20 research outputs found

    High power coupler for the TESLA superstructure cavities

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    Published online on JACoWMore and more, accelerators are built with superconducting cavities operating at cryogenic temperatures, and the probability of a ceramic window failure presents increasing problems because of the resulting contamination of the cavities' surfaces and the resulting accelerating electric field degradation. Double ceramic window couplers are required to reduce this risk. The TESLA superstructure cavity requires a new coupler for the higher power input and the coupling characteristics. A cost effective design and fabrication method for these couplers has been developed to meet these demands. This new design presents an alternative to the present TESLA cylindrical ceramic windows, uses two planar disc windows separated by a vacuum space, and is optimized for RF input power, vacuum characteristics, and thermal properties. Two couplers with this design have been fabricated and are presently being tested at DESY, Germany on the RF high power testing stand and will also be tested on a test cryomodule. The design will be discussed in this paper

    Micorrizas arbusculares, poblaciones de microbios rizosféricos y actividades enzimáticas del suelo en huertos de cítricos bajo dos tipos de manejo de suelos sin labranza

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    The arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) status [total AM colonization (RLT), percentage of root length with arbuscules (RLA) and vesicles (RLV), spore density and hyphal length density], microbial populations and soil enzyme activities were investigated in citrus (Satsuma Mandarin grafted on Poncirus trifoliata L. Raf) orchards. Two types of no-tillage soil management, natural grass cover and use of herbicides, were employed in these orchards. The citrus AM colonization (37.26-70.09%) was high in all the experimental orchards sampled. The highest RLA (43.83%), spore density (384.63 spores/100 g soil), hyphal length density (4.09 m g–1 soil), rhizospheric microbial populations and enzyme activities were observed in the orchards with a natural grass cover, and the lowest values, except urease activity, were found in the orchards treated with herbicides. Spore density, hyphal length density, catalase activity and phosphatase activity varied notably between no-tillage/natural grass and no-tillage/herbicides treated orchards in the soil layers above 40 cm. A correlation analysis showed that the hyphal length density and organic matter were significantly positively correlated. Soil enzyme activities, except phosphatase, were strongly correlated with the bacteria populations. The data presented here demonstrates that the RLA, spore density, hyphal length density, rhizospheric microbe populations and enzyme activities were significantly better in the soil layers above 40 cm of orchards with a natural grass cover than herbicidetreated soils. So, the establishment of a natural grass cover benefits soil quality in citrus orchards in Southern China.Se investigó en huertos de mandarino Satsuma injertado sobre Poncirus trifoliata L. Raf el estado de las micorrizas arbusculares (AM) [colonización total de AM (RLT), % de longitud de la raíz con arbúsculos (RLA) y vesículas (RLV), densidad de esporas y de hifas], las poblaciones microbianas y las actividades enzimáticas del suelo. En estos huertos se emplea dos tipos de gestión del suelo sin labranza, uno mediante cubierta de césped natural y otro mediante uso de herbicidas. La colonización de AM en la raíz de los cítricos fue alta (37,26-70,09%) en todos los huertos muestreados. Se observó el mayor RLA (43,83%), densidad de esporas (384,63 esporas/100 g de suelo), densidad de longitud de hifas (4,09 m g–1 de suelo), poblaciones microbianas rizosféricas y actividades enzimáticas en los huertos con cubierta de césped natural. En las capas del suelo hasta los 40 cm, la densidad de las esporas y de las hifas, y la actividad de la catalasa y de la fosfatasa variaron notablemente entre los dos tratamientos. Un análisis de correlación mostró que la densidad de las hifas y la materia orgánica estaban significativamente correlacionadas. Las actividades enzimáticas del suelo, a excepción de la fosfatasa, estuvieron fuertemente correlacionadas con las poblaciones de bacterias. Por lo tanto, la no labranza y el establecimiento de una cobertura de césped beneficia la calidad del suelo en estos huertos de cítricos en el sur de China

    High power coupler for the TESLA superstructure cavities

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    Published online on JACoWMore and more, accelerators are built with superconducting cavities operating at cryogenic temperatures, and the probability of a ceramic window failure presents increasing problems because of the resulting contamination of the cavities' surfaces and the resulting accelerating electric field degradation. Double ceramic window couplers are required to reduce this risk. The TESLA superstructure cavity requires a new coupler for the higher power input and the coupling characteristics. A cost effective design and fabrication method for these couplers has been developed to meet these demands. This new design presents an alternative to the present TESLA cylindrical ceramic windows, uses two planar disc windows separated by a vacuum space, and is optimized for RF input power, vacuum characteristics, and thermal properties. Two couplers with this design have been fabricated and are presently being tested at DESY, Germany on the RF high power testing stand and will also be tested on a test cryomodule. The design will be discussed in this paper