12 research outputs found

    Brain-controlled modulation of spinal circuits improves recovery from spinal cord injury.

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    The delivery of brain-controlled neuromodulation therapies during motor rehabilitation may augment recovery from neurological disorders. To test this hypothesis, we conceived a brain-controlled neuromodulation therapy that combines the technical and practical features necessary to be deployed daily during gait rehabilitation. Rats received a severe spinal cord contusion that led to leg paralysis. We engineered a proportional brain-spine interface whereby cortical ensemble activity constantly determines the amplitude of spinal cord stimulation protocols promoting leg flexion during swing. After minimal calibration time and without prior training, this neural bypass enables paralyzed rats to walk overground and adjust foot clearance in order to climb a staircase. Compared to continuous spinal cord stimulation, brain-controlled stimulation accelerates and enhances the long-term recovery of locomotion. These results demonstrate the relevance of brain-controlled neuromodulation therapies to augment recovery from motor disorders, establishing important proofs-of-concept that warrant clinical studies


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    Background: There are inconsistent data on the changes of functional performance in subcortical structures of visual system caused by early binocular vision impairment. Aim: To study neuronal functional activity of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNd) in monocularly deprived cats and strabismic cats. Materials and methods: 4 cats with monocular convergent strabismus, 7 cats with monocular divergent strabismus, 3 monocularly deprived cats and 4 intact cats were studied. Histochemical method was used to detect cytochrome oxidase – the mitochondrial enzyme of respiratory chain correlating with neuronal functional activity. Optical density in ocular-specific layers A and A1 was measured on the images of stained LGNd sections, and the contrast was calculated. Results: Relative reduction of functional activity in the layers innervated from deprived and squinted eyes was demonstrated in LGNd bilaterally. In strabismic animals, the changes were observed only in the projection of the central part of the visual field, whereas in monocularly deprived animals the changes were in the projection of the whole visual field. Conclusion: These findings indicate differences between the mechanisms determining the development of strabismic and deprivation amblyopia. Thus, in amblyopia, preservation of peripheral stereoscopic vision is possible


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    Background: Amblyopia related to congenital strabismus belongs to neurological disorders since it is caused by structural and functional remodeling of the visual parts of the brain without any baseline retinal pathology. Although a large number of animal studies on experimentally induced strabismus, as well as clinical cases have been published, the mechanisms and time course of the processes within the brain structures are not fully understood. Aim: To study the time course of abnormalities in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNd) in animals with surgically induced convergent strabismus. LGNd is the structure through which the information from the retina goes to the visual cortex separately for each eye. Materials and methods: 14 strabismic and 17 intact kittens of four age groups were studied. Histochemical method was used to identify cytochrome oxidase which is a  mitochondrial respiratory chain enzyme whose activity correlates with neuronal functional activity. Optical density in eye-specific layers  A  and A1 was measured on the images of stained LGNd sections, with calculation of the contrast difference between them. Results: In strabismic kittens, there were changes in activity of A and A1 layers in the projection of the central part of visual field in LGNd of both hemispheres. At early stages of their formation, a relative decrease in activity was found in both hemispheres in the LGNd layers innervated through non-crossed pathways from both retinae. Thereafter, the time course of abnormalities in LGNd of both hemispheres was different. In the hemisphere ipsilateral to the squinting eye, the difference in layer activity was highest at the age from 3 to 5 months. However, in the opposite hemisphere the same difference indicating a decreased activity in the layer of the squinting eye were observed only at the age of 5 months. Conclusion: The process of amblyopia development during congenital convergent strabismus is characterized by abnormalities in LGNd indicating a possible shift of the visual perception strategy from alternating fixation to suppression of activity of the squinting eye

    Multi-pronged neuromodulation intervention engages the residual motor circuitry to facilitate walking in a rat model of spinal cord injury.

