5 research outputs found


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    STEM-education is one of the important areas of the educational reform of XXI century. Modern initiatives in the field of STEM require the development of a model for transforming education that would correspond to contemporary demands of society. Such a general scenario and preliminary statement confirm the thesis underlying this research: there is a need to transform the existing model of training, first of all, pedagogical staff from classical education to innovative STEM-education. It was found that institutions and scholars are searching for new approaches to prepare people for solving real problems of the surrounding world through different STEM-approaches in education. In the article, the authors describe the transformation model of education for the introduction of the STEM-approach in a pedagogical university in order to prepare educators of a new formation and the main indicators of its effectiveness

    Metodologia wykorzystania technologii rozszerzonej rzeczywistości w szkoleniu przyszłych nauczycieli informatyki

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    The paper describes the concept of augmented reality. Based on literature analysis, the authors claim that augmented reality technology enriches human experiences with digital data. The introduction of augmented reality applications and services provides an opportunity to increase the realism of research, while also offering an enhanced emotional and cognitive experience. Therefore, it can be an effective tool for the organization of learning in schools, colleges and universities.Augmented reality technologies can be interesting as an object of study as well. To do this, scientists need to design, develop and test appropriate methodologies.This paper explores one of the components of such techniques. The authors analysed several platforms for creating augmented reality applications. Unity, Vuforia and 3d-Studio were chosen for the purpose of analysis. Using them, the authors developed a fragment of the content of education. It contains instructionsfor creating an augmented reality application. The paper contains the author’s account of the process of training future teachers of computer science at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University (Ukraine). Based on the conducted study, the authors claim that students showed considerable interest in augmented reality technologies and the content of their training.Artykuł zawiera przegląd koncepcji rozszerzonej rzeczywistości. Na podstawie analizy literatury autorzy twierdzą, że technologia rzeczywistości rozszerzonej wzbogaca ludzkie doznania o dane cyfrowe. Wprowadzenie aplikacji i usług rzeczywistości rozszerzonej daje szansę na zwiększenie realizmu badań; dostarcza wrażeń emocjonalnych i poznawczych. Może więc być skutecznym narzędziem do organizacji nauki w szkołach i na uczelniach. Technologie rzeczywistości rozszerzonej mogą być również interesujące jako przedmiot badań. Dlatego naukowcy muszą zaprojektować, opracować i przetestować odpowiednie metodologie. Autorzy artykułu przeanalizowali kilka platform do tworzenia aplikacji rozszerzonej rzeczywistości. Wśród nich wybrano Unity, Vuforia i 3d-Studio. Korzystając z nich, autorzy opracowali fragment treści kształcenia zawierający instrukcje tworzenia aplikacji rozszerzonej rzeczywistości. Artykuł zawiera relację autora z procesu kształcenia przyszłych nauczycieli informatyki na Narodowym Uniwersytecie Pedagogicznym im. Włodzimierza Hnatiuka w Tarnopolu (Ukraina). Na podstawie badania autorzy twierdzą, że studenci wykazywali duże zainteresowanie technologiami rozszerzonej rzeczywistości i treścią ich szkoleń

    Exploring modern trends in developing a digital educational environment for university: A case study of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University

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    This article delves into the contemporary tendencies shaping the development of digital educational environments in universities and proposes a model for their implementation in pedagogical institutions. The study analyzes the concept of educational environments, explores their components, and highlights the distinctive structural features. Additionally, it introduces the notion of a digital educational environment and elucidates its essential components for teachers’ professional training at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University (TNPU): technological, didactic, and social aspects. Notably, the article discusses the characteristics of this environment, such as its information-rich and open nature, digital transformation, and emphasis on social practices and collaboration. To evaluate the efficacy of the digital educational environment for teachers’ professional training, a comprehensive study was conducted with the participation of 432 master’s students across various disciplines at TNPU. Expert assessments were employed for statistical analysis, aiming to determine the significance level of each component’s indicators within the digital educational environment. The results highlight substantial changes observed in the technological and social dimensions of the university’s digital educational environment, which significantly influence the quality of teachers’ professional training