623 research outputs found

    Some common fixed point results of three self-mappings in cone metric spaces

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    The aim of this paper is to present coincidence point and common fixed point results for three self mappings satisfying generalized contractive conditions.  The results presented in this paper generalize and extend several well-known results in the literature

    Some new equilibrium existence theorems for pair of abstract economies

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    In this paper, we prove some new common equilibrium existence theorems for pair of non-compact abstract economies with an uncountable number of agents

    Impact of DDT spraying on malaria transmission in Bareilly District, Uttar Pradesh, India

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    Background & objectives: Impact of indoor residual spraying of DDT on malaria transmission andvector density was evaluated in six villages of Shergarh PHC, Bareilly district, Uttar Pradesh under theoperational condition of National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) from July 2001to March 2002 (one transmission season only).Methods: Two rounds of DDT (50% WDP) spraying @ 1 g/m2 were done both in the experimental andcontrol villages by the state health authorities. The spraying in experimental villages was supervisedby Malaria Research Centre (MRC) whereas the district health authorities supervised the operation incontrol villages. Mass blood surveys were made three times— before the first round, in between thefirst and second rounds and after the second round of spraying. The blood smears were examined bythe trained microscopists of MRC, Haldwani. From the above examinations epidemiological indicatorssuch as slide positivity rate (SPR), slide falciparum rate (SFR) and infant parasite rate (IPR) werecalculated. All malaria positive cases were given radical treatment as per NVBDCP schedule.Entomological parameters such as per man hour mosquito density, parity rate, gonotrophic conditionand adult susceptibility status of Anopheles culicifacies to diagnostic dosages of DDT (4%) weremonitored as per the standard techniques.Results: A total of 988.5 kg of DDT was consumed during two rounds of spray. The house coveragevaried from 87 to 95.3%. Parasitological evaluation revealed significant reduction in malaria cases (p <0.0005) and infant parasite rate declined from 2.9 to 0%. Entomological observations revealedconsiderable reduction in the density of malaria vector An. culicifacies despite of its 21.4% mortalityagainst DDT test papers.Interpretation & conclusion: The overall results of the study revealed that DDT is still a viableinsecticide in indoor residual spraying owing to its effectivity in well supervised spray operation andhigh excitorepellencyfactor

    Supersymmetrization of horizontality condition: nilpotent symmetries for a free spinning relativistic particle

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    We derive the off-shell nilpotent and absolutely anticommuting Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) and anti-BRST symmetry transformations for a supersymmetric system of a free spinning relativistic particle within the framework of superfield approach to BRST formalism. A novel feature of our present investigation is the consistent and clear supersymmetric modification of the celebrated horizontality condition for the precise determination of the proper (anti-)BRST symmetry transformations for all the bosonic and fermionic dynamical variables of our theory which is considered on a (1, 2)-dimensional supermanifold parameterized by an even (bosonic) variable (\tau) and a pair of odd (fermionic) variables \theta and \bar\theta (with \theta^2 = \bar\theta^2 = 0,\; \theta \bar\theta + \bar\theta \theta = 0) of the Grassmann algebra. One of the most important features of our present investigation is the derivation of (anti-)BRST invariant Curci-Ferrari type restriction which turns out to be responsible for the absolute anticommutativity of the (anti-)BRST symmetry transformations and existence of the coupled (but equivalent) Lagrangians for the present theory of a supersymmetric system.Comment: LaTeX file, 24 pages, version to appear in EPJ

    Feasibility and advantages of continuous synthesis of bioinspired silica Using CO2 as an Acidifying Agent

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    In this work, we present a method for the continuous synthesis of bioinspired porous silica (BIS) particles using carbon dioxide (CO2) as an acidifying agent. Typical BIS synthesis uses strong mineral acids (e.g., HCl) to initiate the hydrolysis and subsequent condensation reactions. The use of strong acids leads to challenges in controlling the reaction pH. The synthesis approach proposed in this work offers for the first time CO2 as an attractive alternative for the synthesis of BIS and demonstrates the continuous process. The developed method leverages the mild acidic and the self-buffering nature of the CO2 combined with additional options for controlling mass transfer rates to facilitate enhanced control of pH, which is crucial for controlling the properties of synthesized BIS. Proof of concept experiments conducted in continuous mode demonstrated a yield of over 70% and a surface area exceeding 500 m2/g. These results indicate the successful synthesis of BIS using CO2 with properties in the desired range. The enhanced pH control offered by this CO2-based process will facilitate the implementation of a sustainable and robust continuous process for BIS synthesis

