53 research outputs found


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    The present paper aims to investigate `the horizontal lift' of JJ satisfying J2JI=0J^2-J-I=0 and demonstrate its status as a type of golden structure. The Nijenhuis tensor NN^\ast of the horizontal lift JHJ^H on the tangent bundle is determined. Also, a tensor field J~\tilde{J} of type (1,1) is studied and shown to be golden structure on the tangent bundle. Furthermore, several conclusions regarding the Nijenhuis tensor and the Lie derivative of the golden structure J~\tilde{J} on the tangent bundle are deduced. Moreovber, a study is done on the golden structure J~\tilde{J} on the tangent bundle that is equipped with projection operators l~\tilde{l} and m~\tilde{m}. Finally, we construct an example of it

    Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG as an Effective Probiotic for Murine Giardiasis

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    The gut microflora is an important constituent in the intestinal mucosal barrier and has been introduced as the concept of probiotic therapy that beneficially affects the host by improving its intestinal microbial balance. Therefore, the main objective of the study was to explore the protective potential of various lactobacilli strains for murine giardiasis. By experimentation, it was found that the probiotic supplementation of either Lactobacillus casei, L. acidophilus, L. plantarum, or L. rhamnosus GG, 7 days prior to inoculation with G. lamblia trophozoites, reduced the rate of cyst excretion compared with Giardia-infected mice. Interestingly, L. GG was found to be the most effective probiotic in reducing the duration of giardia cycle and acts as an effective prophylactic probiotic for murine giardiasis but needs to be clinically correlated due to entirely different human microflora

    Knowledge, attitude, and practice study among healthcare workers, during COVID-19 pandemic in an aspiring district of Uttar Pradesh

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    Background: COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) declared pandemic by WHO on 30th January 2020. Till date there is no antiviral treatment or vaccine has been developed for COVID-19. Primary preventive measures include regular hand washing, social distancing and respiratory etiquettes are only proven methods till date.Methods: A type of questionnaire based cross sectional study was conducted among the healthcare workers (HCWs) of Maharaja Suheldev Autonomous State Medical College, Bahraich.Results: In this predominantly uneducated and socially backward area, majority of participants had knowledge about COVID-19 precautionary measures and most of them are confident of winning over the disease; 77.5% were confident of successfully controlling the disease, yet maximum healthcare workers took seriously the precautionary measures.Conclusions: Good COVID-19 knowledge is associated with optimistic attitudes and appropriate practices towards COVID-19, suggesting that health education programs aimed at improving COVID-19 knowledge are helpful for encouraging an optimistic attitude and maintaining safe practices

    Preparation and Characterization of Celecoxib Entrapped Guar Gum Nanoparticles Targeted for Oral Drug Delivery against Colon Cancer: An In-Vitro Study

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    The present study is an attempt to synthesize nanosized guar gum carriers encapsulating celecoxib as the chemopreventive agent for experimental colorectal cancer (CRC).  Guar gum nanoparticles without celecoxib (eGGNPs) and celecoxib loaded guar gum nanoparticles (cGGNPs) were prepared by oil-in-water emulsification and in situ polymer crosslinking method. Electron microscopy, zeta potential and fourier transform infrared spectra analysis was used to affirm the size, stability and morphology of the nanoparticles. In-vitro drug release was investigated using dialysis method. Further, the effect of nanoparticles (eGGNPs & cGGNPs) was evaluated on Caco 2 colon cancer cell lines. Spherical guar gum nanoparticles were obtained in the size range of 200±6nm with zeta potential of -32.1mV indicating good stability of the GGNPs with drug loading of 30±3.2%, and drug release following zero order kinetics. The eGGNPs had no effect on Caco2 cell viability whereas the cGGNPs showed time and concentration dependent growth inhibition of Caco 2 cells. These findings suggest the successful preparation of chemopreventive nanoparticles that can be targeted as the prophylactic agent for experimental colorectal cancer. Keywords: nanoparticles, guar gum, celecoxib, colorectal cancer, release kinetics, cytotoxicit

    Interaction of artesunate with β-cyclodextrin: Characterization, thermodynamic parameters, molecular modeling, effect of PEG on complexation and antimalarial activity

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    AbstractInclusion of artesunate in the cavity of β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) as well as its methyl and hydroxypropyl derivatives was investigated experimentally and by molecular modeling studies. The effect of PEG on the inclusion was also studied. A 1:1 stoichiometry was indicated by phase-solubility studies both in the presence and absence of PEG and suggested by the mass spectrometry. The mode of inclusion was supported by 2D NMR and results were further verified by docking studies utilizing Fast Rigid Exhaustive Docking acronym. The thermodynamic parameters were determined for both binary and ternary systems using solution calorimetry and were found to be best for the methyl-β-cyclodextrin (Me-β-CD) system. However, the presence of PEG improves the complexation ability as evident from elevation in the numerical value of the stability constant (K). Solubility and dissolution profile of binary complex is enhanced in the presence of PEG, which is approximately at par with drug Me-β-CD complexes. In vivo studies showed 100% survivability in artesunate–Me-β-CD complexes

