27 research outputs found

    Dieth­yl[N-(3-meth­oxy-2-oxidobenzyl­idene)-N′-(oxidomethyl­ene)hydrazine-κ3 O,N,O′]tin(IV)

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    In the mol­ecule of the title compound, [Sn(C2H5)2(C9H8N2O3)], the Sn atom is five-coordinated in a distorted trigonal-bipyramidal configuration by two O and one N atoms of the tridentate Schiff base ligand in the equatorial plane, and by two C atoms of ethyl groups in the axial positions. In the crystal structure, inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into centrosymmetric dimers

    (2,2′-Bipyridine-κ2 N,N′){[(3-meth­oxy-2-oxidobenzyl­idene-κO 2)hydrazono]methano­lato-κ2 N 2,O}dimethyl­tin(IV)

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    In the crystal structure of the title compound, [Sn(CH3)2(C9H8N2O3)(C10H8N2)], the Sn atom exhibits a penta­gonal bipyramidal coordination geometry defined by two C, three N and two O atoms. The bond distances for Sn—C, Sn—N and Sn—O are in the ranges 2.097 (3)–2.098 (3), 2.298 (2)–2.623 (2) and 2.157 (2)–2.266 (2) Å, respectively. The mol­ecular structure of the monomeric compound is stabilized by three intra­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, all involving bipyridine C—H groups

    N-formyl-N '-(2-oxidobenzylidene) hydrazine-kappa(3) O, N, O '] diphenyltin(IV)

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    The title compound, [Sn(C6H5)(2)(C8H6N2O2)], features a five-coordinate C2NO2 coordination geometry for Sn that is intermediate between trigonal-bipyramidal and square-pyramidal


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    The crystal packing of the essentially planar molecules of the title compound, C14H10F3NO2, is stabilized by O - (HO)-O-... hydrogen bonds and possible C - (HO)-O-... and C - (HF)-F-... interactions


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    In the solid state, the title compound, C14H13NO2, crystallizes as a zwitterion. Two molecules comprise the asymmetric unit. The molecules exhibit two types of hydrogen bonds: N-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds involving hydroxy and imine groups generate an S(6) ring motif, and O-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds linking two symmetry-related molecules form a centrosymmetric dimer

    Improved Efficiency of Object Code Verification Using Statically Abstracted Object Code

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    One of the major challenges in the formal verification of embedded system software is the complexity and substantially large size of the implementation. The problem becomes crucial when the embedded system is a complex medical device that is executing convoluted algorithms. In refinement-based verification, both specification and implementation are expressed as transition systems. Each behavior of the implementation transition system is matched to the specification transition system with the help of a refinement map. The refinement map can only project those values from the implementation which are responsible for labeling the current state of the system. When the refinement map is applied at the object code level, numerous instructions map to a single state in the specification transition system called stuttering instructions. We use the concept of Static Stuttering Abstraction (SSA) that filters the common multiple segments of stuttering instructions and replaces each segment with a merger. SSA algorithm reduces the implementation state space in embedded software, subsequently decreasing the efforts involved in manual verification with WEB refinement. The algorithm is formally proven for correctness. SSA is implemented on the pacemaker object code to evaluate the effectiveness of abstracted code in verification process. The results helped to establish the fact that, despite code size reduction, the bugs and errors can still be found. We implemented the SSA technique on two different platforms and it has been proven to be consistent in decreasing the code size significantly and hence the complexity of the implementation transition system. The results illustrate that there is considerable reduction in time and effort required for the verification of a complex software control, i.e., pacemaker when statically stuttering abstracted code is employed

    Balanced Energy-Aware and Fault-Tolerant Data Center Scheduling

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    Fault tolerance, performance, and throughput have been major areas of research and development since the evolution of large-scale networks. Internet-based applications are rapidly growing, including large-scale computations, search engines, high-definition video streaming, e-commerce, and video on demand. In recent years, energy efficiency and fault tolerance have gained significant importance in data center networks and various studies directed the attention towards green computing. Data centers consume a huge amount of energy and various architectures and techniques have been proposed to improve the energy efficiency of data centers. However, there is a tradeoff between energy efficiency and fault tolerance. The objective of this study is to highlight a better tradeoff between the two extremes: (a) high energy efficiency and (b) ensuring high availability through fault tolerance and redundancy. The main objective of the proposed Energy-Aware Fault-Tolerant (EAFT) approach is to keep one level of redundancy for fault tolerance while scheduling resources for energy efficiency. The resultant energy-efficient data center network provides availability as well as fault tolerance at reduced operating cost. The main contributions of this article are: (a) we propose an Energy-Aware Fault-Tolerant (EAFT) data center network scheduler; (b) we compare EAFT with energy efficient resource scheduling techniques to provide analysis of parameters such as, workload distribution, average task per servers, and energy consumption; and (c) we highlight effects of energy efficiency techniques on the network performance of the data center