during each cycle. A number of numerical experiments now suggests that stars may do this by shedding magnetic helicity. In addition to plain bulk motions, a favorite mechanism involves magnetic helicity flux along lines of constant rotation. We also know that the sun does shed the required amount of magnetic helicity mostly in the form of coronal mass ejections. Solar-like stars without cycles do not face such strong constraints imposed by magnetic helicity evolution and may not display coronal activity to that same extent. I discuss the evidence leading to this line of argument. In particular, I discuss simulations showing the generation of strong mean toroidal fields provided the outer boundary condition is left open so as to allow magnetic helicity to escape. Control experiments with closed boundaries do not produce strong mean fields.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Highlights of Astronomy, ed. K. G. Strassmeier & A. Kosovichev, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Se

    Magnetic Spiral Arms and Galactic Outflows

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    Galactic magnetic arms have been observed between the gaseous arms of some spiral galaxies; their origin remains unclear. We suggest that magnetic spiral arms can be naturally generated in the interarm regions because the galactic fountain flow or wind is likely to be weaker there than in the arms. Galactic outflows lead to two countervailing effects: removal of small-scale magnetic helicity, which helps to avert catastrophic quenching of the dynamo, and advection of the large-scale magnetic field, which suppresses dynamo action. For realistic galactic parameters, the net consequence of outflows being stronger in the gaseous arms is higher saturation large-scale field strengths in the interarm regions as compared to in the arms. By incorporating rather realistic models of spiral structure and evolution into our dynamo models, an interlaced pattern of magnetic and gaseous arms can be produced.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, version accepted by MNRAS Letter

    Asymptotic Solutions for Mean-Field Slab Dynamos

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    We discuss asymptotic solutions of the kinematic αω\alpha\omega-dynamo in a thin disc (slab). Focusing upon the strong dynamo regime, in which the dynamo number DD satisfies ∣D∣≫1|D|\gg1, we resolve uncertainties in the earlier treatments and conclude that some of the simplifications that have been made in previous studies are questionable. Comparing numerical solutions with asymptotic results obtained for ∣D∣≫1|D|\gg1 and ∣D∣≪1|D|\ll1 we find that the asymptotic solutions give a reasonably accurate description of the dynamo even far beyond their formal ranges of applicability. Indeed, our results suggest a simple analytical expression for the growth rate of the mean magnetic field that remains accurate in the range −200<D<−10-200< D< -10 (which is appropriate for dynamos in spiral galaxies and accretion discs). Finally, we analyse the role of various terms in the dynamo equations to clarify the fine details of the dynamo process.Comment: "This is an Author's Original Manuscript of an article submitted for consideration in Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics [copyright Taylor & Francis]; Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics is available online at http://www.tandfonline.com/gafd
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