    Nucleon Spin-Polarisabilities from Polarisation Observables in Low-Energy Deuteron Compton Scattering

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    We investigate the dependence of polarisation observables in elastic deuteron Compton scattering below the pion production threshold on the spin-independent and spin-dependent iso-scalar dipole polarisabilities of the nucleon. The calculation uses Chiral Effective Field Theory with dynamical Delta(1232) degrees of freedom in the Small Scale Expansion at next-to-leading order. Resummation of the NN intermediate rescattering states and including the Delta induces sizeable effects. The analysis considers cross-sections and the analysing power of linearly polarised photons on an unpolarised target, and cross-section differences and asymmetries of linearly and circularly polarised beams on a vector-polarised deuteron. An intuitive argument helps one to identify kinematics in which one or several polarisabilities do not contribute. Some double-polarised observables are only sensitive to linear combinations of two of the spin-polarisabilities, simplifying a multipole-analysis of the data. Spin-polarisabilities can be extracted at photon energies \gtrsim 100 MeV, after measurements at lower energies of \lesssim 70 MeV provide high-accuracy determinations of the spin-independent ones. An interactive Mathematica 7.0 notebook of our findings is available from [email protected]: 30 pages LaTeX2e, including 22 figures as 66 .eps file embedded with includegraphicx; three errors in initial submission corrected. This submission includes ot the erratum to be published in EPJA (2012) and the corrections in the tex

    A gene expression atlas of embryonic neurogenesis in Drosophila reveals complex spatiotemporal regulation of lncRNAs

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    Cell type specification during early nervous system development in Drosophila melanogaster requires precise regulation of gene expression in time and space. Resolving the programs driving neurogenesis has been a major challenge owing to the complexity and rapidity with which distinct cell populations arise. To resolve the cell type-specific gene expression dynamics in early nervous system development, we have sequenced the transcriptomes of purified neurogenic cell types across consecutive time points covering crucial events in neurogenesis. The resulting gene expression atlas comprises a detailed resource of global transcriptome dynamics that permits systematic analysis of how cells in the nervous system acquire distinct fates. We resolve known gene expression dynamics and uncover novel expression signatures for hundreds of genes among diverse neurogenic cell types, most of which remain unstudied. We also identified a set of conserved long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) that are regulated in a tissue-specific manner and exhibit spatiotemporal expression during neurogenesis with exquisite specificity. lncRNA expression is highly dynamic and demarcates specific subpopulations within neurogenic cell types. Our spatiotemporal transcriptome atlas provides a comprehensive resource for investigating the function of coding genes and noncoding RNAs during crucial stages of early neurogenesis

    Variational Approximations in a Path-Integral Description of Potential Scattering

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    Using a recent path integral representation for the T-matrix in nonrelativistic potential scattering we investigate new variational approximations in this framework. By means of the Feynman-Jensen variational principle and the most general ansatz quadratic in the velocity variables -- over which one has to integrate functionally -- we obtain variational equations which contain classical elements (trajectories) as well as quantum-mechanical ones (wave spreading).We analyse these equations and solve them numerically by iteration, a procedure best suited at high energy. The first correction to the variational result arising from a cumulant expansion is also evaluated. Comparison is made with exact partial-wave results for scattering from a Gaussian potential and better agreement is found at large scattering angles where the standard eikonal-type approximations fail.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figures, 6 tables, Latex with amsmath, amssymb; v2: 28 pages, EPJ style, misprints corrected, note added about correct treatment of complex Gaussian integrals with the theory of "pencils", matches published versio

    A Case of Problematic Diffusion

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    Sex determination techniques have diffused rapidly in India, and are being used to detect female fetuses and subsequently to abort them. This technology has spread rapidly because it imparts knowledge that is of great value within the Indian context, and because it fits in neatly with the modernization dynamic within India, which itself has enmeshed with traditional patriarchal institutions to oppress Indian women. More research needs to be done on ways to stem the adoption of problematic innovations.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68396/2/10.1177_107554709401500301.pd
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