88 research outputs found

    Workplace Pollution: Nuclear Safety, Ethics, and the Exploitation--Avoidance Argument

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    The author reviews evidence of poor worker health and safety practices in United States Department of Energy nuclear facilities in contending that less protective standards for workplace hazards constitute an environmental injustice not rectified by a hazard pay premium

    Scientific Method, Anti-Foundationalism, and Public Decision-making

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    An examination of the legitimacy of attacks on lay assessments of environmental or other technological Risk. The case is made that rational policy requires an epistemology in which what we believe about Risk is bootstrapped onto how we should act concerning Risk

    How Some Risk Frameworks Disenfranchise the Public

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    The author responds to recent characterizations of her work

    Risk Estimation and Expert Judgment: The Case of Yucca Mountain

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    Professor Shrader-Frechette discusses factors responsible for acute disagreement between the federal government and Nevada citizens over potential Risks at Yucca Mountain and focuses on the use of expert judgment, concluding that some of them appear to exemplify bad science. That aside, she argues that 1,000 year predictions cannot be made from current knowledge of geology or, e.g., institutional behavior and concludes that permanent disposal of radioactive waste is currently impossible

    Perceived Risks Versus Actual Risks: Managing Hazards through Negotiation

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    The author describes what she calls the Expert-Judgment Strategy , finding that, because it discounts lay perceptions of Risk, it interferes with the acceptance of important but Risky technologies

    Academy Recommendations on the Proposed Yucca Mountain Waste Repository: Overview and Criticisms

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    Offers alternative criticism of the NAS report

    Evaluating the Expertise of Experts

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    Professor Shrader-Frechette maintains that a rigid distinction between risk assessment and risk management is unwise. Concerned about procedural fairness, she argues that the public should have a voice in both

    Book Review

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    Review of the following: ELAINE DRAPER, Risky BUSINESS: GENETIC TESTING AND EXCLUSIONARY PRACTICES IN THE HAZARDOUS WORKPLACE. (Cambridge University Press 1991) [315 pp.] Index of names and subjects, glossary, notes, references. LC 90-28112; ISBN 0-521-37027-2 (cloth 49.50);ISBN0422485(paper49.50); ISBN 0-42248-5 (paper 15.95). [40 W. 20th St., New York NY 10011.