9 research outputs found

    Dependence of the ionospheric convection pattern on the conductivity and the southward IMF

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1993Electric field measurements from the DE-2 satellite were used to determine the location of the convection reversal boundary and the potential around this boundary under a combination of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and auroral electrojet conditions. The electric potential is obtained by the integration of the electric fields. The convection reversal boundary is defined in this study as where the potential has its absolute maximum and minimum values. The data were sorted into 18 categories according to two levels of the negative IMF B\sb{z}, three ranges of IMF B\sb{y}, and two substorm phases. The data were fit with both continuous and discontinuous boundaries to get a functional representation of boundary potentials and locations. A simple model is constructed by solving the Laplace's equation in order to illustrate the obtained boundary potentials and locations. The results show that the enhanced electric field in the midnight sector is associated with an intense westward electrojet current. It can also be seen that the convection reversal boundary is found to be discontinuous near midnight. The discontinuous convection reversal boundary on the dayside is related to the merging near dayside cusp region. The discontinuous convection reversal boundary on the nightside is related to the conductivity enhancement. The intrusion of the dawn cell into the dusk cell is due to nonuniformity of the Hall conductivity in the ionosphere. Another model is constructed by solving the current continuity equation with field-aligned current and nonuniform conductivity added. It can be found that a secondary convection reversal, which is detached from the dusk-cell convection reversal, appears in the evening-midnight sector within the polar cap when the IMF B\sb{y} is positive and the conductivity is nonuniform. This convection reversal is attributed to be created by the B ×\times V dynamo. Also, the inclusion of the region 2 field-aligned current leads to an enhancement of the electric field in the region between the region 1 and region 2 currents

    Regression-based Physics Informed Neural Networks (Reg-PINNs) for Magnetopause Tracking

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    The ultimate goal of studying the magnetopause position is to accurately determine its location. Both traditional empirical computation methods and the currently popular machine learning approaches have shown promising results. In this study, we propose a Regression-based Physics-Informed Neural Networks (Reg-PINNs) that combines physics-based numerical computation with vanilla machine learning. This new generation of Physics Informed Neural Networks overcomes the limitations of previous methods restricted to solving ordinary and partial differential equations by incorporating conventional empirical models to aid the convergence and enhance the generalization capability of the neural network. Compared to Shue et al. [1998], our model achieves a reduction of approximately 30% in root mean square error. The methodology presented in this study is not only applicable to space research but can also be referenced in studies across various fields, particularly those involving empirical models.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, 2 table

    Automatic Emergency Dust-Free solution on-board International Space Station with Bi-GRU (AED-ISS)

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    With a rising attention for the issue of PM2.5 or PM0.3, particulate matters have become not only a potential threat to both the environment and human, but also a harming existence to instruments onboard International Space Station (ISS). Our team is aiming to relate various concentration of particulate matters to magnetic fields, humidity, acceleration, temperature, pressure and CO2 concentration. Our goal is to establish an early warning system (EWS), which is able to forecast the levels of particulate matters and provides ample reaction time for astronauts to protect their instruments in some experiments or increase the accuracy of the measurements; In addition, the constructed model can be further developed into a prototype of a remote-sensing smoke alarm for applications related to fires. In this article, we will implement the Bi-GRU (Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit) algorithms that collect data for past 90 minutes and predict the levels of particulates which over 2.5 micrometer per 0.1 liter for the next 1 minute, which is classified as an early warningComment: 11 pages, 5 figures, and 1 tabl

    Strong ionospheric field‐aligned currents for radial interplanetary magnetic fields