    Role of Moringa oleifera in regulation of diabetes-induced oxidative stress

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    AbstractObjectiveTo evaluate the antioxidant activity of aqueous extract ofMoringa oleifera (M. oleifera) young leaves by in vivo as well as in vitro assays.MethodsIn vitro study included estimation of total phenolic, total flavonol, total flavonoid and total antioxidant power (FRAP assay). In addition, in vivo study was done with the identified most effective dose of 200 mg/kg of its lyophilized powder on normal and diabetic rats. Its effect on different oxidative free radical scavenging enzymes,viz, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), lipid peroxide (LPO) contents were measured.ResultsSignificant increase in activities of SOD, CAT, GST while, a decrease in LPO content was observed. Whereas, total phenolic, flavonoid and flavonol contents in the extract were found to be 120 mg/g of GAE, 40.5 mg/g of QE and 12.12 mg/g of QE, respectively. On the other hand, FRAP assay results ofM. oleifera leaves was (85.00±5.00)μM/g of extract powder.ConclusionsThe significant antioxidant activities ofM. oleifera leaves from both in vivo as well as in vitro studies suggests that the regular intake of its leaves through diet can protect normal as well as diabetic patients against oxidative damage

    Noisomes: as novel vesicular drug delivery system

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    Target-specific drug-delivery systems for the administration of pharmaceutical compounds enable the localization of drugs to target sites within the body.  The basic component of drug delivery systems is an appropriate carrier that protects the drug from rapid degradation or clearance and thereby enhances drug concentration in target tissues. Niosome are microscopic non-ionic surfactant bilayer vesicles obtained on hydration of synthetic nonionic surfactants, with or without incorporation of cholesterol or their lipids. The amphiphilic nature of niosomes promotes their efficiency in encapsulating lipophilic or hydrophilic drugs.  Noisome are promising vehicle for drug delivery and being non-ionic, more stable, inexpensive, biodegradable, biocompatible, non immunogenic and exhibit flexibility in their structural characterization. Various additives in niosomes include nonionic surfactant as film forming agent, cholesterol as stabilizing and rigidizing agent for the bilayer and various charge inducers which develop a charge on the surface of niosomes and stabilize the prepared formulation by the resulting repulsive forces. Niosomes have been widely evaluated for controlled release and targeted delivery for the treatment of cancer, viral infections, microbial diseases, psoriasis, leishmaniasis, migraine, parkinson and other diseases. Niosomes can prolong the circulation of the entrapped drug in body. Encapsulation of drug in vesicular system can be predicted to prolong the existence of drug in the systemic circulation and enhance penetration into target tissue, perhaps reduce toxicity if selective uptake can be achieved. In addition to conventional, oral and parenteral routes, they are amenable to be delivered by ocular, transdermal, vaginal and inhalation routes. Delivery of biotechnological products including vaccine delivery with niosomes is also an interesting and promising research area. More concerted research efforts, however, are still required to realize the full potential of these novel systems. This review article focuses on the concept of niosomes, advantages and disadvantages, composition, method of preparation, separation of unentrapped drug, factors influencing the niosomal formulation and characterization, marketed formulations of niosomes and also gives up to date information regarding recent applications of niosomes in drug delivery. Keyword:  Drug-delivery system, Niosomes,&nbsp

    Metabiotics: One Step Ahead Of Probiotics; An Insight Into Mechanisms Involved In Anticancerous Effect In Colorectal Cancer

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    Colorectal cancer is closely associated with environment, diet and lifestyle. Normally it is treated with surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy but increasing systemic toxicity, resistance and recurrence is prompting scientists to devise new potent and safer alternate prophylactic or therapeutic strategies. Among these, probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics and metabiotics are being considered as the promising candidates. Metabiotics or probiotic derived factors can optimize various physiological functions of the host and offer an additional advantage to be utilized even in immunosuppressed individuals. Interestingly, anti colon cancer potential of probiotic strains has been attributable to metabiotics that have epigenetic, antimutagenic, immunomodulatory, apoptotic and antimetastatic effects. Thus, it’s time to move one step further to utilize metabiotics more smartly by avoiding the risks associated with probiotics even in certain normal / or immuno compromised host. Here an attempt is made to provide insight into the adverse effects associated with probiotics and beneficial aspects of metabiotics with main emphasis on the modulatory mechanisms involved in colon cancer

    Pattern of quantitative inheritance of yield and component traits in opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.)

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    Generation mean analysis of cross NB-5x58/1 and its reciprocal cross was carried out to understand the nature of gene action in opium poppy. The significance of A, B, C and D scaling tests indicated presence of non-allelic interaction in the inheritance of traits except capsule size and husk yield/plant for reciprocal cross. Additive as well as dominance components of gene action were found in both the crosses. Most of the traits had greater non fixable dominance ‘h’ and dominance x dominance effects ‘l’ than fixable additive (d) and additive x additive effects (i) except leaves/plant, branches/plant, capsules/plant, stem diameter, capsule weight/plant, husk yield/plant, opium yield/plant, codeine and narcotine content which showed greater importance of additive (d) and additive x additive effects (i) effects. Inter-mating of the best parents, diallel selective mating or biparental mating in early segregating generations followed by recurrent selections were suggested for genetic improvement of opium poppy