2,801 research outputs found

    Density Dependence of Transport Coefficients from Holographic Hydrodynamics

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    We study the transport coefficients of Quark-Gluon-Plasma in finite temperature and finite baryon density. We use AdS/QCD of charged AdS black hole background with bulk-filling branes identifying the U(1) charge as the baryon number. We calculate the diffusion constant, the shear viscosity and the thermal conductivity to plot their density and temperature dependences. Hydrodynamic relations between those are shown to hold exactly. The diffusion constant and the shear viscosity are decreasing as a function of density for fixed total energy. For fixed temperature, the fluid becomes less diffusible and more viscous for larger baryon density.Comment: LaTeX, 1+33 pages, 6 figures, references adde

    Transition magnetic moment of Majorana neutrinos in the μν\mu\nuSSM

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    The nonzero vacuum expectative values of sneutrinos induce spontaneously R-parity and lepton number violation, and generate three tiny Majorana neutrino masses through the seesaw mechanism in the μν\mu\nuSSM, which is one of Supersymmetric extensions beyond Standard Model. Applying effective Lagrangian method, we study the transition magnetic moment of Majorana neutrinos in the model here. Under the constraints from neutrino oscillations, we consider the two possibilities on the neutrino mass spectrum with normal or inverted ordering.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in JHEP. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1305.4352, arXiv:1304.624

    Entropy function and higher derivative corrections to entropies in (anti-)de Sitter space

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    We first briefly discuss the relation between black hole thermodynamics and the entropy function formalism. We find that an equation which governs the relationship between Sen's entropy function and black hole entropy, can quickly give higher order corrections to entropy of pure (anti-) de Sitter space without knowing the corrected metric. We also show that near horizon geometry and the entropy function extremization is no longer required for pure (anti-)de Sitter space. The entropy of (anti-)de Sitter space and Schwarzschild-(anti-) de Sitter black holes together with Gauss-Bonnet terms, R2R^2 terms and R4R^4 terms are calculated as concrete examples.Comment: 24 pages, contents improved, typos corrected, references adde

    Faster-than-Clifford Simulations of Entanglement Purification Circuits and Their Full-stack Optimization

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    Quantum Entanglement is a fundamentally important resource in Quantum Information Science; however, generating it in practice is plagued by noise and decoherence, limiting its utility. Entanglement distillation and forward error correction are the tools we employ to combat this noise, but designing the best distillation and error correction circuits that function well, especially on today's imperfect hardware, is still challenging. Here, we develop a simulation algorithm for distillation circuits with gate-simulation complexity of O(1)\mathcal{O}(1) steps, providing for drastically faster modeling compared to O(n)\mathcal{O}(n) Clifford simulators or O(2n)\mathcal{O}(2^n) wavefunction simulators over nn qubits. This new simulator made it possible to not only model but also optimize practically interesting purification circuits. It enabled us to use a simple discrete optimization algorithm to design purification circuits from nn raw Bell pairs to kk purified pairs and study the use of these circuits in the teleportation of logical qubits in second-generation quantum repeaters. The resulting purification circuits are the best-known purification circuits for finite-size noisy hardware and can be fine-tuned for specific hardware error models. Furthermore, we design purification circuits that shape the correlations of errors in the purified pairs such that the performance of the error-correcting code used in teleportation or other higher-level protocols is greatly improved. Our approach of optimizing multiple layers of the networking stack, both the low-level entanglement purification, and the forward error correction on top of it, are shown to be indispensable for the design of high-performance second-generation quantum repeaters

    A sketch based system for infra-structure presentation

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