29 research outputs found

    Scaling up improved inpatient treatment of evere Malnutrition: Key Factors and Experiences From South Africa, Bolivia, Malawi, and Ghana"

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    Severe acute malnutrition (SAM) can have high mortality, especially in very ill children treated in the hospital. Many medical and nursing schools do not adequately, if at all, teach how to manage children with SAM. There is a dearth of experienced practitioners and trainers to serve as exemplars of good practice or participate in capacity development. We consider 4 country studies of scaling up implementation of WHO guidelines for improving the inpatient management of SAM within underresourced public sector health services in South Africa, Bolivia, Malawi, and Ghana. Drawing on implementation reports, qualitative and quantitative data from our research, prospective and retrospective data collection, self-reflection, and our shared experiences, we review our capacity-building approaches for improving quality of care, implementation effectiveness, and lessons learned. These country studies provide important evidence that improved inpatient management of SAM is scalable in routine health services and scalability is achievable within different contexts and health systems. Effectiveness in reducing inpatient SAM deaths appears to be retained at scale. The country studies show evidence of impact on mortality early in the implementation and scaling-up process. However, it took many years to build workforce capacity, establish monitoring and mentoring procedures, and institutionalize the guidelines within health systems. Key features for success included collaborations to build capacity and undertake operational research and advocacy for guideline adoption; specialist teams to mentor and build confidence and competency through supportive supervision; and political commitment and administrative policies for sustainability. For frontline staff to be confident in their ability to deliver appropriate care competently, an enabling environment and supportive policies and processes are needed at all levels of the health system

    A landscape analysis of preterm birth in South Africa : systemic gaps and solutions

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    Lack of accurate nationally representative preterm birth estimates limit our epidemiological understanding of this syndrome and the extent to which health services can respond appropriately.http://www.journals.co.za/content/journal/healthrPaediatrics and Child Healt

    The whole is more than the sum of the parts: establishing an enabling health system environment for reducing acute child malnutrition in a rural South African district

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    There is a gap in understanding of how national commitments to child nutrition are translated into sub-national implementation. This article is a mixed methods case study of a rural South African health district which achieved accelerated declines in morbidity and mortality from severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in young children, following a district health system strengthening (HSS) initiative centred on real-Time death reporting, analysis and response. Drawing on routine audit data, the declining trends in under-five admissions and in-hospital mortality for SAM over a 5-year period are presented, comparing the district with two others in the same province. Adapting Gillespie et al.'s typology of 'enabling environments' for Maternal and Child Nutrition, and based on 41 in-depth interviews and a follow-up workshop, the article then presents an analysis of how an enabling local health system environment for maternal-child health was established, creating the conditions for achievement of the SAM outcomes. Embedded in supportive policy and processes at national and provincial levels, the district HSS interventions and the manner in which they were implemented produced three kinds of system-level change: knowledge and use of evidence by providers and managers ('ways of thinking'), leadership, participation and coordination ('ways of governing') and inputs and capacity ('ways of resourcing'). These processes mainstreamed responsibility, deepened accountability and triggered new service delivery and organizational practices and mindsets. The article concludes that it is possible to foster enabling district environments for the prevention and management of acute malnutrition, emphasizing the multilevel and simultaneous nature of system actions, where action on system 'software' complements the 'hardware' of HSS interventions, and where the whole is more than the sum of the parts

    If you work alone on this project, you can't reach your target : unpacking the leader's role in well-performing teams in a maternal and neonatal quality improvement programme in South Africa, before and during COVID-19

