47 research outputs found

    Collagen Metabolism in Cutis Laxa Fibroblasts: Increased Collagenase Gene Expression Associated with Unaltered Expression of Type I and Type III Collagen

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    Collagen metabolism was studied in cutis laxa by analyzing collagen and collagenase gene expression in three dermal fibroblast strains from patients with congenital cutis laxa and comparing them with fibroblasts obtained from age-matched healthy subjects. Normal collagen synthetic activity was observed in the cutis laxa fibroblasts. An increased level of collagenase mRNA and unaltered levels of α1(I) and α1(III) collagen mRNA were found in all cutis laxa cell strains by dot blot hybridization. Reduced levels of elastin mRNA were also detected in these strains. However, no qualitative differences in these mRNA transcripts were detected between the control and cutis laxa fibroblasts by Northern blot analysis. Collagenase activity in fibroblast culture supernatants was then measured using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled type I collagen. Increased collagenolytic activity in cutis laxa fibroblast culture supernatants was also found. These data suggest that increased collagenase expression of fibroblasts is related to the structural abnormality of dermal connective tissue in cutis laxa

    Changes in Striatal Dopamine Release Associated with Human Motor-Skill Acquisition

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    The acquisition of new motor skills is essential throughout daily life and involves the processes of learning new motor sequence and encoding elementary aspects of new movement. Although previous animal studies have suggested a functional importance for striatal dopamine release in the learning of new motor sequence, its role in encoding elementary aspects of new movement has not yet been investigated. To elucidate this, we investigated changes in striatal dopamine levels during initial skill-training (Day 1) compared with acquired conditions (Day 2) using 11C-raclopride positron-emission tomography. Ten volunteers learned to perform brisk contractions using their non-dominant left thumbs with the aid of visual feedback. On Day 1, the mean acceleration of each session was improved through repeated training sessions until performance neared asymptotic levels, while improved motor performance was retained from the beginning on Day 2. The 11C-raclopride binding potential (BP) in the right putamen was reduced during initial skill-training compared with under acquired conditions. Moreover, voxel-wise analysis revealed that 11C-raclopride BP was particularly reduced in the right antero-dorsal to the lateral part of the putamen. Based on findings from previous fMRI studies that show a gradual shift of activation within the striatum during the initial processing of motor learning, striatal dopamine may play a role in the dynamic cortico-striatal activation during encoding of new motor memory in skill acquisition

    Pancuronium bromideにて高血圧および頻脈発作をきたした無症候性褐色細胞腫の1例

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    麻酔導入時のpancuroniumbromideの投与により著明な高血圧および頻脈をきたした興味ある無症候性褐色細胞腫の1例を報告する.症例は33歳男子で, 主訴は左副腎腫瘍の精査, 家族歴および既往歴に特記すべきことなし, 右季肋下部不快感で某医でCTスキャンを受けたところ, 左副腎腫瘍を指摘された.諸検査成績で尿中カテコラミンが軽度に上昇する以外に異常はない.7月1日手術目的で入院し, 同19日左副腎摘除術を受けた.エトレンおよび笑気で十分な全身麻酔をおこなった後, pancuronium7.5mgを筋弛緩を得るため投与したところ急激な血圧上昇(220mmHg), 2段脈, 心室性頻脈を認めた.Lidocain(R), Inderal(R), Regitine(のR)投与にて症状は消失した.手術中に特記すべき血圧の変動は認められなかった.腫瘍の重さは33.69で, 組織所見は褐色細胞腫であった.福色細胞腫における高血圧の発症機序についてはいまだ不明な点が多い.交感神経刺激作用を有するとされるpanecuroniumbromideにより高血圧症をきたしたことは本症の高血圧発症を考える上で興味深く, 若干の文献的考察を加えた.We present a case of asymptomatic pheochromocytoma with severe hypertension and tachycardia evoked by the administration of pancuronium bromide, a nondepolarizing muscle relaxant which has been used commonly in the anesthetic management of patients with pheochromocytoma

    Reduced striatal dopamine release during motor skill acquisition in Parkinson's disease.

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    Striatal dopamine is functionally important for the acquisition of motor skills. However, it remains controversial as to whether intrinsic processing of motor learning is impaired in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), and if yes, whether the impairment is associated with altered striatal dopamine release. Additionally, most neuro-imaging studies of patients with PD have focused on motor sequence learning. In contrast, skill acquisition, specifically, the reconstruction of muscle control of isolated movements, has barely been studied.In this study, we used a repetitive skill training task to measure the peak acceleration of left thumb movement during a process to achieve fine tuning of motor skill. Using 11C-raclopride (RAC) positron emission tomography, we investigated changes in striatal dopamine levels in two conditions of a skill acquisition task: initial skill training (Day 1) and acquired condition (Day 2) with eight patients with PD and age-matched healthy subjects (HS).In HS, the mean acceleration of each session improved through repeated training sessions on Day 1. However, in patients with PD, the training-associated increase was less than that for HS, and this suggests that repetitive skill training does not result in the effective improvement of motor performance. The regions of interest (ROI) analysis revealed that the RAC-binding potential (BP) was significantly reduced in the right putamen on Day 1 compared with Day 2 in HS. In patients with PD, BP within the right putamen was unchanged. Further, we found that patients with PD had increased dopamine levels within the right ventral striatum (VST) and right caudate (CAU) on Day 2, which was greater than that in HS. These results suggest the impaired activation of the putamen during skill acquisition in patients with PD and compensated hyperactivation of the VST and CAU for the reduced dopamine release within the dorsal putamen (DPU).Our findings suggest that patients with PD had insufficiency in the process to improve motor skills. Different patterns of striatal dopamine release are relevant to the impairment of these motor functions in patients with PD, at the early stage of the disease

    Early treatment for IgG4-related disease may prevent cognitive impairment caused by cerebral vasculitis: A case report and review of the literature

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    IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a recently recognized disease entity. A 74-year-old male presented with transient headache. He was diagnosed IgG4-RD by pancreatic biopsy at the age of 72. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) showed disseminated cerebral microbleeds and microinfarctions in time and space. It suggested cerebral vasculitis, however any causative factor were not confirmed. IgG4-RD rarely causes cerebral vasculitis. This might be a first case of an asymptomatic cerebral vasculitis due to IgG4-RD. Patient was started on oral prednisolone, and no neurological or neuropsychological symptom was clinically observed. The MRI findings improved after treatment, and revealed no indication of newly lesions at 6-months follow-up. Early treatment for IgG4-RD may be recommended to prevent irreversible cognitive dysfunction. Keywords: IgG4-related disease, Treatment, Cerebral vasculiti