11 research outputs found

    Shear Resistance of portal Frame Reinforced with Bamboo and Steel Rebar: Experimental and Numerical Evaluation

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    The main objective of this study is to evaluate the shear resistance of portal frame fabricated with bamboo and steel rebar by following experimental and numerical approaches. In support of sustainable construction, bamboo stripes were utilized as a partial replacement of steel rebar at tension zone of members that are subjected to lateral loading. The performance of nominal portal frame, which are fabricated with steel reinforcement was compared to the portal frames having several replacements of steel reinforcement with bamboo, in terms of seismic resistance and lateral load capacity. The experimental data was correlated based on software analysis using ABAQUS. The partial replacement of steel with bamboo under tension zone of the beams in portal frame was found to be highly effective, and also that the flexural rigidity of the partial bamboo reinforced frame was slightly higher than the nominal portal frame. This study provides insight on the possibility of reinforcing structural members with bamboo, when lateral loading is imminent on the structure

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    Not AvailableThe pollution due to marine debris is a serious environmental threat in many parts of the world. The abundance of marine debris, composition and its distribution over the seafloor along north-east coast of Arabian coast was studied through trawl based swept method. Experimental fishing was conducted fortnightly using shrimp bottom trawl and collected debris was categorized as per standard protocols. A total of 1077 pieces of debris (11.7 kg dry weight) were collected from 25 hauls. The average number and weight of debris were 943 items/km2 and 10.2 kg/km2 respectively. The estimated total marine debris along this coast was 379 t (dry weight). Plastic-based debris contributed maximum (87.1%) to the total debris collected in numbers and among this, plastic bags and food wrappers were dominant. Debris produced by shoreline/recreational activities comprised the major source of debris (88.6%) along this coast. This study provides the evidence that the effective use of available fishing trawlers and co-management practices (“Make fishers friend”) can help to remove the seabed debris. The base data generated through this study would facilitate region-based effective control and management of plastic debris pollution.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableBackground: Fishes of the family triacanthidae are highly diversified throughout the world, but studies on these fishes were very limited in India. Now a day’s catch of species belongs to this family increasing and showing new geographical distributions due to overfishing of top predators. Methods: Experimental fishing method was conducted by using the M.F.V Narmada-IV vessel of ICAR- Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai. The vessel operated with a demersal trawl net with a cod-end mesh size of 30 mm. Spatial distribution map of the family Triacanthidae was generated from previous literature using the IDW interpolation method in Arc GIS 10.4. Result: New distributional record of silver tripodfish, Triacanthus nieuhofii Bleeker, 1852 was recorded for the first time from the Mumbai waters, northwest coast of India. Spatial map showing that the species of the family Triacanthidae were highly diversified along the east coast than the west coast of India.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableAim:The present study is an attempt to analyze the land use pattern of Kolleru Lake in and around by using the techniques of remote sensing and GIS to detect the temporal changes of the Kolleru Lake. Methodology:The 1938 and 1967 years topographic sheets and Landsat-5 TM of 1997 and Resoucesat-2 LISS 4 of 2017 satellite images were used and analyzed by the latest version of Arc GIS 10.4 and ERDAS IMAGINE 2016 (Version 16.00). Unsupervised and supervised classification was done for 1997 and 2017 images, respectively. Results:It was estimated from the topographic map of 1938 that the total lake 2 boundary area was 230.15 km . Digital image processing of 2017 satellite data 2 revealed that the lake area of 76.9 km (32.45%) only remained degraded, extensively colonized by macrophytes. The land use/land cover maps of 1997 and 2017 revealed that lake area was significantly occupied by aquaculture 2 which amounted to 84 km (36.53%) and 2 56 km (24.35%), respectively, and no aquaculture activity was reported from 1938 and 1967 toposheets. Interpretation:The geospa tial analysis data gives accurate and reliable information and associated factors. The spatio-temporal analysis data provide a significant foundation for monitoring activities in other lake systems, and are applicable to monitoring wetland use patterns in other sites of international importance.Not Availabl

    Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles from Schizophyllum radiatum HE 863742.1: their characterization and antimicrobial activity

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    Development of reliable and eco-friendly process for synthesis of silver nanoparticles is an important step in the field of application in nanotechnology. One of the options to achieve this objective is to use natural biological processes. They have an advantage over conventional methods involving chemical agents associated with environmental toxicity. This study demonstrates the extra-cellular synthesis of stable silver nanoparticles using the white rot fungus, Schizophyllum radiatum with GenBank Accession no HE 863742.1. The supernatant of the seed media obtained after separating the cells has been used for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles. The morphology and structure of synthesized silver nanoparticles were characterized using FT-IR, XRD, UV–visible spectrum of the aqueous medium containing silver ion showed a peak in the range of 420–430 nm corresponding to the Plasmon absorbance of silver nanoparticles. Scanning electron microscopy micrograph showed formation of well-dispersed silver nanoparticles in the range of 10–40 nm. The effect of different carbon sources and the time taken for formation particles and the anti-microbial activity of synthesized nanoparticles were carried and compared with silver nitrate solution and with standard streptomycin. The process of reduction being extra-cellular and fast may lead to the development of an easy bioprocess for synthesis of silver nanoparticles