8 research outputs found

    Structures of the Largest Amphidinol Homologues from the Dinoflagellate <i>Amphidinium carterae</i> and Structure–Activity Relationships

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    Amphidinols are polyketide metabolites produced by marine dinoflagellates and are chiefly composed of a long linear chain with polyol groups and polyolefins. Two new homologues, amphidinols 20 (AM20, <b>1</b>) and 21 (AM21, <b>2</b>), were isolated from <i>Amphidinium carterae</i> collected in Korea. Their structures were elucidated by detailed NMR analyses as amphidinol 6-type compounds with remarkably long polyol chains. Amphidinol 21 (<b>2</b>) has the longest linear structure among the amphidinol homologues reported so far. The congeners, particularly amphidinol 21 (<b>2</b>), showed weaker activity in hemolysis and antifungal assays compared to known amphidinols

    Pilot study on disaster drill in the respiratory ward Effectiveness of disaster manual and disaster simulation drill

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    呼吸器科病棟の特性に適合した災害マニュアルを作成し, 災害マニュアルに沿った教育とシミュレーション実施訓練を行い, これらの有用性と問題点を明らかにすることを目的に以下の研究を行った. Y 総合病院呼吸器科病棟(病床数48床), 勤務看護師22名を対象にした. Y 総合病院の防災マニュアルを基準にして, 酸素カード, 非常用持ち出し物品, NPPV 対応, 人工呼吸器停電時の対応などが記載された呼吸器内科病棟専用災害マニュアルを作成した. スタッフ教育としては, 災害マニュアルを用い, 臨床工学技士, 呼吸療法認定士, 在宅酸素機器メーカー担当者,病棟看護師から組織された研究チームにより, 平成18年7月~9月までに計6回講習会を開催した. 平成18年9月22日, 防災訓練時に, 呼吸器内科病棟内にて, 携帯酸素ボンベ使用, 車椅子, NPPV 使用のそれぞれ模擬患者を設定し搬送するシミュレーション実施訓練を行った. 災害マニュアルに基づく教育, 実施訓練の前後で13項目からなるアンケート調査を行った. その結果, スタッフ間の対応および患者への対応の項目はともに, スタッフ教育後に統計学的に有意に改善した. 実施訓練後, スタッフ間の対応および患者への対応の項目はともに, 教育前あるいは教育後に比べて改善傾向にあった. 本研究の結果, 呼吸器内科病棟スタッフが災害時に的確に対応するためには, 呼吸器内科病棟に適合した災害マニュアルを利用した教育とシミュレーション実施訓練を継続して実施することの重要性が示唆された.A pilot study on a disaster drill in the respiratory ward was conducted in order to verify the effectivenessof staff training with the disaster manual and disaster simulation drill. Twenty-two nurses workingin the respiratory ward (48 beds) participated in this study. We developed a disaster manual for the respiratoryward consisting of an oxygen card, an emergency card, a manual for non-invasive positive pressureventilation (NPPV), and a manual for artificial ventilators for electrical outage. A respiratoryengineer, respiratory therapist, home oxygen company representative and special members from the respiratoryward taught the nurses in a series of 6 classes from July to September in 2006. A simulated disasterwas held on September 22 in the respiratory ward on the opportunity of the fire drill and mockpatients on oxygen, wheelchair or NPPV were transported to another ward. After the staff training andthe simulation drill, the extent of comprehension of communication at the time of disaster was evaluatedusing a survey sheet that consisted of 13 items with possible scores of 0 points to 3 points for each item.As the result, the scores for the staff communication and communication to the patient improved significantlyafter the staff training, and tended to improve after the simulation. These results suggested thatcontinuing staff training using a disaster manual specific to the respiratory ward and the simulation drill were very useful in preparing nurses to properly manage a disaster in the respiratory ward