54 research outputs found

    The basic structure of ethical norms

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    THIS BOOK Taking in account the ethical implications of modern science and technology on nature and human, this book highlights the importance of ethics and moral values in human life. Knowledge and values are the two indispensible aspects of meaningful life. Aided by these two means, mankind has been able to achieve constant developments throughout the history. Along the course of history, Divine guidance has been revealed for moral perfection and total reconstruction of the worldview; thus, the modern value-free progression in science and technologies invites the attention for moral research. This book is designed to provide the essential knowledge on ethics and moral values. It is a theoretical study on the basic structure of ethical norms from both Islamic tradition and modern research perspectives. The central aim of the book is to expose readers to the general framework of ethical theories and moral norms. It especially highlights the relationship between facts and values; the major classifications of ethical norms in Qur`anic perspective; meaning of descriptive and normative ethics; the major classifications of ethical theories and virtue based ethical systems

    Fiqh al-waqaf baina itarah al-qanuni wa-daurihi al-iqtisadi al-manshud =فقه "الوقف" بين إطاره القانوني ودوره الإقتصادي المنشود

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    The “Waqaf” is religio-economic term used in Islamic jurisprudence for donations made by individuals based on religious motives to serve the public. It usually made not in cash money but as concrete things, such as building schools or hospitals for use of public. The distinguishing feature of this private contribution in the community development is sustainability. Waqaf must be utilized in sustainable manner so that it can serve public as long as possible. Good management of Waqaf is essential for sustainability and long lasting services. Waqaf has played a crucial role to develop the society in the history of Islamic civilization through providing financial support to government and rendering direct services to the public. Many education centers, such as libraries and schools were established based on Waqaf. Therefore, this Islamic system can play a significant role in development of the contemporary Muslim communities. The major objective of this paper is to explain and highlight role of Waqaf in development of modern Muslim societies, especially in the realm of education and community cervices. يتوقف النمو الإقتصادي وإزدهاره في الدولة المعاصرة على عنصرين: أولهما دور القطاع الخاص أو الشعبي وثانيهما هو التخطيط الرسمي التي تقوم به الدولة. فالقطاع الشعبي، ممثلاً في رجال الأعمال وشركات التصنيع والمؤسسات المالية والحركة التجارية في المجتمع بصورة عامة، يلعب دوراً محورياً في النمو الإقتصادي وتطوره. ومن ناحية أخرى تعلب الدولة ممثلة في جهازها التنفيدي والتشريعي دوراً جوهرياً في تحريك عجلة الحياة الإقتصادية من خلال رسم السياسات السديدة وبناء الخطط الإقتصادية الطموحة، ثم وضع التشريعات والقوانين التي تكفل حمايتها وتطوريها. فنظام الوقف في الإسلام يمثل العنصر الثالث الطوعي المكمل للعنصرين السابقين. فمن المعلوم حقاً كان للوقف دوراً كبيراً في صناعة الحضارة الإسلامية ونهضة الأمة، حيث كانت أموال الأوقاف هي الأساس في إزدها العديد من المؤسسات، ولا سيما المؤسسات الإجتماعية والتربوية، ولكن أيضاً النظام الإقتصادي في تلك العصور كان متواضعاً خالياً من تعقيدات النظام الإقتصادي المعاصر. ومن هنا يبرز سؤال محوري وهو: كيف يمكن للوقف أن يلعب دوره الإقتصادي والتنموي المنشود في إطار أحكام الفقه التقليدي في الوقت المعاصر؟ حاول هذا البحث الإجابة عن هذا السؤال وتحديد العلاقة بين الإطار الفقهي والقانوني للوقف وبين دوره الإقتصادي المنشود في ظل التحديات النظام الإقتصادي المعاصر

    Reconstruction of the worldview as strategy for environmental survival and sustainability

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    The current ecological crisis is a matter of urgent global concern that seeks global solutions and sincere cooperation of nations and all parties of the human community: experts, policymakers, organizations and publics. The relevant solution, however, sought to be found associated with a precise identification and clear vision of root causes which, consequently, guide to the development of valid theories that capable to address the issue from its various dimensions. Although the distinguished scholars of various disciplines across the glob have been suggesting solutions of different kinds to the problem, they agree that the major part of environmental crisis comes from human actions. However, more significantly, scholars are in agreement that human actions are determined by his ideas and beliefs. This factor obviously identifies the strategic approach to deal with our ecological crisis; that is to rebuild our ideas and beliefs towards nature, i.e. reconstruction of the worldview. This work examines this hypothesis which asserts that the environmental crisis which experienced by mankind today are mainly due to his world view; i.e. misconception of the true relationship between man, nature and the ultimate truth. The study focuses on philosophical foundations of man- nature relationship, with objective of providing useful insights and perspectives that might contribute to uncover the root causes of our environmental crisis; and to establish a new united vision that capable to maintain the indispensable friendship of man and nature. To achieve these goals the study shall focus on the view that both man and nature are creatures of one Creator. However, nature has been made to serve man, not as a machine dominated by human, but as “Amanah” or “Trust” which capable for utilization not destruction. Nature, according to this concept, has two main functions: to serve man in his physical needs, and to guide him morally to the right path, i.e. towards discovery of the Creator and His great wisdom in the natural phenomena

