78 research outputs found

    Migration Processes Modeling with Cellular Automation

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    Abstract. The problem of interregional migration flows modeling is being studied. The conjecture that modeling household migration behavior at local level in view of community interactions and using cellular automata results in adequate forecasting of interregional migration flows has been numerically confirmed. A computer program was developed in order to implement the cellular automaton suggested in this study, which models interregional migration flows. Cellular automaton program was tested on Primorsky krai migration flows statistical data; a short-term forecast of the region migration flows was obtained

    Superconducting-coil--resistor circuit with electric field quadratic in the current

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    It is shown for the first time that the observed [Phys. Lett. A 162 (1992) 105] potential difference Phi_t between the resistor and the screen surrounding the circuit is caused by polarization of the resistor because of the kinetic energy of the electrons of the superconducting coil. The proportionality of Phi_t to the square of the current and to the length of the superconducting wire is explained. It is pointed out that measuring Phi_t makes it possible to determine the Fermi quasimomentum of the electrons of a metal resistor.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figur

    Magnetic Pinning of Vortices in a Superconducting Film: The (anti)vortex-magnetic dipole interaction energy in the London approximation

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    The interaction between a superconducting vortex or antivortex in a superconducting film and a magnetic dipole with in- or out-of-plane magnetization is investigated within the London approximation. The dependence of the interaction energy on the dipole-vortex distance and the film thickness is studied and analytical results are obtained in limiting cases. We show how the short range interaction with the magnetic dipole makes the co-existence of vortices and antivortices possible. Different configurations with vortices and antivortices are investigated.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Unusual congenital polydactyly in mini-pigs from the breeding group of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics (Novosibirsk, Russia)

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    The article describes a new phenomenon in the breeding group of mini-pigs at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics (ICG, Novosibirsk): polydactyly (extra digits), which is unusual because the additional digits are situated at the lateral surface of legs or at the lateral and medial ones. This anomaly was first found here in 2017 in adult animals intended for culling due to incorrect positioning of the legs caused by flexor tendon laxity and resulting in weight-bearing on the palmar surface of the proximal phalanges (“bear’s paw”). Therefore, the polydactyly of mini-pigs has a pronounced negative selection effect. A visual survey of the livestock was conducted, and a description of the detected anomaly was compiled. The polydactyly in mini-pigs is a stand-alone trait and is not part of any syndromes. Individuals with polydactyly may have extra digits either on pectoral or on pectoral and pelvic limbs. On thoracic limbs, there may be either one lateral digit or a lateral digit and a medially located rudimentary hooflet. On pelvic limbs, only lateral extra digits can occur. Anatomical and morphological analyses showed that the lateral extra digit is an anatomically complete (“mature”) structure, whereas the medial rudimentary digit consists of only a hooflet without other structures characteristic of normal digits. Cytological examination revealed no specific karyotypic features, except for Robertsonian translocation Rb 16;17 previously reported for the mini-pigs of the same livestock. Cytological findings indicated that the polydactyly and Robertsonian translocation are not linked genetically. Genealogical analysis and results of crosses are consistent with a working hypothesis of recessive inheritance of the trait. Overall, the study shows that this type of polydactyly is anatomically and morphologically unique and not typical of Sus scrofa. In this species, only polydactyly types with medial accessory toes have been described and are usually inherited as a dominant trait with incomplete penetrance. In our case, the results of test crosses indicate recessive inheritance of the trait with varying expression and incomplete penetrance, because of which poorly expressed phenotypes are not visually detectable

    Инвазивный микоз с поражением центральной нервной системы, обусловленный редкими дрожжевыми грибами Malassezia spp., у пациентов с острым лейкозом: описание клинических случаев и обзор литературы

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    Malassezia spp. is a commensal yeast that represents normal microflora in humans and some animals. However, Malassezia spp. can cause life-threatening invasive mycosis. Evidence on Malassezia spp. infections is limited mostly to a case reports describing disease in newborns and premature infants, because lipid infusions (total parenteral nutrition) given through central venous catheter is a major risk factor. Here, we report two cases of CNS infection caused by Malassezia species in non-neonates with acute leukemia.Malassezia spp. — дрожжевые грибы, которые представлены в составе нормальной микрофлоры кожи человека и как симбионт препятствуют развитию инфекций, обусловленных опасными патогенами. Однако Malassezia spp. также может стать причиной тяжелого инвазивного микоза и привести к летальному исходу. Данные литературы ограничены, представлены преимущественно публикациями об инфекциях у новорожденных и недоношенных детей, что, в первую очередь, связывают с известным фактором риска — применение парентерального питания, включающего в себя жировую эмульсию, с использованием центрального венозного катетера. Мы представляем клинические случаи инфекции центральной нервной системы, обусловленной редкими возбудителями, дрожжевыми грибами рода Malassezia, у детей с острым лейкозом

