16 research outputs found

    Phase Diagram of the BCC S=1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet with First and Second Neighbor Exchange

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    We use linked-cluster series expansions, both at T=0 and high temperature, to analyse the phase structure of the spin-\half Heisenberg antiferromagnet with competing first and second-neighbor interactions on the 3-dimensional body-centred-cubic lattice. At zero temperature we find a first-order quantum phase transition at J2/J1≃0.705±0.005J_2/J_1 \simeq 0.705 \pm 0.005 between AF1_1 (Ne\'el) and AF2_2 ordered phases. The high temperature series yield quite accurate estimates of the bounding critical line for the AF1_1 phase, and an apparent critical line for the AF2_2 phase, with a bicritical point at J1/J2≃0.71J_1/J_2\simeq 0.71, kT/J1≃0.34kT/J_1\simeq 0.34. The possibility that this latter transition is first-order cannot be excluded.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Periodic One-Dimensional Hopping Model with one Mobile Directional Impurity

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    Analytic solution is given in the steady state limit for the system of Master equations describing a random walk on one-dimensional periodic lattices with arbitrary hopping rates containing one mobile, directional impurity (defect bond). Due to the defect, translational invariance is broken, even if all other rates are identical. The structure of Master equations lead naturally to the introduction of a new entity, associated with the walker-impurity pair which we call the quasi-walker. The velocities and diffusion constants for both the random walker and impurity are given, being simply related to that of the quasi-particle through physically meaningful equations. Applications in driven diffusive systems are shown, and connections with the Duke-Rubinstein reptation models for gel electrophoresis are discussed.Comment: 31 LaTex pages, 5 Postscript figures included, to appear in Journal of Statistical Physic

    A First Principles Estimate of Finite Size Effects in Quark-Gluon Plasma Formation

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    Using lattice simulations of quenched QCD we estimate the finite size effects present when a gluon plasma equilibrates in a slab geometry, i.e., finite width but large transverse dimensions. Significant differences are observed in the free energy density for the slab when compared with bulk behavior. A small shift in the critical temperature is also seen. The free energy required to liberate heavy quarks relative to bulk is measured using Polyakov loops; the additional free energy required is on the order of 30-40 MeV at 2-3 T_c.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, RevTeX; revised version includes comparison with the Bjorken model and various small improvement

    Spin Glass and Antiferromagnetic Behaviour in a Diluted fcc Antiferromagnet

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    We report on a Monte Carlo study of a diluted Ising antiferromagnet on a fcc lattice. This is a typical model example of a highly frustrated antiferromagnet, and we ask, whether sufficient random dilution of spins does produce a spin glass phase. Our data strongly indicate the existence of a spin glass transition for spin--concentration p<0.75p<0.75: We find a divergent spin glass susceptibility and a divergent spin glass correlation length, whereas the antiferromagnetic correlation length saturates in this regime. Furthermore, we find a first order phase transition to an antiferromagnet for 1≥p>0.851\ge p>0.85, which becomes continuous in the range 0.85>p>0.750.85>p>0.75. Finite size scaling is employed to obtain critical exponents. We compare our results with experimental systems as diluted frustrated antiferromagnets as Zn1−pMnpTe{\rm Zn_{1-p}Mn_{p}Te}.Comment: 29 pages (revtex) and 10 figures uuencoded and Z-compresse

    Possible line of critical points for a random field Ising model in dimension 2

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    We study a particular random field Ising model in dimension 2 at 0 temperature. On each site the random field is either + ∞ with probability p/2, - ∞ with probability p/2 or 0 with probability 1 — p. Using finite size scaling arguments, we show that for small p, the average correlation function between two spins at distance R decreases like R-η( p) where the exponent η(p) = 2 πp + O(p2). The assumptions made to obtain this result and the possible generalizations to other random field models are discussedNous étudions un modèle d'Ising particulier en champ aléatoire. Sur chaque site, le champ aléatoire est soit + ∞ avec une probabilité p/2, - ∞ avec une probabilité p/2 ou 0 avec une probabilité 1 — p. En utilisant des arguments de lois d'échelle des systèmes finis, nous montrons que pour p petit, la fonction de corrélation moyenne de deux spins à une distance R décroît comme R-η(p) où l'exposant η(p) = 2 πp + O(p2). Les hypothèses faites pour obtenir ce résultat et les généralisations possibles à d'autres modèles d'Ising en champ aléatoire sont discutées

    Threshold-based TOA Estimation in IR-UWB Energy Detection Receiver

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