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    AVAILABILITY OF DATA AND MATERIALS : All the transcriptions and analysed data can be obtained, on reasonable request, from the corresponding author.SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION : ADDITIONAL FILE 1: Socio-economic and health indicators of participating districts. ADDITIONAL FILE 2. QI advisor and Team leader interview schedules. ADDITIONAL FILE 3: Evidence used to rate team performance.The South African National Department of Health developed a quality improvement (QI) programme to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality and still births. The programme was implemented between 2018 and 2022 in 21 purposively selected public health facilities. We conducted a process evaluation to describe the characteristics and skills of the QI team leaders of well-performing teams. The evaluation was conducted in 15 of the 21 facilities. Facilities were purposively selected and comprised semi-structured interviews with leaders at three time points; reviewing of QI documentation; and 37 intermittently conducted semi-structured interviews with the QI advisors, being QI technical experts who supported the teams. These interviews focused on participants’ experiences and perceptions of how the teams performed, and performance barriers and enablers. Thematic data analysis was conducted using Atlas.ti. Variation in team performance was associated with leaders’ attributes and skills. However, the COVID-19 pandemic also affected team functioning. Well-performing teams had leaders who effectively navigated COVID-19 and other challenges, who embraced QI and had sound QI skills. These leaders cultivated trust by taking responsibility for failures, correcting members’ mistakes in encouraging ways, and setting high standards of care. Moreover, they promoted programme ownership among members by delegating tasks. Given the critical role leaders play in team performance and thus in the outcomes of QI programmes, efforts should focus on leader selection, training, and support.ELMA Philanthropies and the South African Medical Research Council.https://bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.comam2024Paediatrics and Child HealthSDG-03:Good heatlh and well-bein

    Compliance with referrals for non-acute child health conditions: evidence from the longitudinal ASENZE study in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

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    Background: Caregiver compliance with referrals for child health services is essential to child health outcomes. Many studies in sub-Saharan Africa have examined compliance patterns for children referred for acute, life-threatening conditions but few for children referred for non-acute conditions. The aims of this analysis were to determine the rate of referral compliance and investigate factors associated with referral compliance in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. Methods: From September 2008–2010, a door-to-door household survey was conducted to identify children aged 4–6 years in outer-west eThekwini District, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Of 2,049 identified, informed consent was obtained for 1787 (89%) children who were then invited for baseline assessments. 1581 children received standardized medical and developmental assessments at the study facility (Phase 1). Children with anemia, suspected disorders of vision, hearing, behavior and/or development and positive HIV testing were referred to local health facilities. Caregiver-reported compliance with referrals was assessed 18–24 months later (Phase 2). Relationships between socio-demographic factors and referral compliance were evaluated using chi-square tests. Results: Of 1581 children, 516 received referrals for ≥1 non-acute conditions. At the time of analysis, 68% (1078 /1581) returned for Phase 2. Analysis was limited to children assessed in Phase 2 who received a referral in Phase 1 (n = 303). Common referral reasons were suspected disorders of hearing/middle ear (22%), visual acuity (12%) and anemia (14%). Additionally, children testing positive for HIV (6.6%) were also referred. Of 303 children referred, only 45% completed referrals. Referral compliance was low for suspected disorders of vision, hearing and development. Referral compliance was significantly lower for children with younger caregivers, those living in households with low educational attainment and for those with unstable caregiving. Conclusions: Compliance with referrals for children with non-acute conditions is low within this population and appears to be influenced by caregiver age, household education level and stability of caregiving. Lack of treatment for hearing, vision and developmental problems can contribute to long-term cognitive difficulties. Further research is underway by this group to examine caregiver knowledge and attitudes about referral conditions and health system characteristics as potential determinants of referral compliance

    From purists to pragmatists : a qualitative evaluation of how implementation processes and contexts shaped the uptake and methodological adaptations of a maternal and neonatal quality improvement programme in South Africa prior to, and during COVID-19

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : All the transcriptions and analysed data can be obtained, on reasonable request, from the corresponding author.BACKGROUND : Despite progress, maternal and neonatal mortality and still births remain high in South Africa. The South African National Department of Health implemented a quality improvement (QI) programme, called Mphatlalatsane, to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality and still births. It was implemented in 21 public health facilities, seven per participating province, between 2018 and 2022. METHODS : We conducted a qualitative process evaluation of the contextual and implementation process factors’ influence on implementation uptake amongst the QI teams in 15 purposively selected facilities. Data collection included three interview rounds with the leaders and members of the QI teams in each facility; intermittent interviews with the QI advisors; programme documentation review; observation of programme management meetings; and keeping a fieldwork journal. All data were thematically analysed in Atlas.ti. Implementation uptake varied across the three provinces and between facilities within provinces. RESULTS : Between March and August 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted uptake in all provinces but affected QI teams in one province more severely than others, because they received limited pre-pandemic training. Better uptake among other sites was attributed to receiving more QI training pre-COVID-19, having an experienced QI advisor, and good teamwork. Uptake was more challenging amongst hospital teams which had more staff and more complicated MNH services, versus the primary healthcare facilities. We also attributed better uptake to greater district management support. A key factor shaping uptake was leaders’ intrinsic motivation to apply QI methodology. We found that, across sites, organic adaptations to the QI methodology were made by teams, started during COVID-19. Teams did away with rapid testing of change ideas and keeping a paper trail of the steps followed. Though still using data to identify service problems, they used self-developed audit tools to record intervention effectiveness, and not the prescribed tools. CONCLUSIONS : Our study underscores the critical role of intrinsic motivation of team leaders, support from experienced technical QI advisors, and context-sensitive adaptations to maximise QI uptake when traditionally recognised QI steps cannot be followed.ELMA Philanthropies and the South African Medical Research Council.https://bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.comam2024Paediatrics and Child HealthSDG-03:Good heatlh and well-bein

