174 research outputs found

    Electronic structure of americium sesquioxide probed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering

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    The Am 5d5d-5f5f resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) data of americium sesquioxide were measured at incident photon energies throughout the Am O4,5O_{4,5} edges. The experiment was supported by calculations using several model approaches. While the experimental Am O4,5O_{4,5} x-ray absorption spectrum of Am2_2O3_3 is compared with the spectra calculated in the framework of atomic multiplet and crystal-field multiplet theories and Anderson impurity model (AIM) for the Am(III) system, the recorded Am 5d5d-5f5f RIXS data are essentially reproduced by the crystal-field multiplet calculations. A combination of the experimental scattering geometry and theoretical analysis of the character of the electronic states probed during the RIXS process confirms that the ground state of Am2_2O3_3 is singlet Γ1\Gamma_1. An appearance of the low-intense charge-transfer satellite in the Am 5d5d-5f5f RIXS spectra at an energy loss of ∼\sim5.5 eV, suggests weak Am 5f5f-O 2p2p hybridization which is in agreement with AIM estimations of the 5f5f occupancy from spectroscopic data in Am2_2O3_3 as being 6.05 electrons

    Understanding the Subsurface Reactive Transport of Transuranic Contaminants at DOE Sites

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    Our primary hypothesis is that actinides can interact with surfaces in fundamentally different ways than other metals, metalloids, and oxyanions and that this fundamental difference requires new approaches to studying and modeling transuranic sorption to minerals and geomedia. This project supports a key mission of the SBR program to develop sufficient scientific understanding such that DOE sites will be able to incorporate coupled physical, chemical, and biological processes into decision making for environmental management and long-term stewardship, while also supporting DOE’s commitment to education, training, and collaboration with DOE user facilities

    Resonant Photoemission in f-Electron Systems: Pu and Gd

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    Resonant photoemission in the Pu 5f and Pu 6p states is compared to that in the Gd 4f and Gd 5p states. Spectral simulations, based upon an atomic model with angular momentum coupling, are compared to the Gd and Pu results. Additional spectroscopic measurements of Pu, including core level photoemission and x-ray absorption, are also presented

    Performance Characteristics of Beamline 6.3.1 from 200 eV to 2000 eV at the Advanced Light Source

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    Bend magnet beamline 6.3.1 at the Advanced Light Source operates from 200 eV to 2000 eV, primarily used for x-ray absorption fine structure investigations. The beamline optics consist of a compact, entrance-slitless, Hettrick-Underwood type variable-line-spacing plane-grating monochromator and refocusing mirrors to provide a 25 μm × 500 μm spot at the focal point in the reflectometer end station. Wavelength is scanned by the simple rotation of the grating and illuminates a fixed exit slit. The LabView based beamline control and data acquisition computer code has been implemented to provide a convenient interface to the user. The dedicated end station is a reflectometer that is isolated from the beamline by a differential ion pump. The reflectometer can position samples to within 4 μm with an angular position of 0.002°, has total electron and fluorescence yield detectors, and pumps down in about 30 minutes. External end stations can be mounted downstream of the reflectometer as well. The versatility and simplicity of beamline 6.3.1 have made it useful for a wide range of applications such as the characterization of optical components, reflective coatings, and the investigation of a diverse range of materials in both the solid state and in solution
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