939 research outputs found

    The effects of stimulus modality and task integrality: Predicting dual-task performance and workload from single-task levels

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    The influence of stimulus modality and task difficulty on workload and performance was investigated. The goal was to quantify the cost (in terms of response time and experienced workload) incurred when essentially serial task components shared common elements (e.g., the response to one initiated the other) which could be accomplished in parallel. The experimental tasks were based on the Fittsberg paradigm; the solution to a SternBERG-type memory task determines which of two identical FITTS targets are acquired. Previous research suggested that such functionally integrated dual tasks are performed with substantially less workload and faster response times than would be predicted by suming single-task components when both are presented in the same stimulus modality (visual). The physical integration of task elements was varied (although their functional relationship remained the same) to determine whether dual-task facilitation would persist if task components were presented in different sensory modalities. Again, it was found that the cost of performing the two-stage task was considerably less than the sum of component single-task levels when both were presented visually. Less facilitation was found when task elements were presented in different sensory modalities. These results suggest the importance of distinguishing between concurrent tasks that complete for limited resources from those that beneficially share common resources when selecting the stimulus modalities for information displays

    Ex. 280-US-416

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    A report on the movement of Lost River and shortnose suckers through the Sprague River ladder at the Chiloquin Dam, Spring 2000

    Ex. 280-US-416

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    A report on the movement of Lost River and shortnose suckers through the Sprague River ladder at the Chiloquin Dam, Spring 2000

    Ex. 277-US-415

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    The 2004 annual report on riverine movements of adult Lost River, shortnose, and Klamath largescale suckers in the Williamson and Sprague rivers, Orego

    Ex. 277-US-415

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    The 2004 annual report on riverine movements of adult Lost River, shortnose, and Klamath largescale suckers in the Williamson and Sprague rivers, Orego