6 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional distribution of transverse collagen fibers in the anterior human corneal ctroma

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    PURPOSE. Recent investigations of human corneal structure and biomechanics have shown that stromal collagen fibers (lamellae) are organized into a complex, highly intertwined threedimensional meshwork of transverse oriented fibers that increases stromal stiffness and controls corneal shape. The purpose of this study was to characterize the three-dimensional distribution of transverse collagen fibers along the major meridians of the cornea using an automated method to rapidly quantify the collagen fibers' angular orientation. METHODS. Three eyes from three donors were perfusion-fixed under pressure, excised, and cut into four quadrants. Quadrants were physically sectioned using a vibratome and scanned using nonlinear optical high-resolution macroscopy. Planes were analyzed numerically using software to identify collagen fiber angles relative to the corneal surface, stromal depth, and radial position within the anterior 250 lm of the stroma. RESULTS. The range of fiber angles and the fiber percentage having an angular displacement greater than 63.58 relative to the corneal surface (''transverse fibers'') was highest in the anterior stroma and decreased with depth. Numerical analysis showed no significant differences in fiber angles and transverse fibers between quadrants, meridians, and radial position. CONCLUSIONS. These results match our previous observation of a depth-dependent gradient in stromal collagen interconnectivity in the central cornea, and show that this gradient extends from the central cornea to the limbus. The lack of a preferred distribution of angled fibers with regard to corneal quadrant or radial position likely serves to evenly distribute loads and to avoid the formation of areas of stress concentration

    Three-Dimensional Distribution of Transverse Collagen Fibers in the Anterior Human Corneal Stroma

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    PURPOSE. Recent investigations of human corneal structure and biomechanics have shown that stromal collagen fibers (lamellae) are organized into a complex, highly intertwined three-dimensional meshwork of transverse oriented fibers that increases stromal stiffness and controls corneal shape. The purpose of this study was to characterize the three-dimensional distribution of transverse collagen fibers along the major meridians of the cornea using an automated method to rapidly quantify the collagen fibers' angular orientation. METHODS. Three eyes from three donors were perfusion-fixed under pressure, excised, and cut into four quadrants. Quadrants were physically sectioned using a vibratome and scanned using nonlinear optical high-resolution macroscopy. Planes were analyzed numerically using software to identify collagen fiber angles relative to the corneal surface, stromal depth, and radial position within the anterior 250 μm of the stroma. RESULTS. The range of fiber angles and the fiber percentage having an angular displacement greater than ±3.5° relative to the corneal surface (“transverse fibers”) was highest in the anterior stroma and decreased with depth. Numerical analysis showed no significant differences in fiber angles and transverse fibers between quadrants, meridians, and radial position. CONCLUSIONS. These results match our previous observation of a depth-dependent gradient in stromal collagen interconnectivity in the central cornea, and show that this gradient extends from the central cornea to the limbus. The lack of a preferred distribution of angled fibers with regard to corneal quadrant or radial position likely serves to evenly distribute loads and to avoid the formation of areas of stress concentration

    Axial mechanical and structural characterization of keratoconus corneas

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    PurposePrevious studies indicate that there is an axial gradient of collagen lamellar branching and anastomosing leading to regional differences in corneal tissue stiffness that may control corneal shape. To further test this hypothesis we have measured the axial material stiffness and quantified the collagen lamellar complexity in ectatic and mechanically weakened keratoconus corneas (KC).MethodsAcoustic radiation force elastic microscopy (ARFEM) was used to probe the axial mechanical properties of the cone region of three donor KC buttons. 3 Dimensional second harmonic generation microscopy (3D-SHG) was used to qualitatively evaluate lamellar organization in 3 kC buttons and quantitatively measure lamellar branching point density (BPD) in a separate KC button that had been treated with epikeratophakia (Epi-KP).ResultsThe mean elastic modulus for the KC corneas was 1.67 ± 0.44 kPa anteriorly and 0.970 ± 0.30 kPa posteriorly, substantially below that previously measured for normal human cornea. 3D-SHG of KC buttons showed a simplified collagen lamellar structure lacking noticeable angled lamellae in the region of the cone. BPD in the anterior, posterior, central and paracentral regions of the KC cornea were significantly lower than in the overlying Epi-KP lenticule. Additionally, BPD in the cone region was significantly lower than the adjacent paracentral region in the KC button.ConclusionsThe KC cornea exhibits an axial gradient of mechanical stiffness and a BPD that appears substantially lower in the cone region compared to normal cornea. The findings reinforce the hypothesis that collagen architecture may control corneal mechanical stiffness and hence corneal shape

    A Comparative Study of Vertebrate Corneal Structure: The Evolution of a Refractive Lens

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    PURPOSE. Although corneal curvature plays an important role in determining the refractive power of the vertebrate eye, the mechanisms controlling corneal shape remain largely unknown. To address this question, we performed a comparative study of vertebrate corneal structure to identify potential evolutionarily based changes that correlate with the development of a corneal refractive lens. METHODS. Nonlinear optical (NLO) imaging of second-harmonic–generated (SHG) signals was used to image collagen and three-dimensionally reconstruct the lamellar organization in corneas from different vertebrate clades. RESULTS. Second-harmonic–generated images taken normal to the corneal surface showed that corneal collagen in all nonmammalian vertebrates was organized into sheets (fish and amphibians) or ribbons (reptiles and birds) extending from limbus to limbus that were oriented nearly orthogonal (ranging from 77.7°–88.2°) to their neighbors. The slight angular offset (2°–13°) created a rotational pattern that continued throughout the full thickness in fish and amphibians and to the very posterior layers in reptiles and birds. Interactions between lamellae were limited to “sutural” fibers in cartilaginous fish, and occasional lamellar branching in fish and amphibians. There was a marked increase in lamellar branching in higher vertebrates, such that birds ≫ reptiles > amphibians > fish. By contrast, mammalian corneas showed a nearly random collagen fiber organization with no orthogonal, chiral pattern. CONCLUSIONS. Our data indicate that nonmammalian vertebrate corneas share a common orthogonal collagen structural organization that shows increased lamellar branching in higher vertebrate species. Importantly, mammalian corneas showed a different structural organization, suggesting a divergent evolutionary background