142 research outputs found

    The Motives and Roles of Female Terrorists of ISIS: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Open-Source Narratives

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    Research on the role of women in terrorism has emerged over the last several decades suggesting that female terrorists tend to have more passive roles than male terrorists. Female Islamic terrorists may engage in such acts due to trauma, revenge, religious ideology, peers, spouses, expression of community outrage. However, gaps about their motivations remain. For example, very little research has explored the roles, responsibilities, and motivation of female terrorists who are specifically part of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). This research seeks to fill these gaps by utilizing interpretative phenomenological analysis of qualitative research including documentaries, manifestos, magazines, memoir (written by female terrorists), and newspaper articles. Total twenty case studies were used to analyze on motives and roles, out of those, eighteen belonged from ISIS and rest from other terrorist groups. In pre-identified motives, there was no particular theme which highlighted the most whereas the findings of this research helped in developing a new typology on motives of female Islamic terrorists. For roles, majority women were found to be indulged in forefront roles. Future research, policy suggestions, and how ISIS different from other Islamic terrorist organizations along with limitation are also discussed in this study

    India’s war on COVID-19: how the government is turning marginalised citizens into suspected enemies and criminals

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    In many of Narendra Modi’s speeches on tackling the spread of COVID-19, the Indian Prime Minister has employed a set of war-time metaphors to direct the nation’s response. Here Shreshtha Das (Independent Researcher, New Delhi) argues how this linguistic approach has turned citizens from some of the country’s marginalised groups into suspected enemies and criminals, against whom the wrath of the state and the society has been unleashed

    Incidence of bacterial vaginosis in patients with idiopathic preterm labour

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    Background: The objectives of this study were to find the incidence of bacterial vaginosis in patients with idiopathic preterm labour and to assess maternal and fetal outcome.Methods: The study was carried out in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Patna Medical College, Patna from September 2011 to September 2013.Study was done in 100 pregnant women. 50 patients were cases and 50 were control. Cases were patients admitted with idiopathic preterm labour and controls were patients admitted with term pregnancy. A thorough general, systemic and obstetrical examination was done. Speculum examination was done to exclude leaking and to note the type of discharge which was collected for the pH estimation, amine testing and for making a smear for gram staining. Diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis was confirmed on the basis of Nugent criteria. Maternal and fetal outcome was assessed.Results: The incidence of bacterial vaginosis in patients with idiopathic preterm labour was 30 percent. Bacterial vaginosis was significantly (P <0.05) associated with idiopathic preterm labour. Out of 15 patients who had bacterial vaginosis, 13 had preterm delivery (<37 weeks). In 35 patients without bacterial vaginosis 21 had preterm delivery. Bacterial vaginosis was significantly associated with low birth weight babies (P <0.05). Bacterial vaginosis was significantly associated with neonatal jaundice and neonatal sepsis.Conclusions: Bacterial vaginosis is strongly associated with preterm labour and delivery as well as adversely affects neonatal outcome. Thus screening for bacterial vaginosis in all pregnant women complaining of vaginal discharge and also in all patients with preterm labour is justifiable.

    Study of the causes and factors which affect compliance of the patient in directly observed short course chemotherapy in pulmonary tuberculosis in Central India

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    Background: TB is one of the most ancient diseases. World Health Organization (WHO) estimated 9.2 million new cases in 2014 out of which 2.2 million were from India. National tuberculosis programme was started since 1962 and short course chemotherapy was included in 1983. With this background in 1992 WHO and Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) reviewed the programme. As a result, revised national tuberculosis programme (RNTCP) was started. RNTCP recommended directly observed short course chemotherapy in pulmonary tuberculosis (DOTS) and was implemented in 1993. Objective of present study was to find out the causes and factors affecting compliance of the patients in directly observed short course chemotherapy in pulmonary tuberculosis.Methods: We studied 100 patients of pulmonary tuberculosis, who were sputum smear positive for tubercle bacilli. Patients were treated with DOTS (Directly Observed Short Course Chemotherapy) recommended by RNTCP and we observed the causes and factors responsible for interruption of the treatment in noncompliant patients.Results: Overall compliance was 78% and 22% patients were noncompliant. Most common cause of noncompliance was side effects of drugs (12%), noncompliance was maximum (45.45%) between age group of 15-25 years. Illiterate and low socioeconomic status patients were more noncompliant 46.45% and 63.63% respectively.Conclusions: Eventually, after seeing all merits and demerits of DOTS, we have concluded that intensive health education may have favourable impact to improve further outcome of DOTS and compliance of the patients

    Enhancing Microgrid Resilience with Green Hydrogen Storage

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    We consider the problem of hydrogen storage integration in microgrids to improve the electricity supply resilience. Nonlinear effects from electrochemical models of electrolyzers and fuel cells for hydrogen storage are considered, making scheduling under the nonlinear model intractable and the conventional linear approximation infeasible. A piecewise linear model approximation with feasibility projection is proposed, resulting in a computationally efficient model predictive control for hydrogen storage operation. Several resilience performance measures, such as loss-of-load, duration-of-outage, and system cost, are used in performance evaluation. Simulations for the proposed optimization demonstrated a 13%-48% reduction in duration-of-outage, a 6.4%-21.7% reduction in system cost, and a 95% reduction in loss-of-load for critical loads compared to the scheduling algorithm involving linear model approximation. The performance gap of the proposed optimization to the benchmark involving the accurate nonlinear electrochemical model is less than 1% in most metrics.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure, PESGM202

    Fluctuations and uncertainty in stochastic models with persistent dynamics.

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    PhD Theses.We aim to explore the validity of recently proposed ‘thermodynamic uncertainty relations’ (universal entropic bounds on current fluctuations) in non-Markovian systems. First, we obtain a modified bound for the special case of a biased random walk model with one-step memory which resembles a variant of one-dimensional run-and-tumble motion widely used to model bacterial motility. The chief result of our work involves the extension of such modified bound for a general class of run-andtumble type processes. In particular, we derive a new bound based on the mathematical machinery of renewal-reward theory which can be extended to non-Markovian as well as Markovian systems. We illustrate our results for single-particle random walk models and an interactingparticle system with collective tumbles. For a broad parameter regime, our new bound is seen to provide a useful constraint even though its expression involves only run-statistics and the mean entropy associated with tumbles. Lastly, we also present a preliminary investigation of the validity of other universal relations such as infimum law and stoppingtime symmetry relation for entropy production and position variables in run-and-tumble-type processes