13 research outputs found

    Knowledge and compliances of safety measures among the solid waste collectors in Kathmandu valley

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    Introductions: Safety measures of solid waste collectors are important to prevent occupational health problems. This study was designed to find out knowledge and compliance of safety measures among the solid waste collectors in Kathmandu Valley. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among solid waste collectors of Kathmandu metropolitan city from 12th August to 7th September 2018 by using a structured face to face interview schedule. Data were analysed by chi-square test, Pearson’s correlation and entered into SPSS 16 version. Results: Out of 117 waste collectors interviewed, more than 1/3rd (32.48%) had an adequate level of knowledge, and 1/5th (21.4%) had an adequate level of compliances. There was a weak negative correlation between level of knowledge and compliance on safety measures. Conclusions: One-third of respondents had an adequate level of knowledge about safety measures whereas only one fifth had an adequate level of compliances. Keywords: compliance, knowledge, safety measures, solid wastes collector

    Neonatal and perinatal mortality trend among 23,000 babies delivered during three years at an urban university teaching hospital of Nepal

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    Introductions: Perinatal mortality rate (PMR) of Nepal is 31 deaths per 1000 pregnancies and neonatal mortality rate (NMR) is 21 deaths per 1000 live births according to Nepal Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) 2016. This study aims to analyse the trend of PMR and NMR of babies delivered at Patan hospital, Nepal. Methods: This was a retrospective study done in the department of Pediatrics to analyse the trend of neonatal and perinatal outcome of babies delivered during three years from April 2016 to March 2019 at Patan Hospital, Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Nepal. Data was collected from hospital records and perinatal audit. The mode of delivery (vaginal, instrumental, caesarian), birth status (sex, premature, still, live, APGAR, birth weight) and final outcome (neonatal and perinatal mortalities) were analyzed descriptively using Microsoft Excel 2010. Results: The final outcome of total 22937 deliveries during three years were PMR 4.34, corrected PMR 10.85 per 1000 total births and NMR 3.62 per 1000 live births. There were 22913 (99%) live births, 3090 (13.3%) had low birth weight, 11898 (52%) spontaneous vaginal delivery, 10700 (47%) cesarean and 339 (1.5%) instrumental deliveries. Conclusions: The overall PMR was 4.34 per 1000 total births and NMR was 3.62 per 1000 live births at Patan Hospital. Keywords: neonates, neonatal mortality rate (NMR), Nepal, perinatal mortality rate (PMR), university teaching hospita

    Performance of Tomato with Organic Manures in Plastic Tunnel

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    Tomato is one of the most demanded vegetable with increasing trend of commercial cultivation in Nepal. As it is the heavy feeder crop thus soil nutrient management has been always challenging. Since, in modern world organic production has been favored by consumers for many reasons thus we aimed to compare the efficacy of various compost, mineral fertilizers and their combinations in tomato production and soil productivity. For the purpose a field experiment in plastic tunnel was carried out in Horticulture Research Division, Khumaltar in two consecutive years (2014 and 2015). Srijana, a popular tomato hybrid among commercial producers, was purposively selected. Eight treatments (control, recommended doses of chemical fertilizers, compost 15 t ha-1 + cattle urine, compost 10 t ha-1 + cattle urine, compost 12.5 t ha-1 + cattle urine, compost 15 t ha-1 + 1/4 recommended dose of chemical fertilizers, compost 10 t ha-1 + ¾ recommended dose of chemical fertilizer and compost 12.5 t ha-1 + 1/2 recommended dose of chemical fertilizer) were laid out in randomized complete block design and replicated thrice. The result showed significant (p < 0.05) positive correlation between the plant height and yield of tomato. The treatment with compost dose of 12.5 t ha-1 with half dose of recommended dose of chemical fertilizers produced the highest incremental yield (85% increment) over other treatments followed by compost 15 t ha-1 with cattle urine. Addition of soil organic carbon, soil nitrogen, soil potassium by the increasing level of compost though not significant, but increment in carbon content, nitrogen content and potassium content of soil observed in successive years. For commercial producer at plastic tunnel, compost at the rate 12.5 t ha-1 with half dose of recommended level of chemical fertilizer (100:90:40 kg N:P:K ha-1) is recommended to apply in field, while for organic producer, application of 15 tha-1 compost with fermented cattle urine is recommended

    Sepsis among Adults Admitted to Intensive Care Unit of a Tertiary Care Centre

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    Introduction: Sepsis is a syndrome that starts with an infection, causes organ dysfunction, and leads to death is a global health issue in critically ill patients. While its epidemiology is well-known in high-income countries, it is poorly understood in low- and middle-income countries, including Nepal. This study aimed to find out the prevalence of sepsis among adults admitted to the intensive care unit of a tertiary care centre. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among adults admitted to the intensive care unit after obtaining ethical approval from the Ethical Review Board. Data was collected from 11 January 2022 and 29 December 2022 from hospital records. A convenience sampling method was used. The point estimate was calculated at a 95% Confidence Interval. Results: Among 195 patients, the prevalence of sepsis was seen in 74 (37.95%) (31.14-44.76, 95% Confidence Interval). Septic patients had a median age of 44 (interquartile range: 33.75–60.25) years. A total of 40 (54.05%) were male. A total of 28 (37.84%) septic patients were identified with ≥2 diagnoses, while 9 (12.16%) had ≥2 comorbidities. Conclusions: The prevalence of sepsis among adult patients admitted to the intensive care unit was higher as compared to other studies done in other international studies

