8 research outputs found

    Enhanced future changes in wet and dry extremes over Africa at convection-permitting scale

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    African society is particularly vulnerable to climate change. The representation of convection in climate models has so far restricted our ability to accurately simulate African weather extremes, limiting climate change predictions. Here we show results from climate change experiments with a convection-permitting (4.5 km grid-spacing) model, for the first time over an Africa-wide domain (CP4A). The model realistically captures hourly rainfall characteristics, unlike coarser resolution models. CP4A shows greater future increases in extreme 3-hourly precipitation compared to a convection-parameterised 25 km model (R25). CP4A also shows future increases in dry spell length during the wet season over western and central Africa, weaker or not apparent in R25. These differences relate to the more realistic representation of convection in CP4A, and its response to increasing atmospheric moisture and stability. We conclude that, with the more accurate representation of convection, projected changes in both wet and dry extremes over Africa may be more severe

    An overview of synthetic‐type control charts: Techniques and methodology

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    In this paper, we provide an overview of a class of control charts called the synthetic charts. Synthetic charts are a combination of a traditional chart (such as a Shewhart, CUSUM, or EWMA chart) and a conforming run‐length (CRL) chart. These charts have been considered in order to maintain the simplicity and improve the performance of small and medium‐sized shift detection of the traditional Shewhart charts. We distinguish between different types of synthetic‐type charts currently available in the literature and highlight how each is designed and implemented in practice. More than 100 publications on univariate and multivariate synthetic‐type charts are reviewed here. We end with some concluding remarks and a list of some future research ideas.The South African Researchers Chair Initiative (SARCHI) Chair at the University of Pretoria.http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/qre2020-11-01hj2020Science, Mathematics and Technology EducationStatistic

    Climate change/variability and hydrological modelling studies in Zimbabwe: a review of progress and knowledge gaps

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