173 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic response and effective gauge theory of graphene in a magnetic field

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    The electromagnetic response of graphene in a magnetic field is studied, with particular emphasis on the quantum features of its ground state (vacuum). The graphene vacuum, unlike in conventional quantum Hall systems, is a dielectric medium and carries an appreciable amount of electric and magnetic susceptibilities. The dielectric effect grows rapidly with increasing filling factor nu in such a way that reflects the 'relativistic' Landau-level characteristics of graphene as well as its valley and spin degeneracy. A close look into the dielectric function also reveals that the Coulomb interaction is efficiently screened on the scale of the magnetic length, leading to a prominent reduction of the exciton spectra in graphene. In addition, an effective gauge theory of graphene is constructed out of the response. It is pointed out thereby that the electric susceptibility is generally expressed as a ratio of the Hall conductance to the Landau gap.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, revtex, corrected typo

    Effect of quantum fluctuations on topological excitations and central charge in supersymmetric theories

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    The effect of quantum fluctuations on Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS)-saturated topological excitations in supersymmetric theories is studied. Focus is placed on a sequence of topological excitations that derive from the same classical soliton or vortex in lower dimensions and it is shown that their quantum characteristics, such as the spectrum and profile, differ critically with the dimension of spacetime. In all the examples examined the supercharge algebra retains its classical form although short-wavelength fluctuations may modify the operator structure of the central charge, yielding an anomaly. The central charge, on taking the expectation value, is further affected by long-wavelength fluctuations, and this makes the BPS-excitation spectra only approximately calculable in some low-dimensional theories. In four dimensions, in contrast, holomorphy plays a special role in stabilizing the BPS-excitation spectra against quantum corrections. The basic tool in our study is the superfield supercurrent, from which the supercharge algebra with a central extension is extracted in a supersymmetric setting. A general method is developed to determine the associated superconformal anomaly by considering dilatation directly in superspace.Comment: 10 pages, Revtex, to appear in PR

    Field-induced breakdown of the quantum Hall effect

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    A numerical analysis is made of the breakdown of the quantum Hall effect caused by the Hall electric field in competition with disorder. It turns out that in the regime of dense impurities, in particular, the number of localized states decreases exponentially with the Hall field, with its dependence on the magnetic and electric field summarized in a simple scaling law. The physical picture underlying the scaling law is clarified. This intra-subband process, the competition of the Hall field with disorder, leads to critical breakdown fields of magnitude of a few hundred V/cm, consistent with observations, and accounts for their magnetic-field dependence \propto B^{3/2} observed experimentally. Some testable consequences of the scaling law are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, Revtex, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Topological-charge anomalies in supersymmetric theories with domain walls

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    Domain walls in 1+2 dimensions are studied to clarify some general features of topological-charge anomalies in supersymmetric theories, by extensive use of a superfield supercurrent. For domain walls quantum modifications of the supercharge algebra arise not only from the short-distance anomaly but also from another source of long-distance origin, induced spin in the domain-wall background, and the latter dominates in the sum. A close look into the supersymmetric trace identity, which naturally accommodates the central-charge anomaly and its superpartners, shows an interesting consequence of the improvement of the supercurrent: Via an improvement the anomaly in the central charge can be transferred from induced spin in the fermion sector to an induced potential in the boson sector. This fact reveals a dual character, both fermionic and bosonic, of the central-charge anomaly, which reflects the underlying supersymmetry. The one-loop superfield effective action is also constructed to verify the anomaly and BPS saturation of the domain-wall spectrum.Comment: 8 pages, Revte

    Electromagnetic characteristics and effective gauge theory of double-layer quantum Hall systems

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    The electromagnetic characteristics of double-layer quantum Hall systems are studied, with projection to the lowest Landau level taken into account and intra-Landau-level collective excitations treated in the single-mode approximation. It is pointed out that dipole-active excitations, both elementary and collective, govern the long-wavelength features of quantum Hall systems. In particular, the presence of the dipole-active interlayer out-of-phase collective excitations, inherent to double-layer systems, modifies the leading O(k) and O(k^{2}) long-wavelength characteristics (i.e., the transport properties and characteristic scale) of the double-layer quantum Hall states substantially. We apply bosonization techniques and construct from such electromagnetic characteristics an effective theory, which consists of three vector fields representing the three dipole-active modes, one interlayer collective mode and two inter-Landau-level cyclotron modes. This effective theory properly incorporates the spectrum of collective excitations on the right scale of the Coulomb energy and, in addition, accommodates the favorable transport properties of the standard Chern-Simons theories.Comment: 10 pages, Revtex, sec. II slightly shortened, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Electromagnetic characteristics of bilayer quantum Hall systems in the presence of interlayer coherence and tunneling

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    The electromagnetic characteristics of bilayer quantum Hall systems in the presence of interlayer coherence and tunneling are studied by means of a pseudospin-texture effective theory and an algebraic framework of the single-mode approximation, with emphasis on clarifying the nature of the low-lying neutral collective mode responsible for interlayer tunneling phenomena. A long-wavelength effective theory, consisting of the collective mode as well as the cyclotron modes, is constructed. It is seen explicitly from the electromagnetic response that gauge invariance is kept exact, this implying, in particular, the absence of the Meissner effect in bilayer systems. Special emphasis is placed on exploring the advantage of looking into quantum Hall systems through their response; in particular, subtleties inherent to the standard Chern-Simons theories are critically examined.Comment: 9 pages, Revtex, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Central charge and renormalization in supersymmetric theories with vortices

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    Some quantum features of vortices in supersymmetric theories in 1+2 dimensions are studied in a manifestly supersymmetric setting of the superfield formalism. A close examination of the supercurrent that accommodates the central charge and super-Poincare charges in a supermultiplet reveals that there is no genuine quantum anomaly in the supertrace identity and in the supercharge algebra, with the central-charge operator given by the bare Fayet-Iliopoulos term alone. The central charge and the vortex spectrum undergo renormalization on taking the expectation value of the central-charge operator. It is shown that the vortex spectrum is exactly determined at one loop while the spectrum of the elementary excitations receives higher-order corrections.Comment: 9 pages, revte

    On the equivalence between 2D Yukawa and Gross-Neveu models

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    We study numerically on the lattice the 2D Yukawa model with the U(1) chiral symmetry and NFN_F = 16 at infinite scalar field self-coupling. The scaling behaviour of the fermion mass, as the Yukawa coupling approaches zero, is analysed using the mean field method. It is found to agree with that of the Gross-Neveu model with the same symmetry and NFN_F. The results suggest that the 2D Yukawa models belong to the universality class of the Gross-Neveu models not only at weak scalar field self-coupling but also for a broad range of the bare parameters which is not accessible to the 1/NF1/N_F expansion. New universality classes might arise at the crossover to the spin model universality class, however.Comment: 18 pages, Juelich HLRZ 111/9

    Electronic Processes at the Breakdown of the Quantum Hall Effect

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    Microscopic processes giving the energy gain and loss of a two-dimensional electron system in long-range potential fluctuations are studied theoretically at the breakdown of the quantum Hall effect in the case of even-integer filling factors. The Coulomb scattering within a broadened Landau level is proposed to give the gain, while the phonon scattering to give the loss. The energy balance equation shows that the electron temperature T_e and the diagonal conductivity sigma_{xx} exhibit a bistability above the lower critical electric field E_{c1}. Calculated values of E_{c1} as well as T_e and sigma_{xx} at E_{c1} are in agreement with the observed values in their orders of magnitude.Comment: 4 pages, 2 Postscript figures, submitted to the Journal of the Physical Society of Japa
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