    Sustaining social balance and peace in the Post-COVID-19

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    The spread of COVID-19 disease since the end of 2019 has led to social functions and activities disorders in our societies. The pandemic has a significant influence on social balance and peace. This situation has arisen awareness that a more sustainable model is needed. The study assumes that the Maqasid al-Shariah approach can provide comprehensive social sustainability and protection solutions. Therefore, we offer analyses of the social dimensions during the disease and its impact on balance and peace, evaluate authorities' role in providing solutions to current issues and problems, and determine the possible answers based on the Maqasid al-Shariah approach

    The contribution of information technology (IT) in conceptualizing the Qur`anic approach on programmed systems of biology

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    Background: the analytical study on understanding the programmed systems of organisms is increasingly becoming necessary for its practical contribution in enhancing the environmental and human health. The holy Qur`an, in numerous passages, has addressed the design and harmony, in both the physical and biological worlds. The main objective of this Qur`anic approach is to shift human attention to study and understand the natural processes for temporal and religious purposes. Although laws of the physical world are well investigated and established, the natural processes governing the complex systems of biological world, however, are yet to be mastered. The major problem of this field is not only in complexity of the biological phenomena, but also in the relevant method for investigation. To achieve the Qur`anic objectives on study of the natural and human phenomena, however, we need to investigate both of the above problems. Objective: This paper aims to investigate method of conceptualizing the programmed systems of biology as introduced by the Holy Qur`an, and how information technology (IT) can contribute in achieving this important goal. The basic presupposition of the paper is that the new developments of information technology play a vital role in codification and understanding programmed systems of living creatures. Such codification is essential for predicting the future directions of the goal-guided processes of biology. Methodology: The method adopted in the paper is theoretical and analytical in nature. The analytical method of systems biology, based on mathematical modeling and information technology, that aims at codification of the programed systems of biology will be adopted. The relevant Qur`anic verses on natural design and harmony, especially on the biological phenomena at both individual and collective levels, will be collected. Method of understanding such verses from both perspectives of (i) the classical view of Muslim scholars, and (ii) methods of modern evolutionary biology will be investigated. Finally, the paper investigates how modern information technology can contribute in codification of the programed systems of natural biology as embedded in Qur`anic verses. Results & Conclusions: The paper presupposes that proper codification of programed systems of biology has three major implications: (i) explanation and understanding the biological phenomena; (ii) predicting the future directions of the goal-guided processes of biology; and (iii) Mastering the biological processes, by explanation and prediction, has great implication on environmental and human healthcare. Sufficient data on biological phenomena, mathematical analysis, and effective information technologies are essential to achieve these noble goals

    Digital Services and Social Stability: Evaluating the Impact from a Maqasidic Approach

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    During the Covid-19 epidemic, there was an urgent need for many countries in the world to move as quickly as possible towards digital services such as e-government, e-learning, and e-commerce. The positive aspects of this transformation cannot be overlooked; however, other negative effects may result from the long and medium term of such an approach. For instance, do all governments can provide Internet access to serve the interests of their citizens. Therefore, this research will ask: what are the effects of the increasing trend towards digital services and how can they affect societal stability? How can these effects be dealt with from a Maqasidic approach? To answer these questions, the researcher used the inductive approach to collect information on the subject matter and related concepts, terms and opinions related to digital services and social stability. Also, the analytical approach will show the effects of digital services on social stability with a specific focus on Maqasid Shariah. Among the most prominent results of the research are that: quality of information accessibility, equality, social trust, social cohesion, and community engagement are the main aspects that can be affected by digital services. Therefore, moving towards digital services must be directed by Maqasid al-Shariah as a frame to maintain social stability and peace

    Modified Seird model: a novel system dynamics approach in modelling the spread of Covid-19 in Malaysia during the pre-vaccination period

