7 research outputs found

    The anti-cancer effect of retinoic acid signaling in CRC occurs via decreased growth of ALDH+ colon cancer stem cells and increased differentiation of stem cells

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    Background: Tumorigenesis is driven by stem cell (SC) overpopulation. BecauseALDH is both a marker for SCs in many tissues and a key enzyme in retinoid acid (RA)signaling, we studied RA signaling in normal and malignant colonic SCs.Hypothesis: RA signaling regulates growth and differentiation of ALDH+ colonicSCs dysregulation of RA signaling contributes to SC overpopulation and colorectalcancer (CRC) development.Methods: We analyzed normal and malignant colonic tissues and CRC cell linesto see if retinoid receptors (RXR &RAR) are exclusively expressed in ALDH+ SCs,and if RA signaling changes during CRC development. We determined whether RAsignaling regulates cancer SC (CSC) proliferation, differentiation, sphere formation,and population size.Results: RXR &RAR were expressed in ALDH+ colonic SCs, but not in MCM2+proliferative cells. Western blotting/immunostaining of CRCs revealed that RAsignaling components become overexpressed in parallel with ALDH overexpression,which coincides with the known overpopulation of ALDH+ SCs that occurs during,and drives, CRC development. Treatment of SCs with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA)decreased proliferation, sphere formation and ALDH+ SC population size, and induceddifferentiation along the neuroendocrine cell (NEC) lineage.Conclusions: Retinoid signaling, by regulating ALDH+ colonic CSCs, decreases SCproliferation, sphere formation, and population size, and increases SC differentiation toNECs. Dysregulation of RA signaling in colonic SCs likely contributes to overpopulationof ALDH+ SCs and CRC growth.Implications: That retinoid receptors RXR and RAR are selectively expressed inALDH+ SCs indicates RA signaling mainly occurs via ALDH+ SCs, which provides amechanism to selectively target CSCs. © 2018 Impact Journals LLC. All rights reserved

    MicroRNA Expression Profiling of Normal and Malignant Human Colonic Stem Cells Identifies

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have a critical role in regulating stem cells (SCs) during development, and because aberrant expression of miRNAs occurs in various cancers, our goal was to determine if dysregulation of miRNAs is involved in the SC origin of colorectal cancer (CRC). We previously reported that aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) is a marker for normal and malignant human colonic SCs and tracks SC overpopulation during colon tumorigenesis. MicroRNA expression was studied in ALDH-positive SCs from normal and malignant human colon tissues by Nanostring miRNA profiling. Our findings show that: (1) A unique miRNA signature distinguishes ALDH-positive CRC cells from ALDH-positive normal colonic epithelial cells, (2) Expression of four miRNAs (miRNA200c, miRNA92a, miRNA20a, miRNA93) are significantly altered in CRC SCs compared to normal colonic SCs, (3) miRNA92a expression is also upregulated in ALDH-positive HT29 CRC SCs as compared to ALDH-negative SCs, (4) miRNA92a targets the 3\u27UTR of LRIG1 SC gene, and (5) miRNA92a modulates proliferation of HT29 CRC cells. Thus, our findings indicate that overexpression of miRNA92a contributes to the SC origin of CRC. Strategies designed to modulate miRNA expression, such as miRNA92a, may provide ways to target malignant SCs and to develop more effective therapies against CRC

    MicroRNA Expression Profiling of Normal and Malignant Human Colonic Stem Cells Identifies miRNA92a as a Regulator of the LRIG1 Stem Cell Gene

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have a critical role in regulating stem cells (SCs) during development, and because aberrant expression of miRNAs occurs in various cancers, our goal was to determine if dysregulation of miRNAs is involved in the SC origin of colorectal cancer (CRC). We previously reported that aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) is a marker for normal and malignant human colonic SCs and tracks SC overpopulation during colon tumorigenesis. MicroRNA expression was studied in ALDH-positive SCs from normal and malignant human colon tissues by Nanostring miRNA profiling. Our findings show that: (1) A unique miRNA signature distinguishes ALDH-positive CRC cells from ALDH-positive normal colonic epithelial cells, (2) Expression of four miRNAs (miRNA200c, miRNA92a, miRNA20a, miRNA93) are significantly altered in CRC SCs compared to normal colonic SCs, (3) miRNA92a expression is also upregulated in ALDH-positive HT29 CRC SCs as compared to ALDH-negative SCs, (4) miRNA92a targets the 3′UTR of LRIG1 SC gene, and (5) miRNA92a modulates proliferation of HT29 CRC cells. Thus, our findings indicate that overexpression of miRNA92a contributes to the SC origin of CRC. Strategies designed to modulate miRNA expression, such as miRNA92a, may provide ways to target malignant SCs and to develop more effective therapies against CRC

    Efficient Delivery and Nuclear Uptake Is Not Sufficient to Detect Gene Editing in CD34+ Cells Directed by a Ribonucleoprotein Complex