    Inducible Clindamycin Resistance and Biofilm Production among Staphylococci Isolated from Tertiary Care Hospitals in Nepal

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    Resistance to antibiotics, biofilm formation and the presence of virulence factors play important roles in increased mortality associated with infection by staphylococci. The macrolide lincosamide streptogramin B (MLSB) family of antibiotics is commonly used to treat infections by methicillin-resistant isolates. Clinical failure of clindamycin therapy has been reported due to multiple mechanisms that confer resistance to MLSB. This study aims to find the incidence of different phenotypes of MLSB resistance and biofilm production among staphylococci. A total of 375 staphylococci were isolated from different clinical samples, received from two tertiary care hospitals in Nepal. Methicillin resistance was detected by cefoxitin disc diffusion method and inducible clindamycin resistance by D test, according to CLSI guidelines. Biofilm formation was detected by the tissue culture plate method and PCR was used to detect ica genes. Of the total staphylococci isolates, 161 (42.9%) were Staphylococcus aureus, with 131 (81.4%) methicillin-resistant strains, and 214 (57.1%) isolates were coagulase-negative staphylococci, with 143 (66.8%) methicillin-resistant strains. The overall prevalence of constitutive MLSB (cMLSB) and inducible MLSB (iMLSB) phenotypes was 77 (20.5%) and 87 (23.2%), respectively. Both iMLSB and cMLSB phenotypes predominated in methicillin-resistant isolates. The tissue culture plate method detected biofilm formation in 174 (46.4%) isolates and ica genes in 86 (22.9%) isolates. Among biofilm producing isolates, cMLSB and iMLSB phenotypes were 35 (20.1%) and 27 (15.5%), respectively. The cMLSB and iMLSB were 11 (12.8%) and 19 (22.1%), respectively, in isolates possessing ica genes. Clindamycin resistance in the form of cMLSB and iMLSB, especially among MRSA, emphasizes the need for routine D tests to be performed in the lab

    Multiple Giant Liver Cysts in a Nepalese Lad

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    Background. While evaluating a child with multicystic liver pathology, both the congenital and acquired etiologies need to be considered. While typicality of findings on abdominal imaging makes the diagnosis of cystic echinococcosis relatively easy, choosing the appropriate line of management is equally crucial. Case Presentation. An 8-year-old previously healthy lad presented to the office with progressive upper abdominal fullness and pain for a year. Blood workup was normal. CT imaging made a diagnosis of multicystic giant hepatic hydatidosis. Treatment consisting of oral albendazole combined with surgical excision resulted in a fruitful outcome. To the best of our knowledge, this probably represents the first case of multiple giant hepatic hydatidosis at such a young age being reported from Nepal. Conclusion. Childhood liver cysts are uncommon. Considering the endemicity, echinococcal etiology needs consideration. Surgical ablation is required for large cysts, and the mode of management is dictated by the size and location

    Study of demography risk factors and associated infection in patients presenting with febrile seizure at tertiary care center

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    Introduction: Febrile seizures are seizures that occur in children between 6 to 60 months with a temperature of 38â—¦C or higher. It commonly affects male with a peak incidence in below 2 years old. This study aims at identifying the demographic profile of children admitted with the diagnosis of febrile seizure in order to anticipate the condition and counsel the parents. Method: This is a retrospective cross sectional study conducted in the pediatric ward of Patan Hospital. Medical records of the patients admitted with a diagnosis of febrile seizure (simple or complex) in pediatric ward of Patan Hospital between January 2016 to 2019 were reviewed and data mentioned in the proforma were collected. Ethical approval was taken from the Institutional Review Committee of Patan Academy of Health Sciences (IRC-PAHS). The data was analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences Version 25 and frequency and proportion was calculated. Result: Out of 277 cases fulfilling the study criteria, 70.4% had simple febrile seizure whereas 29.6% had complex febrile seizure. The mean age of the patients was 23.13 months +-12.8 and the median was 19 months (IQR: 14-29). Around 58.12% were males and 41.88% females. Viral fever accounted for the maximum number of infections in around 22.3% (62/277) of patients and viral URTI in 20.21%(56/277). Conclusion: The study adds to the existing knowledge of febrile seizure in order to help the clinician anticipate febrile seizure

    Potassium nutrient response in the rice-wheat cropping system in different agro-ecozones of Nepal.