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    A spinal cord injury usually spares some components of the locomotor circuitry. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the midbrain locomotor region and epidural electrical stimulation of the lumbar spinal cord (EES) are being used to tap into this spared circuitry to enable locomotion in humans with spinal cord injury. While appealing, the potential synergy between DBS and EES remains unknown. Here, we report the synergistic facilitation of locomotion when DBS is combined with EES in a rat model of severe contusion spinal cord injury leading to leg paralysis. However, this synergy requires high amplitudes of DBS, which triggers forced locomotion associated with stress responses. To suppress these undesired responses, we link DBS to the intention to walk, decoded from cortical activity using a robust, rapidly calibrated unsupervised learning algorithm. This contingency amplifies the supraspinal descending command while empowering the rats into volitional walking. However, the resulting improvements may not outweigh the complex technological framework necessary to establish viable therapeutic conditions

    Long-term usability and bio-integration of polyimide-based intra-neural stimulating electrodes

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    Stimulation of peripheral nerves has transiently restored lost sensation and has the potential to alleviate motor deficits. However, incomplete characterization of the long-term usability and bio-integration of intra-neural implants has restricted their use for clinical applications. Here, we conducted a longitudinal assessment of the selectivity, stability, functionality, and biocompatibility of polyimide-based intra-neural implants that were inserted in the sciatic nerve of twenty-three healthy adult rats for up to six months. We found that the stimulation threshold and impedance of the electrodes increased moderately during the first four weeks after implantation, and then remained stable over the following five months. The time course of these adaptations correlated with the progressive development of a fibrotic capsule around the implants. The selectivity of the electrodes enabled the preferential recruitment of extensor and flexor muscles of the ankle. Despite the foreign body reaction, this selectivity remained stable over time. These functional properties supported the development of control algorithms that modulated the forces produced by ankle extensor and flexor muscles with high precision. The comprehensive characterization of the implant encapsulation revealed hyper-cellularity, increased microvascular density, Wallerian degeneration, and infiltration of macrophages within the endoneurial space early after implantation. Over time, the amount of macrophages markedly decreased, and a layer of multinucleated giant cells surrounded by a capsule of fibrotic tissue developed around the implant, causing an enlargement of the diameter of the nerve. However, the density of nerve fibers above and below the inserted implant remained unaffected. Upon removal of the implant, we did not detect alteration of skilled leg movements and only observed mild tissue reaction. Our study characterized the interplay between the development of foreign body responses and changes in the electrical properties of actively used intra-neural electrodes, highlighting functional stability of polyimide-based implants over more than six months. These results are essential for refining and validating these implants and open a realistic pathway for long-term clinical applications in humans

    Configuration of electrical spinal cord stimulation through real-time processing of gait kinematics.

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    Epidural electrical stimulation (EES) of the spinal cord and real-time processing of gait kinematics are powerful methods for the study of locomotion and the improvement of motor control after injury or in neurological disorders. Here, we describe equipment and surgical procedures that can be used to acquire chronic electromyographic (EMG) recordings from leg muscles and to implant targeted spinal cord stimulation systems that remain stable up to several months after implantation in rats and nonhuman primates. We also detail how to exploit these implants to configure electrical spinal cord stimulation policies that allow control over the degree of extension and flexion of each leg during locomotion. This protocol uses real-time processing of gait kinematics and locomotor performance, and can be configured within a few days. Once configured, stimulation bursts are delivered over specific spinal cord locations with precise timing that reproduces the natural spatiotemporal activation of motoneurons during locomotion. These protocols can also be easily adapted for the safe implantation of systems in the vicinity of the spinal cord and to conduct experiments involving real-time movement feedback and closed-loop controllers

    Cortico-reticulo-spinal circuit reorganization enables functional recovery after severe spinal cord contusion.

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    Severe spinal cord contusions interrupt nearly all brain projections to lumbar circuits producing leg movement. Failure of these projections to reorganize leads to permanent paralysis. Here we modeled these injuries in rodents. A severe contusion abolished all motor cortex projections below injury. However, the motor cortex immediately regained adaptive control over the paralyzed legs during electrochemical neuromodulation of lumbar circuits. Glutamatergic reticulospinal neurons with residual projections below the injury relayed the cortical command downstream. Gravity-assisted rehabilitation enabled by the neuromodulation therapy reinforced these reticulospinal projections, rerouting cortical information through this pathway. This circuit reorganization mediated a motor cortex-dependent recovery of natural walking and swimming without requiring neuromodulation. Cortico-reticulo-spinal circuit reorganization may also improve recovery in humans