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    CD34+ cells are prime targets for therapeutic strategies for gene editing, because modified progenitor cells have the capacity to differentiate through an erythropoietic lineage. Although experimental advances have been reported, the associated experimental protocols have largely been less than clear or robust. As such, we evaluated the relationships among cellular delivery; nuclear uptake, often viewed as the benchmark metric of successful gene editing; and single base repair. We took a combinatorial approach using single-stranded oligonucleotide and a CRISPR/Cas9 ribonucleoprotein to convert wild-type HBB into the sickle cell genotype by evaluating conditions for two common delivery strategies of gene editing tools into CD34+ cells. Confocal microscopy data show that the CRISPR/Cas9 ribonucleoprotein tends to accumulate at the outer membrane of the CD34+ cell nucleus when the Neon Transfection System is employed, while the ribonucleoproteins do pass into the cell nucleus when nucleofection is used. Despite the high efficiency of cellular transformation, and the traditional view of success in efficient nuclear uptake, neither delivery methodology enabled gene editing activity. Our results indicate that more stringent criteria must be established to facilitate the clinical translation and scientific robustness of gene editing for sickle cell disease

    The effect of backwards walking on hamstring flexibility and dynamic balance.

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of backwards walking on hamstring flexibility and dynamic balance. Thirty male and female students from the University of Chichester participated, with a mean age of 20.87 ± 0.94 years, a mean height of 172.60 ± 8.90 centimetres and a mean weight of 70.74 ± 16.89 kilograms. Fifteen participants were allocated to either the backwards walking experimental group or the control group. The backwards walking was carried out on a treadmill, three times a week for four-weeks. Each session consisted of a five-minute forward walking warm-up and 10 minutes of backwards walking. Hamstring flexibility and dynamic balance were assessed before and after the backwards walking intervention. Hamstring flexibility was measured by the modified active knee extension test and dynamic balance was measured by the Y balance test. Statistical analysis was carried out using multiple two-way mixed ANOVA and Paired t-test, with a 0.05 significance level. Regarding hamstring flexibility, the ANOVA showed a significant difference over time (p = 0.004), a non-significant interaction between time and group (p = 0.143) and a non-significant difference between groups (p = 0.346). A Paired t-test showed hamstring flexibility to significantly improve over time in the experimental group (p = 0.013). However, it did not significantly improve in the control group (p = 0.206). For dynamic balance, there was a significant difference over time for the anterior (p = 0.05), posterolateral (p = 0.049) and posteromedial (p = 0.006) directions. There was a non-significant interaction between time and group for the anterior (p = 0.715), posterolateral (p = 0.420) and posteromedial directions (p = 0.742). Additionally, there was also a non-significant difference between groups for the anterior (p = 0.393), posterolateral (p = 0.967) and posteromedial (p = 0.783) directions. All participants improved in their backwards walking speed over the four-week intervention. In conclusion, this research found backwards walking did not significantly improve hamstring flexibility or dynamic balance, however there are indications that backwards walking has clinical relevance

    APC mutations in human colon lead to decreased neuroendocrine maturation of ALDH+ stem cells that alters GLP-2 and SST feedback signaling: Clue to a link between WNT and retinoic acid signalling in colon cancer development.

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    APC mutations drive human colorectal cancer (CRC) development. A major contributing factor is colonic stem cell (SC) overpopulation. But, the mechanism has not been fully identified. A possible mechanism is the dysregulation of neuroendocrine cell (NEC) maturation by APC mutations because SCs and NECs both reside together in the colonic crypt SC niche where SCs mature into NECs. So, we hypothesized that sequential inactivation of APC alleles in human colonic crypts leads to progressively delayed maturation of SCs into NECs and overpopulation of SCs. Accordingly, we used quantitative immunohistochemical mapping to measure indices and proportions of SCs and NECs in human colon tissues (normal, adenomatous, malignant), which have different APC-zygosity states. In normal crypts, many cells staining for the colonic SC marker ALDH1 co-stained for chromogranin-A (CGA) and other NEC markers. In contrast, in APC-mutant tissues from familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) patients, the proportion of ALDH+ SCs progressively increased while NECs markedly decreased. To explain how these cell populations change in FAP tissues, we used mathematical modelling to identify kinetic mechanisms. Computational analyses indicated that APC mutations lead to: 1) decreased maturation of ALDH+ SCs into progenitor NECs (not progenitor NECs into mature NECs); 2) diminished feedback signaling by mature NECs. Biological experiments using human CRC cell lines to test model predictions showed that mature GLP-2R+ and SSTR1+ NECs produce, via their signaling peptides, opposing effects on rates of NEC maturation via feedback regulation of progenitor NECs. However, decrease in this feedback signaling wouldn't explain the delayed maturation because both progenitor and mature NECs are depleted in CRCs. So the mechanism for delayed maturation must explain how APC mutation causes the ALDH+ SCs to remain immature. Given that ALDH is a key component of the retinoic acid (RA) signaling pathway, that other components of the RA pathway are selectively expressed in ALDH+ SCs, and that exogenous RA ligands can induce ALDH+ cancer SCs to mature into NECs, RA signaling must be attenuated in ALDH+ SCs in CRC. Thus, attenuation of RA signaling explains why ALDH+ SCs remain immature in APC mutant tissues. Since APC mutation causes increased WNT signaling in FAP and we found that sequential inactivation of APC in FAP patient tissues leads to progressively delayed maturation of colonic ALDH+ SCs, the hypothesis is developed that human CRC evolves due to an imbalance between WNT and RA signaling