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    Mathematical modelling is an effective tool for understanding the complex structures and behaviors of natural phenomena, such as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which is an infectious disease caused by a life-threatening virus called SARS-CoV-2. It has rapidly spread across the world in the last three years, including Malaysia. Adopting a novel system dynamics approach, this paper aims to explain how mathematics can play a significant role in modelling the COVID-19 spread and suggests practical methods for controlling it. It forecasts the data of infected (I), recovered (R) and death (D) cases for decision-making. This paper proposes a modified Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered-Death (SEIRD) model with time-varying parameters considering the sporadic cases, the reinfection cases, the implementation of a movement control order, and the percentage of humans abiding by the rules to forecast future growth patterns of COVID-19 in Malaysia and to study the effects of the consideration on the number of forecasted COVID-19 cases, during the pre-vaccination period. This study implemented the preliminary stage of forecasting the COVID-19 data using the proposed SEIRD model and highlighted the importance of parameter optimization. The mathematical model is solved numerically using built-in Python function ‘odeint’ from the Scipy library, which by default uses LSODA algorithm from the Fortran library Odepack that adopts the integration method of non-stiff Adams and stiff Backward Differentiation (BDF) with automatic stiffness detection and switching. This paper suggests that the effects of factors of sporadic cases, reinfection cases, government intervention of movement control order and population behavior are important to be studied through mathematical modelling as it helps in understanding the more complex behavior of COVID-19 transmission dynamics in Malaysia and further helps in decision-making

    Ethical issues on using invertebrates in environmental and biomedical practices – a case study on living fossil horseshoe crab

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    Increasing utilization of living animals in ecological and biomedical research has drawn serious concerns in terms of animal welfare and ethical practices in animal handling. Significant attention has been given to animals of higher taxonomical hierarchy especially vertebrates such as fishes, rodents, reptiles and mammals, while ethical framework on invertebrate handling and welfare is less addressed (except for cephalopods). The definition of ‘Animal’ itself by any international consortia or Animal Research Act (ARA) does not include invertebrates as an animal entity. This is due to the lack of standard ethical framework to understand the pain and other physiological stress experienced by the invertebrate test animal. One such example would be the living fossil ‘horseshoe crab’ which is extensively bled to obtain its blue blood that is used for endotoxin quantification in biological samples. The biomedical bleeding itself leads to 15-30% post bleeding mortality of crabs, while pain and stress caused by the bleeding practice is not studied. Hence, this paper discusses the technicality of establishing standard framework for invertebrate handling. The paper also highlights the shari’ah (Islamic law) principles on scientific experimentations on animal subjects, particularly the norms related to the adoption of invertebrates in environmental and biomedical practice. Comprehensive review of ethical regulations in animal experiments, especially invertebrates, would be beneficial for revising and improving existing animal ethical practice

    Systems thinking approach on foetal abnormalities associated with alpha-fetoprotein level

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    Foetal complications associated with abnormal Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) levels are becoming a serious matter. The risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs) is substantially greater in the raised maternal serum-alpha fetoprotein (MS-AFP) group than in the normal MS-AFP group. The top three APOs in terms of occurrence rate in the increased MS-AFP group were structural foetal abnormalities, spontaneous abortion, and premature delivery. Low levels of AFP in the maternal may indicate a risk of Down syndrome (DS). This is an important matter that needs to be investigated and dealt with promptly. This research aims to investigate methods of diagnosis and screening on AFP foetal based on system thinking. It applies the systems thinking approach on foetal complications associated with AFP level from a theoretical perspective. The purpose is to provide an analytical and integrated method to deal with foetal complications associated with AFP level. This integrated approach comprises various analytical aspects, including conceptual framework, data analysis, evaluation of the diagnostic and screening methods. How systems thinking can contribute to improving all these aspects of foetal complication will be investigated. A systematic review of literature from various databases was conducted. The methodology also enabled a detailed explanation of the major problems of AFP in the form of a causal loop diagram based on the holistic view of the systems thinking approach. This research is expected to contribute in various ways on how systems thinking can contribute to overcoming foetal abnormalities associated with abnormal AFP levels. It is expected that the application of a systems approach could provide an effective method of analysis for understanding and managing the foetal abnormalities by considering all aspects in a holistic manner and clearer methods of intervention to reduce the cases

    Muslim academics’ knowledge sharing in Malaysian higher learning institutions

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate Muslim academics’ knowledge sharing (KS) behavior and its relating predictors in the context of Malaysia. Academics being the center entity of education in higher learning institutions (HLI) has the noble obligation in spreading and sharing knowledge. Moreover, in Islamic teaching, academics having knowledge must let others know that knowledge can be beneficial in everyday life. Design/methodology/approach – The underpinning theories used in this study are theory of planned behavior (TPB) and social capital theory (SCT) for assessing the probable factors that can determine academics’ KS behavior. This study evaluates 398 Muslim academics in Malaysia for KS behavior in 20 public and 5 private HLIs. Structural equation modeling–partial least square was used as the tool for data analysis. Findings – It was found that all the variables tested in this study were significant, except for commitment. Social network, trust, management support, facilitating conditions and social media are significant predictors in Muslimacademics’ KS behavior