99 research outputs found

    On the Stochastic Sequential and Nonsequential Production Planning Problem

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    This dissertation examines a stochastic sequential and a non-sequential capacitated production planning problem (Bitran and Yanasse, Operations Research, 32, 5, 1984) where the demand of each period is a continuous random variable. The stochastic non-sequential production planning problem is at first examined with sequence independent and then with sequence dependent set-up costs and the worst case error determined when an approximate solution is obtained by solving the deterministic equivalent. We prove in general that the worst case error is not dependent on the nature of the set-up cost. Based on a result due to Huang, Ziemba and Ben-Tal (Operations Research, 25, 2, 1977) we identify a family of approximations for both the stochastic sequential and the stochastic non-sequential production planning problem. We find a problem which bounds the stochastic sequential problem of two period from above: the upper bound coupled with Bitran and Yanasses\u27 (Operations Research, 32, 5, 1984) lower bound enable us to perform worst-case analysis. Given uniformly distributed demand, this analysis produces results within 23% of optimality. Finally, we derive conditions such that an order-up-to the service level policy is optimal for the T-period stochastic sequential capacitated production planning problem

    Isolation and identification of Micrococcus roseus and Planococcus sp. from schirmacher oasis, Antarctica

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    Five cultures isolated from soil samples collected in Schirmacher oasis, Antarctica, have been identified as members of the family Micrococcaceae, with 3 belonging to the genusMicrococcus and two toPlanococcus. The 3 Micrococcus isolates (37R, 45R and 49R) were red-pigmented and h a d ~ 75 mol% G + C in their DNA; they were identified as Micrococcus roseus. The twoPlanococcus isolates (30Y and Lz3OR) were yellow and orange in colour, and had 43·5 and 40·9 mol % G + C in their DNA respectively; they were identified as Planococcus sp

    Solar Panel Technology in Highway

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    solar energy has been the subject of great development in the past years, which led to the concept of Solar Roads. The solar roadway is a series of the structurally engineered solar panel that is driven upon. Solar roadway means the use of solar panel in road pavement. It also means replace current petroleum based asphalt road with a solar panel. A Solar roadway is a road surface that generates electricity by solar power using Photovoltaic and includes solar panels and LED signage, that can be drive on. Solar is a renewable source

    Accessing Accessions: Biobanks and Benefit-Sharing

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    The ability to access the materials and data in bio banks is vital to many areas of research. This paper reports a survey of a sample of biobanks worldwide to see the types of information that is provided by their sites as to their mode of operation, in terms of intellectual property policies, cost, material transfer agreements and so forth. The types of material held in a sample of bio banks in different jurisdictions is discussed, along with proposals for further research in the area. Following an introduction to some of the issues facing bio banks and their relationship to accessing various materials, an example of the additional work done by one recently visited bio bank site is described. The focus of this research has been on bio banks that have non-human biological resources rather than purely human biobanks

    HPLC analysis of closed, open, and reflex eye tear proteins

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    Changes in the closed, open and reflex eye tear proteins of normal subjects were compared and analysed. Tear proteins were resolved by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) utilising both gel filtration (P-300 SW) and reverse-phase (C-18) columns and the HPLC fractions were further analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) under reducing and non-reducing conditions. The protein composition of the closed-eye tear was significantly different from that of the open and reflex-eye tear. Secretory IgA (sIgA) was the predominant protein in closed eye tears constituting 49% of the total protein compared to 11% in reflex tears, whereas lysozyme was the predominant protein (53%) in reflex tears. Levels of lactoferrin, lipocalin and lysozyme were relatively constant in both open and reflex tears. HPLC profiles of the closed-eye tears, upon continuous stimulation of lacrimal glands indicated that sIgA was significantly reduced whereas lactoferrin, lipocalin, and lysozyme were significantly increased. These results indicate that the tear composition upon waking attains that of the open eye within 4 to 5 minutes, and upon continuous stimulation this reflects the reflex-eye tear composition. It also indicates that mechanisms responsible for changes in concentration of constitutive and regulated tear protein with stimulus can be studied successfully using non-invasive methods to collect human tears
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