    The Flux-Line Lattice in Superconductors

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    Magnetic flux can penetrate a type-II superconductor in form of Abrikosov vortices. These tend to arrange in a triangular flux-line lattice (FLL) which is more or less perturbed by material inhomogeneities that pin the flux lines, and in high-TcT_c supercon- ductors (HTSC's) also by thermal fluctuations. Many properties of the FLL are well described by the phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau theory or by the electromagnetic London theory, which treats the vortex core as a singularity. In Nb alloys and HTSC's the FLL is very soft mainly because of the large magnetic penetration depth: The shear modulus of the FLL is thus small and the tilt modulus is dispersive and becomes very small for short distortion wavelength. This softness of the FLL is enhanced further by the pronounced anisotropy and layered structure of HTSC's, which strongly increases the penetration depth for currents along the c-axis of these uniaxial crystals and may even cause a decoupling of two-dimensional vortex lattices in the Cu-O layers. Thermal fluctuations and softening may melt the FLL and cause thermally activated depinning of the flux lines or of the 2D pancake vortices in the layers. Various phase transitions are predicted for the FLL in layered HTSC's. The linear and nonlinear magnetic response of HTSC's gives rise to interesting effects which strongly depend on the geometry of the experiment.Comment: Review paper for Rep.Prog.Phys., 124 narrow pages. The 30 figures do not exist as postscript file

    Assessment of Migration Policy Measures Implemented in the Russian Far East

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    В работе анализируются инструменты миграционной политики, реализуемые в последнее время в Дальневосточном регионе России: Государственная программа по оказанию содействия добровольному переселению в Российскую Федерацию соотечественников, проживающих за рубежом, программа «Дальневосточный гектар», формирование территорий опережающего развития и территорий со специальным режимом предпринимательской деятельности. Для количественной оценки влияния новых инструментов на миграционный отток населения из регионов Дальневосточного федерального округа в работе используется метод синтетической контрольной группы (synthetic control method). На основе этого метода с использованием статистических данных для каждого субъекта Дальневосточного федерального округа формируется синтетический контрольный регион из субъектов Сибирского федерального округа (в которых оцениваемые инструменты миграционной политики не применялись), близкий по траектории социально-экономического развития и миграционным потокам, в период, предшествующий реализации исследуемых инструментов Для анализа влияния изменений миграционной политики на миграционный отток для каждого субъекта Дальневосточного федерального округа за период 2011-2018 гг. были сформированы оценки, представляющие собой разность между величиной миграционного оттока из Дальневосточного региона и синтетического контрольного региона. Результаты исследования показали, что средние значения оценок отрицательны и статистически значимо отличаются от нуля, то есть реализация новых инструментов миграционной политики в совокупности положительно влияет на уменьшение миграционного оттока населения из регионов Дальнего Востока России, и данные инструменты можно рассматривать в качестве факторов, сдерживающих миграционную активность населения. В качестве продолжения данного исследования планируется отдельно оценить результативность каждого инструмента миграционной политики, реализуемого в Дальневосточном федеральном округе.The present paper analyses migration policy measures implemented in the Russian Far East, namely, State Programme to Assist the Voluntary Resettlement of Compatriots Living Abroad to the Russian Federation, the Far-Eastern Hectare Programme, establishment of Priority Development Areas (PDAs) and territories with a special regime of economic activity. The synthetic control method was applied to quantitatively assess how the adopted measures affect the migration outflow from regions of the Far Eastern Federal District. According to this method and relevant statistics, constituent entities of the Far Eastern Federal District were compared with control regions of the Siberian Federal District, where these policy tools have not been introduced. Comparable areas had similar socio-economic development trends and migration flows in the period preceding the implementation of the state programmes. To analyse the impact of migration policy changes in 2011-2018, the difference between outflow values of the Far Eastern and synthetic control regions was calculated. The results showed that the average estimated values are negative and significantly different from zero. This indicates a positive effect of new migration mitigation measures on reducing the outflow from the Russian Far East. Future research will separately assess the effectiveness of each migration policy tool implemented in the Far Eastern Federal District.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ (проект № 19–010–00206).The article has been prepared with the support of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (the project No. 19–010–00206)