    Early reflections on Mphatlalatsane, a maternal and neonatal quality improvement initiative implemented during COVID-19 in South Africa

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    Despite global progress in reducing maternal and neonatal mortality and stillbirths, much work remains to be done to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Reports indicate that coronavirus disease (COVID-19) disrupts the provision and uptake of routine maternal and neonatal health care (MNH) services and negatively impacts cumulative pre-COVID-19 achievements. We describe a multipartnered MNH quality improvement (QI) initiative called Mphatlalatsane, which was implemented in South Africa before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The initiative aimed to reduce the maternal mortality ratio, neonatal mortality rate, and stillbirth rate by 50% between 2018 and 2022. The multifaceted design comprises QI and other intervention activities across micro-, meso-, and macrolevels, and its area-based approach facilitates patients’ access to MNH services. The initiative commenced 6 months pre-COVID-19, with subsequent adaptation necessitated by COVID-19. The initial focus on a plan-dostudy- act QI model shifted toward meeting the immediate needs of health care workers (HCWs), the health system, and health care managers arising from COVID-19. Examples include providing emotional support to staff and streamlining supply chain management for infection control and personal protection materials. As these needs were addressed, Mphatlalatsane gradually refocused HCWs’ and managers’ attention to recognize the disruptions caused by COVID-19 to routine MNH services. This gradual reprioritization included the development of a risk matrix to help staff and managers identify specific risks to service provision and uptake and develop mitigating measures. Through this approach, Mphatlalatsane led to an optimization case using existing resources rather than requesting new resources to build an investment case, with a responsive design and implementation approach as the cornerstone of the initiative. Further, Mphatlalatsane demonstrates that agile and context-specific responses to crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic can mitigate such threats and maintain interventions to improve MNH services.Mphatlalatsane is funded by ELMA Philanthropies, an anonymous donor, and the South African Medical Research Council, with additional in-kind programmatic implementation funding by the South African National Department of Health.https://www.ghspjournal.orgam2023Obstetrics and GynaecologyPaediatrics and Child Healt

    Evolution of epidemiologic methods and concepts in selected textbooks of the 20th century

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    Summary: Textbooks are an expression of the state of development of a discipline at a given moment in time. By reviewing eight epidemiology textbooks published over the course of a century, we have attempted to trace the evolution of five epidemiologic concepts and methods: study design (cohort studies and case-control studies), confounding, bias, interaction and causal inference. Overall, these eight textbooks can be grouped into three generations. Greenwood (1935) and Hill (first edition 1937; version reviewed 1961)'s textbooks belong to the first generation, "early epidemiology”, which comprise early definitions of bias and confounding. The second generation, "classic epidemiology”, represented by the textbooks of Morris (first edition 1957; version reviewed 1964), MacMahon & Pugh (first edition 1960; version reviewed 1970), Susser (1973), and Lilienfeld & Lilienfeld (first edition 1976; version reviewed 1980), clarifies the properties of cohort and case-control study designs and the theory of disease causation. Miettinen (1985) and Rothman (1986)'s textbooks belong to a third generation, "modern epidemiology”, presenting an integrated perspective on study designs and their measures of outcome, as well as distinguishing and formalizing the concepts of confounding and interaction. Our review demonstrates that epidemiology, as a scientific discipline, is in constant evolution and transformation. It is likely that new methodological tools, able to assess the complexity of the causes of human health, will be proposed in future generations of textbook