1 research outputs found

    Fast and accurate trajectory tracking control of an autonomous surface vehicle with unmodeled dynamics and disturbances

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    In this paper, fast and accurate trajectory tracking control of an autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) with complex unknowns including unmodeled dynamics, uncertainties and/or unknown disturbances is addressed within a proposed homogeneity-based finite-time control (HFC) framework. Major contributions are as follows: (1) In the absence of external disturbances, a nominal HFC framework is established to achieve exact trajectory tracking control of an ASV, whereby global finitetime stability is ensured by combining homogeneous analysis and Lyapunov approach; (2) Within the HFC scheme, a finite-time disturbance observer (FDO) is further nested to rapidly and accurately reject complex disturbances, and thereby contributing to an FDO-based HFC (FDO-HFC) scheme which can realize exactness of trajectory tracking and disturbance observation; (3) Aiming to exactly deal with complicated unknowns including unmodeled dynamics and/or disturbances, a finite-time unknown observer (FUO) is deployed as a patch for the nominal HFC framework, and eventually results in an FUO-based HFC (FUOHFC) scheme which guarantees that accurate trajectory tracking can be achieved for an ASV under harsh environments. Simulation studies and comprehensive comparisons conducted on a benchmark ship demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed HFC schemes