40 research outputs found

    El armamento en el decenio de los 1990: Objetivos y problemas

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    Ethnic segregation in Tel-Aviv - Jaffa

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    In the article analysis of the segregation of 1000 representatives of eight important ethnic groups in Tel-Aviv – Jaffa is represented. The comparison of results was made on the basis of index of dissimilation. Each ethnical group is analysed with regard to its spatial distribu-tion, a sample of each group being analysed on the basis of the index of dissimilation as well as spatial and interactive segregation

    Arab industrialization in Israel: Ethnic entrepreneurship in the periphery

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    Previous studies of industrial activity in Arab settlements in Israel have been less than comprehensive. We believe that the lack of interest and data on Arab industry stems from the fact that no real effort has ever been made to further the economic development of these settlements in general and their industrial development in particular. For their economic base, the majority of Arab settlements continue to rely largely on commuting to Jewish employment centers. Nevertheless, over time, industrial entrepreneurship has emerged in Arab settlements. It is against this background that the importance of our work can be seen, for it presents, for the first time and at first hand, a thorough analysis of entrepreneurship and industrialization in the Arab sector in Israel. Ö±Ö±Arab industrial entrepreneurship in Israel is a unique phenomenon. Most previous studies have examined entrepreneurship among the ethnic minorities which, in recent years, have migrated to the metropolitan centers of developed countries. Israeli Arabs constitute an endogenous ethnic minority which is in transition from a traditional culture, based on a domestic economy, to a modern culture, which is becoming integrated into an advanced capitalist system dominated by a Jewish majority. Moreover, they inhabit highly homogeneous and segregated regions in the national periphery. They are therefore forced to overcome three complementary sets of obstacles in their integration into the larger economy and their attempt to industrialize: lack of experience and expertise in advanced forms of production and marketing; ethnic marginality; and socio-spatial peripherality. Ö±We believe the contribution of this book to be fourfold: (1) It is based on a unique case study which may expand the range of case studies available for comparative cross-cultural research; (2) it presents new theoretical formulations regarding issues that remain unresolved in the current literature on ethnic entrepreneurship; (3) it is grounded in intensive field research; and (4) it offers possible guidelines for constructive policy. Ö±It is particularly significant that the Institute of Israeli Arab Studies took it upon itself to promote this study

    Energy from Ocean Floor Geothermal Resources

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    ABSTRACT The need for large increments of new electric generating capacity to replace fossil fuels will increase as the world replaces petroleum with either electricity or hydrogen to fuel transportation, whether to charge the batteries of electric cars or to provide hydrogen through electrolysis. Such replacement transportation energy, by consuming off-peak electricity, will make base-load electricity even more important in the future. A solution to the global need for baseload renewable power can be achieved through several inter-related innovations, which adapt and use existing technologies to access geothermal resources in the deep sea floor. Geothermal energy is the only form of clean, renewable energy that can provide enough baseload electricity to replace coal, petroleum, natural gas and nuclear power as the primary sources of electricity and transportation power. The use of geothermal energy is currently limited in scope and location to a relatively few areas on land that provide limited resources. Access to vast amounts of geothermal energy can, however, be gained through the ocean floors, under which abundant geothermal resources can be found in a supercritical state. Supercritical geothermal resources will enable the generation of electricity on an efficient, economical and highly reliable basis through the first innovation, the use of remote-controlled turbine generators on the ocean floor that will supply both the grid's demand for electricity and, by operating during off-peak hours, the power needed to replace existing transportation fuels. These stations will incorporate a further innovation, the use of turbines powered by supercritical CO2 as the working fluid, which is still in the research and development stage for nuclear power plants and has not previously been considered for geothermal plants. These advancements in geothermal technology, to develop a very high-temperature and therefore very efficient form of geothermal generation, will make geothermal energy (already highly reliable, with availability factors over 90%, and very friendly to the environment, with no negative effect on the land surface or the atmosphere) more affordable, by reducing the levelized cost of geothermal power below the levels of other forms of generation. Such generation, being both bountiful and inexpensive, will form the foundation for a further innovation, the direct use of supercritical geothermal resources to provide hydrogen by electrolysis. This advance will enable the restructuring of the transportation and electrical energy industries so that the provision of inventories of transportation energy (in accordance with current industry practice) serves as a buffer for the load following demands of the grid for electricity. In addition, the ocean geothermal system can be operated in coordination with other energy sources such as wind and solar power or on a stand-alone basis to transform the energy generation and delivery industries. Geothermal resources are accessible in the ocean floor all around the globe. Abundant resources are easily available near Iceland and the West Coast of North America, but such resources in fact wrap around the globe. This paper will describe the conceptual design for the ocean-floor geothermal system and provide the well drilling cost analysis, manufacturing cost analysis and life cycle cost analysis of the system. INTRODUCTION The geothermal energy under the ocean floor, a vast, high-temperature resource which has never before been accessed to generate electricity, could provide enough baseload energy to reverse climate change. This paper provides the design and projected costs of a self-contained, submersible, remote-controlled electricity generating station that will sit on the ocean floor at depths of 2,000 meters or more, where it can access geothermal resources at supercritical temperatures and pressures and use a highly efficient super-critical CO 2 turbine to convert the energy to electricity. This approach will access more extensive geothermal resources than the conventional geothermal resources currently used. Supercritical geothermal fluids can provide six times as much power per liter as geothermal fluids used in current geothermal systems. In addition, supercritical turbines are more efficient than steam turbines, and resource temperatures of 500C will enable the use of supercritical CO 2 turbines, which are much smaller (which is particularly beneficial under the pressures at the ocean floor) and even more efficient. Supercritical CO 2 in a closed-loop recompression brayton cycle could have a plant efficiency of 50%. Additional efficiency is gained due to the use of the surrounding ocean water, which is generally at a temperature of 3C at such depths, for cooling. The target is a capacity of 100 MW e per station, using four production wells accessing supercritical fluids to produce 50 MW t of energy each, with plant efficiency at 50% and maintaining plant availability at 90% for a period of 30 years. The generating station is projected to have a capital cost (including financing) of 1.365billionandoperatingcostsof1.365 billion and operating costs of 215 million over thirty years. Assuming a life span of thirty years and average availability of ninety percent (90%) and adding 0.006perkWhfortransmission,thelevelizedcostofelectricityisprojectedtobe0.006 per kWh for transmission, the levelized cost of electricity is projected to be 0.073 per kWh. In some circumstances, the foregoing economic model would need to be adjusted to reflect the potential additional net revenues resulting from the recovery of valuable metals and minerals from the supercritical geothermal brine. A major effect of this system is the ability, by combining the off-peak baseload electricity of this system with the direct use of the supercritical geothermal resource to produce low-cost hydrogen, creating a unified, renewable energy industry that balances wind and solar generation of electricity with the demands of the grid for electricity by the storage of energy that is inherent in the transportation industry