337 research outputs found

    Theory into Practice: The KSU PDS Model

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    The 1983 publication of A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform (National Commission of Excellence in Education) “initiated the longest sustained period of attention to public education in the nation’s history and ignited a new wave of interest in teacher preparation.

    Table of contents and editorial information for Vol. 42, no. 1, Fall 2014

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    This content includes the table of contents, editorial information, public information and more for this special issue The Kansas State University Professional Development School Partnership


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    In her examination of Powerful Teacher Education (2006), Linda Darling-Hammond concludes that, “Clearly, a key to dramatically successful preparation of teachers is finding ever more effective ways of connecting the knowledge of the university with the knowledge of the school.

    Educational Considerations, vol. 42(1) Full Issue

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    Educational Considerations, vol. 42(1)-Fall 2014-Full issu

    The Development of the KSU PDS Model: 25 Years in the Making

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    Educational improvement demands continuous change, but change is not always productive. Reflecting on the past and vision setting for the future helps chart a course for a more productive change process. Historians urge learning from history to guide future actions

    Low intensity vibration mitigates tumor progression and protects bone quantity and quality in a murine model of myeloma

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    Myeloma facilitates destruction of bone and marrow. Since physical activity encourages musculoskeletal preservation we evaluated whether low-intensity vibrations (LIV), a component of mechanical signaling, could protect bone and marrow during myeloma progression. Immunocompromised-mice (n=25) were injected with human-myeloma cells, while 8 (AC) were saline-injected. Myeloma-injected mice (LIV; n=13) were subjected to daily-mechanical loading (15min/d; 0.3g @ 90Hz) while 12 (MM) were sham-handled. At 8w, femurs had 85% less trabecular bone volume (BV) fraction in MM versus AC, yet only a 21% decrease in LIV as compared to as compared to AC, reflecting a 76% increase versus MM. Cortical BV was 21% and 15% lower in MM and LIV, respectively, than AC; LIV showing 30% improvement over MM. Similar outcomes were observed in the axial skeleton, showing a 35% loss in MM with a 27% improved retention of bone in L5 of LIV-treated mice as compared to MM. Transcortical-perforations in the femur from myeloma-induced osteolysis were 9× higher in MM versus AC, reduced by 57% in LIV. Serum-TRACP5b, 61% greater in MM versus AC, rose by 33% in LIV compared to AC, a 45% reduction in activity when compared to MM. Histomorphometric analyses of trabecular bone demonstrated a 70% elevation in eroded surfaces of MM versus AC, while measures in LIV were 58% below those in MM. 72% of marrow in the femur of MM mice contained tumor, contrasted by a 31% lower burden in LIV. MM mice (42%) presented advanced-stage necrosis of marrow in the tibia while present in just 8% of LIV. Myeloma infiltration inversely correlated to measures of bone quality, while LIV slowed systemic myeloma-associated decline in bone quality and inhibited tumor progression through the hindlimbs

    Distinct Frontal Ablation Processes Drive Heterogeneous Submarine Terminus Morphology

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    An edited version of this paper was published by AGU. Copyright 2019 American Geophysical Union.Calving and submarine melt drive frontal ablation and sculpt the ice face of marine‐terminating glaciers. However, there are sparse observations of submarine termini, which limit estimates of spatially varying submarine melt. Here we present a detailed survey of a west Greenland glacier to reveal heterogeneity in submarine terminus morphology. We find that the majority of the terminus (~77%) is undercut, driven by calving in the upper water column and submarine melting at depth. The remaining ~23% of the terminus is overcut, driven by calving alone. We use observations of six subglacial discharge outlets, combined with a plume model, to estimate spatially varying discharge fluxes. While small discharge fluxes (<43 m3/s) feed numerous, deeply undercut outlets with subsurface plumes, ~70% of the net subglacial flux emerges at the terminus center, producing a vigorous, surface‐reaching plume. This primary outlet drives large, localized seasonal retreat that exceeds calving rates at secondary outlets

    Modest serum creatinine elevation affects adverse outcome after general surgery

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    Modest serum creatinine elevation affects adverse outcome after general surgery.BackgroundModest preoperative serum creatinine elevation (1.5 to 3.0 mg/dL) has been recently shown to be independently associated with morbidity and mortality after cardiac surgery. It is important to know if this association can be applied more broadly to general surgery cases.MethodsMultivariable logistic regression analyses of 46 risk variables in 49,081 cases from the Veterans Affairs National Surgical Quality Improvement Program, undergoing major general surgery from 10/1/96 through 9/30/98.ResultsThirty day mortality and several cardiac, respiratory, infectious and hemorrhagic morbidities were significantly (P < 0.001) higher in patients with a serum creatinine>1.5 mg/dL. With multivariable analysis, the adjusted odds ratio for mortality for patients with a serum creatinine of 1.5 to 3.0 mg/dL was 1.44 [95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.22 to 1.71] and for creatinine>3.0 mg/dL was 1.93 (95% CI 1.51 to 2.46). The adjusted odds ratio for morbidity (one or more postoperative complications) for patients with a serum creatinine of 1.5 to 3.0 mg/dL was 1.18 (95% CI 1.06 to 1.32) and for creatinine>3.0 mg/dL was 1.19 (95% CI 0.99 to 1.43). Further stratification and recursive partitioning of creatinine levels revealed that a serum creatinine level>1.5 mg/dL was the approximate threshold for both increased morbidity and mortality.ConclusionsModest preoperative serum creatinine elevation (>1.5 mg/dL) is a significant predictor of risk-adjusted morbidity and mortality after general surgery. A preoperative serum creatinine of 1.5 mg/dL or higher is a readily available marker for potential adverse outcomes after general surgery

    Sigma viruses from three species of Drosophila form a major new clade in the rhabdovirus phylogeny

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    The sigma virus (DMelSV), which is a natural pathogen of Drosophila melanogaster, is the only Drosophila-specific rhabdovirus that has been described. We have discovered two new rhabdoviruses, D. obscura and D. affinis, which we have named DObsSV and DAffSV, respectively. We sequenced the complete genomes of DObsSV and DMelSV, and the L gene from DAffSV. Combining these data with sequences from a wide range of other rhabdoviruses, we found that the three sigma viruses form a distinct clade which is a sister group to the Dimarhabdovirus supergroup, and the high levels of divergence between these viruses suggest that they deserve to be recognized as a new genus. Furthermore, our analysis produced the most robustly supported phylogeny of the Rhabdoviridae to date, allowing us to reconstruct the major transitions that have occurred during the evolution of the family. Our data suggest that the bias towards research into plants and vertebrates means that much of the diversity of rhabdoviruses has been missed, and rhabdoviruses may be common pathogens of insects