142 research outputs found

    Lexical Portrait of an Oral Story: a Corpus Study of Speech of Two Generations of Native Speakers of Russian

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    The article is devoted to the quantitative and statistical analysis of the vocabulary of the oral stories corpus based on pictures. The subjects were 42 people, monolingual native speakers of the Russian (representatives of 15 families). The purpose of the study is to identify and describe the lexical parameters that distinguish the oral stories of representatives of different generations. An attempt is made to consider the connection of these parameters with the formation of native speakers’ ideas about the lexical structure of the narrative. The following results are obtained. The nature of the stimulus material ensured an approximately equal degree of complexity in the texts of both groups, although the volume of the parents’ active vocabulary significantly exceeded the volume of the children’s vocabulary. At the level of individual texts, both groups use equally diverse vocabulary per unit of text volume. In the children’s stories, the main “plot” vocabulary is quite heterogeneous, while the parents tend to lexical unification of the narrative. In the texts of both groups, local reference and direction of movement are expressed in the same way, which indicates their “basic” narrative function, which does not depend on the age of the subjects. The stories of the parents are also unified in terms of vocabulary, showing the logical structure of the narrative and different types of semantic relations in the text

    Effect of Complexes of Cobalt With Aminoacids on the Replication of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1)

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    Cobalt, being essential metal, influences different physiological and enzymatic functions. As cobalt does not accumulate in the body, Co-compounds have relatively low toxicity. The aim of the present study is the effect of complexes of Co(II) with aminoacids - lysine, arginine, histidine and serine on HSV-1 replication. No effect of [O2Co(his)4].nH2O and [O2Co(arg)2].nH2O on HSV-1 infection in vitro was found. Both, [O2Co(lys)2].nH2O and [O2Co(ser)2].nH2O suppress the attachement of HSV-1 particles onto target cells and the viral replication as well. Moreover, the properties of the particular Co-complex (charge, stability, structure) are manifestated by their virucidal effect. Thus, [O2Co(ser)2].nH2O irreversibly inhibits the infectious activity of free HSV-1 virions, while virucidal effect of [O2Co(lys)2].nH2O is completely reversible after the 2h of contact

    Effect of Complexes of Zinc, Cobalt and Copper With D-Aminosugars on the Replication of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1)

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    Our previous results show that Zn(pic)2 and Zn(asp)2 inhibit key steps of the replication of HSV-1. Anti-HSV effect of complexes of Co(II) with aminoacids Lys and Ser was also found. In the present study we describe the effect of complexes of Zn(II), Co(II) and Cu(II) with D-aminosugars on the replication of HSV-1 and on the infectivity of free virions. The experiments were done using primary rabbit kidney cells (r.k.), diploid human embryonal fibroblasts (F) and Vero cells. No differences in the toxicity of metal complexes on diploid cells- r.k. and F, were found. Neither metal complexes, nor ligands-galactosoxime and glucosoxime, influenced the viral replication. During 1-4h prolonged contact only Cu(Gl.NOH)2 inactivated HSV-1 virions up to 90%. The results show that D-aminosugars are not suitable ligands for Zn(II), Cu(II) and Co(II) in respect of the inhibition of viral replication. However, only Cu(Gl.NOH)2 was able to inhibit the infectivity of free virions

    Thermalization rate of polaritons in strongly-coupled molecular systems

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    Polariton thermalization is a key process in achieving light-matter Bose--Einstein condensation, spanning from solid-state semiconductor microcavities at cryogenic temperatures to surface plasmon nanocavities with molecules at room temperature. Originated from the matter component of polariton states, the microscopic mechanisms of thermalization are closely tied to specific material properties. In this work, we investigate polariton thermalization in strongly-coupled molecular systems. We develop a microscopic theory addressing polariton thermalization through electron-phonon interactions (known as exciton-vibration coupling) with low-energy molecular vibrations. This theory presents a simple analytical method to calculate the temperature-dependent polariton thermalization rate, utilizing experimentally accessible spectral properties of bare molecules, such as the Stokes shift and temperature-dependent linewidth of photoluminescence, in conjunction with well-known parameters of optical cavities. Our findings demonstrate qualitative agreement with recent experimental reports of nonequilibrium polariton condensation in both ground and excited states, and explain the thermalization bottleneck effect observed at low temperatures. This study showcases the significance of vibrational degrees of freedom in polariton condensation and offers practical guidance for future experiments, including the selection of suitable material systems and cavity designs

    Continuous selections of multivalued mappings

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    This survey covers in our opinion the most important results in the theory of continuous selections of multivalued mappings (approximately) from 2002 through 2012. It extends and continues our previous such survey which appeared in Recent Progress in General Topology, II, which was published in 2002. In comparison, our present survey considers more restricted and specific areas of mathematics. Note that we do not consider the theory of selectors (i.e. continuous choices of elements from subsets of topological spaces) since this topics is covered by another survey in this volume

    Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis of children teenage age

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    In this article, the features of the course of infiltrative tuberculosis in adolescents who are inpatient in Yekaterinburg are considered. 30 case histories of children 13-16 years old are analyzed. Studied anamnesis data, medical history, physical examination, diagnosis, treatment, and outcome of the disease.В данной статье рассматриваются особенности течения инфильтративного туберкулеза у детей подросткового возраста, находящихся на стационарном лечении в г. Екатеринбурге. Проанализировано 30 историй болезни детей возраста от 13 до 16 лет. Изучены данные анамнеза заболевания, анамнеза жизни, объективного осмотра, методов диагностики, лечения и исхода заболевания

    Soil Water Characteristics of European SoilTrEC Critical Zone Observatories

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    Most of soil functions depend directly or indirectly on soil water retention and transmission, which explains their importance for many environmental processes within Earth's Critical Zones. Soil hydraulic properties are essential in irrigation and drainage studies for closing water balance equation, for predicting leaching of nutrients, for water supply to plants, and for other agronomical and environmental applications. Soil hydraulic properties reflect the structure of the soil porous system comprising pores of different geometry and sizes. This investigation comprises a detailed analytical study of soil hydraulic properties and climate conditions at 18 methodologically selected sites in Damma Glacier, Slavkov Forest, Marchfeld, and Koiliaris Critical Zone Observatories of SoilTrEC project. The local moisture regimes were assessed on a long-term basis by the Newhall model. The experimental data for soil water content at different potentials were used for assessing water storage capacity, pore size distribution, parameters of fitted retention curve equation, curve slope at the inflection point, and water permeability characteristics of each soil horizon. The differences of soil water retention and transmission characteristics-as fundamental properties describing soil structure-were explained by the different stages of soil profile development, parent materials, organic matter content, and land use histories

    Промышленный унифицированный рекуператор на базе модульных элементов «Силал» М-I 115x460x860-05 и «Силал» М-II 230x460x860-1,0 (типоряд М-I и М-II)

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    The paper proposes a fundamentally new modification of cast iron recuperative heat exchanger assembled on the basis of the following modules: «Silal» M-I 115x460x860-05 and «Silal» M-II 230x460x860-1.0.It is shown that such recuperative heat exchanger does not have the disadvantages which are inherent to presently applied recuperators.Предлагается принципиально новая модификация чугунного рекуператора, собранного из модулей («Силал» М-I 115x460x860-05 и «Силал» М-II 230x460x860-1,0).Показано, что такой рекуператор лишен недостатков, которые присущи используемым в настоящее время