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    Most of the soils of Nepal had a higher potassium (K, expressed as K2O) level inherently. Later in 1976, the Government of Nepal has recommended K fertilizer rate at 30 kg K2O ha-1 in rice-wheat cropping systems. However, those crops began showing K deficiency symptoms in recent decades, which could be due to a large portion of soils with depleted K level or the insufficient input of K fertilizer for crop production. This study explored a limitation of K nutrient in the crops by establishing field trials from 2009-2014 at three agro-ecozones i.e., inner-Terai (2009-2010), high-Hills (2011-2012), and Terai (2012-2014) in Nepal. Seven rates of K fertilizer at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 kg K2O ha-1 were replicated four times in a randomized complete block design, where crop yields and yield-attributing parameters of rice-wheat cropping system were recorded. Results revealed that an increase in K rates from 45 to 75 kg K2O ha-1 under inner-Terai and Terai conditions and 45 to 60 kg ha-1 under high-Hills conditions produced significantly higher grain yields compared to the recommended K dose. Economically, the optimum rate of K fertilizer should not exceed 68 kg K2O ha-1 for rice in all agro-ecozones, or 73 kg K2O ha-1 for wheat in inner-Terai and 60 kg K2O ha-1 for wheat in high-Hills and Terai. Our findings suggest to increase potassium application in between 1.5 to 2.5 times of the current K fertilizer rate in rice-wheat cropping system of Nepal that need to be tested further in different locations and crop varieties

    Performance of Tomato with Organic Manures in Plastic Tunnel

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    Tomato is one of the most demanded vegetable with increasing trend of commercial cultivation in Nepal. As it is the heavy feeder crop thus soil nutrient management has been always challenging. Since, in modern world organic production has been favored by consumers for many reasons thus we aimed to compare the efficacy of various compost, mineral fertilizers and their combinations in tomato production and soil productivity. For the purpose a field experiment in plastic tunnel was carried out in Horticulture Research Division, Khumaltar in two consecutive years (2014 and 2015). Srijana, a popular tomato hybrid among commercial producers, was purposively selected. Eight treatments (control, recommended doses of chemical fertilizers, compost 15 t ha-1 + cattle urine, compost 10 t ha-1 + cattle urine, compost 12.5 t ha-1 + cattle urine, compost 15 t ha-1 + 1/4 recommended dose of chemical fertilizers, compost 10 t ha-1 + ¾ recommended dose of chemical fertilizer and compost 12.5 t ha-1 + 1/2 recommended dose of chemical fertilizer) were laid out in randomized complete block design and replicated thrice. The result showed significant (p < 0.05) positive correlation between the plant height and yield of tomato. The treatment with compost dose of 12.5 t ha-1 with half dose of recommended dose of chemical fertilizers produced the highest incremental yield (85% increment) over other treatments followed by compost 15 t ha-1 with cattle urine. Addition of soil organic carbon, soil nitrogen, soil potassium by the increasing level of compost though not significant, but increment in carbon content, nitrogen content and potassium content of soil observed in successive years. For commercial producer at plastic tunnel, compost at the rate 12.5 t ha-1 with half dose of recommended level of chemical fertilizer (100:90:40 kg N:P:K ha-1) is recommended to apply in field, while for organic producer, application of 15 tha-1 compost with fermented cattle urine is recommended

    Potential of Biochar-Based Organic Fertilizers on Increasing Soil Fertility, Available Nutrients, and Okra Productivity in Slightly Acidic Sandy Loam Soil

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    Reducing chemical fertilizers is critical for maintaining soil health and minimizing environmental damage. Biochar-based organic fertilizers reduce fertilizer inputs, improve soil fertility, increase crop productivity, and reduce environmental risks. In this study, a pot experiment was conducted in a greenhouse to assess the potential of biochar-based organic and inorganic fertilizers to improve soil fertility and Okra yield. Seven treatments with three replicates were arranged in a completely randomized design (CRD). Three treatments included biochar-blended formulations (i) biochar mixed with mineral NPK fertilizer (BF), (ii) biochar mixed with vermicompost (BV), and (iii) biochar mixed with goat manure (BM); two treatments included biochar enrichment formulations (iv) biochar enriched with cow urine (BCU) and (v) biochar enriched with mineral NPK fertilizer in aqueous solution (BFW), and the remaining two included control treatments; (vi) control (CK: no biochar and no fertilizers) and (vii) fertilized control (F: only recommended NPK fertilizer and no biochar). Mineral NPK fertilizers in BF, BFW, and F were applied at the recommended rate as urea, di-ammonium phosphate (DAP), and muriate of potash (MOP). Organic fertilizers in BV, BM, and BCU treatments were applied in equal quantities. All biochar-amended treatments showed improved soil chemical properties with higher pH, organic carbon, total N, and available P and K compared to the two non-biochar control plots (CK and F). Biochar blended with goat manure (BM) showed the highest effect on soil fertility and fruit yield. BM (51.8 t ha&minus;1) increased fruit yield by 89% over CK (27.4 t ha&minus;1) and by 88% over F (27 t ha&minus;1). Similarly, cow urine-enriched biochar (BCU) (35 t ha&minus;1) increased fruit yield by 29% and 28% compared to CK and F, respectively. Soil pH, OC, and nutrient availability (total N, available P, and available K) showed a significantly positive relationship with fruit yield. The study suggests that using biochar-based organic fertilizers, such as BCU and BM, could outperform recommended mineral fertilizers (F) and produce higher yields and healthy soils, thereby contributing to mitigating the current food security and environmental concerns of the country