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    The present work has investigated the configuration of field‐aligned currents (FACs) during a long period of radial interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) on 19 May 2002 by using high‐resolution and precise vector magnetic field measurements of CHAMP satellite. During the interest period IMF B y and B z are weakly positive and B x keeps pointing to the Earth for almost 10 h. The geomagnetic indices D s t is about −40 nT and AE about 100 nT on average. The cross polar cap potential calculated from Assimilative Mapping of Ionospheric Electrodynamics and derived from DMSP observations have average values of 10–20 kV. Obvious hemispheric differences are shown in the configurations of FACs on the dayside and nightside. At the south pole FACs diminish in intensity to magnitudes of about 0.1 μA/m 2 , the plasma convection maintains two‐cell flow pattern, and the thermospheric density is quite low. However, there are obvious activities in the northern cusp region. One pair of FACs with a downward leg toward the pole and upward leg on the equatorward side emerge in the northern cusp region, exhibiting opposite polarity to FACs typical for duskward IMF orientation. An obvious sunward plasma flow channel persists during the whole period. These ionospheric features might be manifestations of an efficient magnetic reconnection process occurring in the northern magnetospheric flanks at high latitude. The enhanced ionospheric current systems might deposit large amount of Joule heating into the thermosphere. The air densities in the cusp region get enhanced and subsequently propagate equatorward on the dayside. Although geomagnetic indices during the radial IMF indicate low‐level activity, the present study demonstrates that there are prevailing energy inputs from the magnetosphere to both the ionosphere and thermosphere in the northern polar cusp region. Key Points A pair of strong FACs emerges with opposite polarity to DPY FACs Obvious sunward plasma flow channel persists during the period Enhanced air densities are found in the cusp regionPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/107563/1/jgra51028.pd

    Statistical features of polar cap North and South indices in response to interplanetary and terrestrial conditions : a revisit

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    In this study, we investigate statistical features of polar cap north (PCN) and south (PCS) indices in response to various interplanetary conditions (interplanetary magnetic field [IMF] orientation in three-dimensions) and terrestrial conditions (seasonal and magnetic local time [MLT] locations of the index stations). The concurrent PCN-PCS pairs for 1998–2002 and 2004–2018 are divided based on their sign type (positive-positive, negative-negative, negative-positive, and positive-negative PCN-PCS pairs) and time coverage (the times when both index stations are in the dawn/dusk MLT sector during northern summer/winter). Analyzing the IMF orientation dependence on the occurrence probabilities of concurrent indices and on the differences between the indices in various sign types for each time coverage reveals that the statistical features in PCN-PCS pairs obtained in the dawn MLT sector can be largely explained by the effects of the three-component IMF (related to the polar cap convection patterns) combined with season (related to the hemispheric asymmetry in solar illumination-induced ionospheric conductance). However, those obtained in the dusk MLT sector are controlled dominantly by seasonal effects rather than IMF orientation effects. Our findings indicate that PCN-PCS pair data provide local views about the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere (SW-M-I) coupling system with different control efficiencies of IMF orientation and season depending on the MLT location of the stations. Therefore, introducing polar cap indices recorded simultaneously at various locations in both hemispheres and analyzing them are strongly required to infer global views of the coupled SW-M-I system in the open field regions with higher confidence

    Transpolar arcs during a prolonged radial interplanetary magnetic field interval

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    Abstract Transpolar arcs (TPAs) are believed to predominantly occur under northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions with their hemispheric asymmetry controlled by the Sun-Earth (radial) component of the IMF. In this study, we present observations of TPAs that appear in both the northern and southern hemispheres even during a prolonged interval of radially oriented IMF. The Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F16 and the Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) satellites observed TPAs on the dawnside polar cap in both hemispheres (one TPA structure in the southern hemisphere and two in the northern hemisphere) during an interval of nearly earthward-oriented IMF on October 29, 2005. The southern hemisphere TPA and one of the northern hemisphere TPAs are associated with electron and ion precipitation and mostly sunward plasma flow (with shears) relative to their surroundings. Meanwhile, the other TPA in the northern hemisphere is associated with an electron-only precipitation and antisunward flow relative to its surroundings. Our observations indicate the following: (a) the TPA formation is not limited to northward IMF conditions; (b) the TPAs can be located on both closed field lines rooted in the polar cap of both hemispheres and open field lines connected to the northward field lines draped over one hemisphere of the magnetopause. We believe that the TPAs presented here are the result of both indirect and direct processes of solar wind energy transfer to the high-latitude ionosphere