11 research outputs found

    Effect of Chlordimeform on Cardiovascular Function in Occupational Exposures

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    A b s t r a c t : E f f e c t o f C h l o r d i m e f o r m o n Cardiovascular Function in Occupational Exposures: Zhijun ZHOU, et al. Department of O c c u p a t i o n a l H e a l t h , S h a n g h a i M e d i c a l University-To understand the possible effects of an insecticide, chlordimeform, on the human cardiovascular system, this work was carried out. Pre-and postexposure, the medical examinations, especially cardiovascular functions, were meticulously done in farmers spraying 0.125% solution of chlordimeforme for 3 consecutive days and packers packing chlordimeform for one month. The exposure level was measured by means of the urinary excretion of chlordimeform and its main metabolite, 4-chlor-o-tolumidine, as well as the air concentration in the work place and skin contamination by using a regional proportional sampling strategy. The alterations, though mild and diverse, were significant compared to their own pre-exposure background. The changes in heart rate, blood pressure and some EKG parameters, such as T wave, P wave, PR interval and Qt interval were noticed. The cardiovascular functional changes were usual and sensitive findings in the exposed persons, and their importance in health surveillance needs to be emphasized. (J Occup Health 1999; 41: 59-61

    «Ахеменидская Авеста» через призму античных источников

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    The epidemiologic evidence for the carcinogenicity of lead is inconsistent and requires improved exposure assessment to estimate risk. We evaluated historical occupational lead exposure for a population-based cohort of women (n=74,942) by calibrating a job-exposure matrix (JEM) with lead fume (n=20,084) and lead dust (n=5383) measurements collected over four decades in Shanghai, China. Using mixed-effect models, we calibrated intensity JEM ratings to the measurements using fixed-effects terms for year and JEM rating. We developed job/industry-specific estimates from the random-effects terms for job and industry. The model estimates were applied to subjects' jobs when the JEM probability rating was high for either job or industry; remaining jobs were considered unexposed. The models predicted that exposure increased monotonically with JEM intensity rating and decreased 20-50-fold over time. The cumulative calibrated JEM estimates and job/industry-specific estimates were highly correlated (Pearson correlation=0.79-0.84). Overall, 5% of the person-years and 8% of the women were exposed to lead fume; 2% of the person-years and 4% of the women were exposed to lead dust. The most common lead-exposed jobs were manufacturing electronic equipment. These historical lead estimates should enhance our ability to detect associations between lead exposure and cancer risk in the future epidemiologic analyses

    Historical occupational trichloroethylene air concentrations based on inspection measurements from shanghai, china

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    PURPOSE: Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a carcinogen that has been linked to kidney cancer and possibly other cancer sites including non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Its use in China has increased since the early 1990s with China's growing metal, electronic, and telecommunications industries. We examined historical occupational TCE air concentration patterns in a database of TCE inspection measurements collected in Shanghai, China to identify temporal trends and broad contrasts among occupations and industries. METHODS: Using a database of 932 short-term, area TCE air inspection measurements collected in Shanghai worksites from 1968 through 2000 (median year 1986), we developed mixed-effects models to evaluate job-, industry-, and time-specific TCE air concentrations. RESULTS: Models of TCE air concentrations from Shanghai work sites predicted that exposures decreased 5-10% per year between 1968 and 2000. Measurements collected near launderers and dry cleaners had the highest predicted geometric means (GM for 1986 = 150-190 mg m(-3)). The majority (53%) of the measurements were collected in metal treatment jobs. In a model restricted to measurements in metal treatment jobs, predicted GMs for 1986 varied 35-fold across industries, from 11 mg m(-3) in 'other metal products/repair' industries to 390 mg m(-3) in 'ships/aircrafts' industries. CONCLUSIONS: TCE workplace air concentrations appeared to have dropped over time in Shanghai, China between 1968 and 2000. Understanding differences in TCE concentrations across time, occupations, and industries may assist future epidemiologic studies in China