9 research outputs found

    Распространенность ишемической болезни сердца среди мужчин, больных туберкулезом легких

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    Three follow-up single-stage standardized examinations for revealing of ischemic heart disease (IHD) were conducted among males at the age 50-59 with tuberculosis in 1972, 1998, 2011 years. The results of studies are conformed that prevalence of IHD among males with tuberculosis is not changed during this period and remained on relatively high level from 21.0-31.9%. Practically every 5th male with tuberculosis has clinical signs of IHD that could be considered as a support of necessity of joint simultaneous treatment of tuberculosis and IHD.Выполнены три одномоментных исследования с целью выявления ИБС среди мужчин в возрасте 50-59 лет больных туберкулезом. Исследования проводились в 1972, 1998, 2011 гг. с использованием стандартизированных методов обследования. Сравнительный анализ результатов свидетельствуют о том, что распространенность проявлений ИБС среди мужчин, больных туберкулезом легких в течение указанного периода, остается высокой в пределах 21,0-31,9%

    Diagnosis of violations of microcirculation in the late recovery period after thrombosis of cerebral vessels

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    There is no objection that many pathological manifestations after thrombosis of cerebral vessels are associated in many respects with microcirculation disorders. These dysfunctions of microcirculation on the side of the lesion in patients are increasingly considered a point of influence for the recovery of this contingent of patients. In this connection, it is required to clarify the state of microcirculation in post-stroke patients at the late stage of their rehabilitation. In the article, the state of microcirculation in patients was clarified 7 months after the stroke. It was found that the deterioration of microcirculation processes is very typical for this contingent of patients, especially on the paretic side. Apparently, improvement in the state of motor function in patients after thrombosis of cerebral vessels is associated with increased microcirculation in affected limbs and in healthy limbs. The disturbances of microcirculation persisting in patients give grounds to recommend such a combination of drug treatment and non-medicamentous effects in the late stages of recovery, using the latter particularly actively on the affected side. Copyright © 2019, SciTechnol, All Rights Reserved

    Pathological changes in microcirculation in the early recovery period of ischemic stroke

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    The rates of morbidity and mortality due to stroke among people of working age have been growing in recent years and have increased by more than 30% over the past 10 years. An important place among the complications of ischemic stroke is motor disorders, accompanied by persistent muscle hypertension and disorders of peripheral microcirculation. The purpose of the study: to reveal the features of microcirculatory disorders in patients in the early recovery period of ischemic stroke. Violations of peripheral hemodynamics are very typical for patients in the early recovery period of ischemic stroke. They are more pronounced on the side of the paresis. In the early recovery period, more severe forms of microcirculation disorder were observed more often on the paretic limb, accompanied by signs of a sharp decrease in blood flow, increased vascular tone with the phenomena of blood stagnation. The revealed disorders of the microcirculatory link allow the use of disaggregants, peripheral vasodilators, venotonicks, massage, physiotherapy, reflexotherapy, and physical therapy with the involvement of the patient and healthy limbs to be recommended to patients in the early recovery period after ischemic stroke. All this should contribute to improving the effectiveness of rehabilitation of this category of patients during the early recovery phase. Copyright © 2019, SciTechnol, All Rights Reserved

    Serotonin transporter gene 5-HTTLPR VNTR allele frequency distribution in Africa and Eurasia

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    The S allele frequencies of serotonin transporter gene 5-HTTLPR, which is associated with a number of psychiatric disorders, were found for 21 populations of Eurasia and Africa. The principal components of genetic variability (PC1 and PC2) based on the published frequencies for 68 alleles at five STR loci of CODIS, which are supposed to be neutral, were calculated for the same populations. The S allele frequency is correlated to PC2 (R = 0.820, p < 0.0001); this means that the correlation corresponds to the general genetic variability in the studied populations. The correlation between the STR allele frequency and Hofstede’s individualism-collectivism dimension index for 4 of the 68 studied alleles is even higher than the correlation of the S allele frequency. Our findings do not support the hypothesis (Chiao and Blizinsky, 2010) on the culture-gene coevolution of the S allele frequency and the level of collectivism. © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Serotonin transporter gene 5-HTTLPR VNTR allele frequency distribution in Africa and Eurasia

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    The S allele frequencies of serotonin transporter gene 5-HTTLPR, which is associated with a number of psychiatric disorders, were found for 21 populations of Eurasia and Africa. The principal components of genetic variability (PC1 and PC2) based on the published frequencies for 68 alleles at five STR loci of CODIS, which are supposed to be neutral, were calculated for the same populations. The S allele frequency is correlated to PC2 (R = 0.820, p < 0.0001); this means that the correlation corresponds to the general genetic variability in the studied populations. The correlation between the STR allele frequency and Hofstede’s individualism-collectivism dimension index for 4 of the 68 studied alleles is even higher than the correlation of the S allele frequency. Our findings do not support the hypothesis (Chiao and Blizinsky, 2010) on the culture-gene coevolution of the S allele frequency and the level of collectivism. © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Special aspects of systemic inflammation course in animals

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    Aim: In this study, we identified characteristics of systemic inflammation associated with surgical sepsis in animals. We evaluated the role of purine metabolism, functionally associated lipoperoxidation processes of membrane structures, and the antioxidant system in the development of surgical sepsis in dogs. Materials and Methods: Dogs with a provisional exclusion of sepsis were included in the study. The control group (Group 1) included clinically healthy dogs (n=5), and medium-breed dogs with systemic inflammation response syndrome (n=30) were categorized in the experimental group (Group 2). Along with hemogram and biochemical analysis, we determined the amount of malondialdehyde, glutathione, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione reductase, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase on the 1st and 14th day of the study. Treatment included a thorough reorganization of the septic focus, followed by antibacterial therapy. Sick animals were injected with a drug (dexamethasone) that suppresses the synthesis and inhibits the action of inflammatory mediators. Decompensation of the functions of organs and systems was carried out using symptomatic therapy. Results: We found that enhanced lipid peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids of membrane structures stimulates the generalization of inflammatory process, as evidenced by the significant deviation from the physiologically normal values of lipid peroxidation, C-reactive protein, blood cell count, etc. The course of systemic inflammation associated with surgical sepsis in animals can be attributed to several consistently developing processes that function as a result of increased purine mononucleotide catabolism, peroxide compound formation, and their excessive breakdown in reactions associated with the consumption of glutathione due to the insufficient recovery of glutathione disulfide. Conclusion: The amount of uric acid, glycosaminoglycans, hyaluronic acid in blood plasma, and the content of malondialdehyde, glutathione, and glutathione reductase in erythrocytes should be considered when assessing the severity of the systemic inflammatory process. The increased glutathione requirement in dogs with surgical sepsis requires intervention with pharmacological agents, and further research is needed in this aspect. © Chernigova, et al. Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated

    Allele frequency distributions of -174G/C polymorphism in regulatory region of interleukin 6 gene (IL6) in Russian and worldwide populations

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    Allele and genotype frequencies of the -174G/C polymorphism (rs1800795) in the regulatory region of the IL6 gene, which encode anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin 6, were determined in seven populations representing five ethnic groups from the European part of Russia (440 individuals), as well as in small cohorts that represent populations from 24 countries of Africa and Eurasia (365 individuals). The maps of the geographic distribution of the -174G/C allele frequencies were constructed based on personal (22 populations) and the literature data (66 populations), and the data from dbSNP database obtained by the HapMap project (10 populations). The frequency of the -174G allele varied from 45 to 100% and was characterized by nonrandom geographic distribution. These data could reflect the adaptive load of the alleles examined, which was different in different regions of the world. It is suggested that the level of pathogen prevalence is one of the environmental factors that determine different adaptive values of the IL6*-174G/C alleles. This suggestion is supported by a positive correlation between the -174G allele frequency and level of pathogen prevalence calculated based on historical data (R = 0. 768; p & 0. 0001). © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Allele frequency distributions of -174G/C polymorphism in regulatory region of interleukin 6 gene (IL6) in Russian and worldwide populations

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    Allele and genotype frequencies of the -174G/C polymorphism (rs1800795) in the regulatory region of the IL6 gene, which encode anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin 6, were determined in seven populations representing five ethnic groups from the European part of Russia (440 individuals), as well as in small cohorts that represent populations from 24 countries of Africa and Eurasia (365 individuals). The maps of the geographic distribution of the -174G/C allele frequencies were constructed based on personal (22 populations) and the literature data (66 populations), and the data from dbSNP database obtained by the HapMap project (10 populations). The frequency of the -174G allele varied from 45 to 100% and was characterized by nonrandom geographic distribution. These data could reflect the adaptive load of the alleles examined, which was different in different regions of the world. It is suggested that the level of pathogen prevalence is one of the environmental factors that determine different adaptive values of the IL6*-174G/C alleles. This suggestion is supported by a positive correlation between the -174G allele frequency and level of pathogen prevalence calculated based on historical data (R = 0. 768; p & 0. 0001). © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd