305 research outputs found

    Microsatellite polymorphism reveals low genetic differentiation between fall and spring migratory forms of endangered Caspian trout, Salmo trutta caspius (Kessler, 1870)

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    The main objective of this study was to assess genetic comparison of two migratory forms of Caspian trout Salmo trutta caspius namely fall-run and spring-run. Owing to the lack of information on its genetic differences, 5 microsatellite loci were used for 58 sample analyses. Genomic DNA was extracted from caudal fin using Roche DNA extraction kit and each PCR reaction was performed in a 25 µl reaction volume. Results revealed that the most allelic frequencies were observed in fall-runs of Caspian trout. The average observed and expected heterozygosity in fall-runs and spring-runs were 0.7719, 0.6108 and 0.4435, 0.5911, respectively. In both groups except Str543INRA in spring runs, all loci had deviation from Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. Furthermore except Str543INRA in spring runs, expected heterozygosity in all loci was more than observed heterozygosity. In conclusion microsatellite loci polymorphism in this study reveals low genetic differentiation between fall-runs and spring-runs. In order to increase gene flow between Caspian trout populations of different rivers and to increase the production of these fishes, restoration of rivers habitats, as well as using more breeders originating from various rivers is highly recommended

    Comparison of Complete Sinus Excision and Reconstruction with Sinus Excision and Umbilical Preservation for Treatment of Umbilical Pilonidal Sinus

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    Background: Umbilical pilonidal sinus is a granulomatous reaction to hair shaft penetrating the epidermis of umbilicus from the external surface. In this study, the outcome of complete excision of the umbilical sinus with umbilical reconstruction and sinus excision with umbilical preservation is considered.Methods: This study was a clinical trial. In this study, 60 subjects with umbilical pilonidal sinus were enrolled  into two groups (Group I, complete excision of the umbilical sinus with umbilical reconstruction, n = 30, Group II, sinus excision with umbilical preservation n = 30). Discharge, bulging, pain, bleeding, and itching of umbilicus and existence of hair were registered in the base visit and then 1 and 2 weeks, and 1, 3, and 6 monthslater. Patients with umbilical pilonidal sinus, who had not undergone any previous surgeries, were operated on using a technique that involves complete excision of the umbilical sinus followed by reconstruction of the umbilicus or sinus excision with umbilical preservation. Patients were then followed and wound complications,and recurrence were evaluated at post-operative visits (1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months later). Remission and relapse of each symptom were compared. Data were analyzed by SPSS version 16.Results: A total of 60 patients underwent the operation; 55 (91.7%) were male, and 5 (8.3%) were female. The mean age in Group I, complete excision of the umbilical sinus with umbilical reconstruction was 29.9 years (18-45 years) and mean age of Group II, sinus excision with umbilical preservation was 28 years (19-42). Themean follow-up period was ٦ months. Only one patient in Group I, complete excision of the umbilical sinus with umbilical reconstruction had seroma and hyperemia of the skin after the operation, and treated  conservatively at an outpatient clinic. No recurrence was observed during the follow-up period, and the most patients were satisfied with the appearance of their umbilicus. The two groups were not different by the meansof age, sex and symptoms at baseline (P > 0.050). Remission of symptoms were not significantly different inthe two groups (P > 0.050). The probability of relapse of other symptoms were not different in two groups (P > 0.050).Conclusions: Umbilical sinus excision with umbilical reconstruction is a relatively simple and effectivesurgical option for treating umbilical pilonidal disease with acceptable patient satisfaction and no serious complications. It may also be associated with a low risk of recurrence

    Annual cycle of ovarian development and sex hormones of grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) in captivity

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    The grey mullet fingerling were imported to Iran in 1997 from Hong Kong and in coastal fish pond of north part of Iran were successfully cultured in order to obtain broodstocks and induce artificial reproduction. Seasonal changes in serum concentrations of Testosterone, 17-β Estradiole (E2), 17-α Hydroxy Progesterone and also the level of calcium, Triglyceride and cholesterol in females grey mullet in captivity were measured by Radioimmunoassay or colorimetry, respectively. Investigating of sex steroids in different sexual maturity indicated that increasing of oocyte diameter and sexual maturity development serum testosterone was increased significantly (P0.05). These results suggest that the seasonal changes in serum lipids and gonadal steroids were associated with reproductive development. The data also support the hypothesis that the shortening photoperiod is a major factor in stimulating reproductive activity in striped mullet

    Motor Control of Drosophila Courtship Song

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    SummaryMany animals utilize acoustic signals—or songs—to attract mates. During courtship, Drosophila melanogaster males vibrate a wing to produce trains of pulses and extended tone, called pulse and sine song, respectively. Courtship songs in the genus Drosophila are exceedingly diverse, and different song features appear to have evolved independently of each other. How the nervous system allows such diversity to evolve is not understood. Here, we identify a wing muscle in D. melanogaster (hg1) that is uniquely male-enlarged. The hg1 motoneuron and the sexually dimorphic development of the hg1 muscle are required specifically for the sine component of the male song. In contrast, the motoneuron innervating a sexually monomorphic wing muscle, ps1, is required specifically for a feature of pulse song. Thus, individual wing motor pathways can control separate aspects of courtship song and may provide a “modular” anatomical substrate for the evolution of diverse songs

    A study of handling cytotoxic drugs and risk of birth defects in offspring of female veterinarians

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    We examined the association of occupational exposure to handling cytotoxic drugs at work with risk of birth defects among a cohort of female veterinarians. This study is a follow up survey of 321 female participants (633 pregnancies) who participated in the Health Risks of Australian Veterinarian project. Data on pregnancies and exposure during each pregnancy was obtained by self-administered mailed questionnaire. Female veterinarians handling cytotoxic drugs during their pregnancy had a two-fold increased risk of birth defects in their offspring (RR = 2.08, 95% CI (1.05–4.15)). Results were consistent in subgroup analysis of those who graduated during the period of 1961 to 1980 (RR = 5.04, 95% CI (1.81, 14.03) and in those working specifically in small and large animal practice. There was no increased risk in the subgroup that graduated after 1980. Women with unplanned pregnancies were more likely to handle cytotoxic drugs on a daily basis (RR = 1.86, 95% CI, 1.00–3.48) and had a higher increased risk of birth defects than those who planned their pregnancies in recent graduates and in those who worked specifically in small animal practice (RR = 2.53, 95% CI, 1.18–5.42). This study suggests that the adverse effects of handling cytotoxic drugs in pregnant women may include an increased risk of birth defects. Pregnancy intention status is an important health behavior and should be considered in prenatal programs

    Инструментарий минимизации риска защищенности в распределенных системах (РКС)

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    Разработана структура средств минимизации риска защищенности распределенных компьютерных систем, выполнена формализация функционирования основных блоков предложенной структуры. Предложена оценка уровня угроз безопасности, интегральная оценка ущерба вследствие атак на уязвимости, а также оценка степени риска реализации угроз безопасности в компьютерных системах. Также предложен подход к анализу риска на основе оценок степени опасности факторов угроз безопасности и вероятности реализации угроз безопасности с разделением их на соответствующие группы, а также на основе построения специальной матрицы рисков защищенности для минимизации риска защищенности.Розроблено структуру засобів мінімізації ризику захищеності розподілених комп’ютерних систем, виконано формалізацію функціонування основних блоків запропонованої структури. Запропоновано оцінку рівня загроз безпеки, інтегральну оцінку збитку внаслідок атак на вразливості, а також оцінку ступеня ризику реалізації загроз безпеки в комп’ютерних системах. Також запропоновано підхід до аналізу ризику на основі оцінок ступеня небезпеки факторів загроз безпеки та ймовірності реалізації загроз безпеки з розділенням їх на відповідні групи, а також на основі побудови спеціальної матриці ризиків захищеності для мінімізації ризику захищеності.The structure of means for security risk minimization in distributed computer systems is developed, and the functioning of the basic blocks of the suggested structure is formalized. Also, estimation of the security threat level, the integrated assessment of the damage due to attacks on to the vulnerabilities, and the risk assessment for the security threat realization are proposed. An approach to the risk analysis on the basis of estimation of the danger level of safety threat factors and the probability of safety threat realization with division of the factors into related groups is suggested, which is also based on the constructed special security risk matrix for security risk minimization

    Prophylactic Oral Calcium Reduces Symptomatic Hypocalcemia in Patients undergoing Total or Subtotal Thyroidectomy: a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Objectives: Prophylactic oral calcium supplement has been proposed in patients undergoing thyroidectomy in order to decrease incidence of postoperative hypocalcemia, and the duration of hospital stay. This study aimed to assess the effects of prophylactic oral calcium in patients undergoing total or subtotal thyroidectomy.Methods: Forty three patients who were scheduled for total and subtotal thyroidectomy, were randomly allocated to the case (n=23) and control (n=20) groups. Oral calcium carbonate (1 gram q 8 hours) was given to the patients in the case group starting 12 hours before surgery till 7 days post thyroidectomy. Clinical symptoms of hypocalcemia and postoperative calcium levels were compared between the two groups.Results: The mean postoperative calcium level 12 hours after surgery was not statistically different between the two groups (8.9±0.5 vs. 8.5±0.7, p=0.092); while after 24 hours, calcium level was significantly lower in the control group (8.9±0.5 vs. 8.4±0.8, p=0.037). The number of patients who had paresthesia was significantly higher in the control group than case group, at both 12 hours (p=0.02) and 24 hours postoperatively (p=0.04). Duration of hospitalization was significantly lower in the case group compared to the control group (p=0.006).Conclusions: Prophylactic oral calcium supplementation decreases the hypocalcemia related paresthesia after thyroidectomy and shortens duration of hospital stay

    Rapid Evolution of Sex-Pheromone-producing Enzyme in Drosophila

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    A wide range of organisms use sex pheromones to communicate with each other and to identify appropriate mating partners. While the evolution of chemical communication has been suggested to cause sexual isolation and speciation, the mechanisms that govern evolutionary transitions in sex pheromone production are poorly understood. Here, we decipher the molecular mechanisms underlying the rapid evolution in the expression of a gene involved in sex pheromone production in Drosophilid flies. Long-chain cuticular hydrocarbons (e.g., dienes) are produced female-specifically, notably via the activity of the desaturase DESAT-F, and are potent pheromones for male courtship behavior in Drosophila melanogaster. We show that across the genus Drosophila, the expression of this enzyme is correlated with long-chain diene production and has undergone an extraordinary number of evolutionary transitions, including six independent gene inactivations, three losses of expression without gene loss, and two transitions in sex-specificity. Furthermore, we show that evolutionary transitions from monomorphism to dimorphism (and its reversion) in desatF expression involved the gain (and the inactivation) of a binding-site for the sex-determination transcription factor, DOUBLESEX. In addition, we documented a surprising example of the gain of particular cis-regulatory motifs of the desatF locus via a set of small deletions. Together, our results suggest that frequent changes in the expression of pheromone-producing enzymes underlie evolutionary transitions in chemical communication, and reflect changing regimes of sexual selection, which may have contributed to speciation among Drosophila

    Этноконфликт как причина агрессии: проблема национальной безопасности Украины

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    Межэтнические и межнациональные противоречия являются сегодня одной из наиболее актуальных проблем многих стран мира, в том числе и Украины. Она относится к числу полиэтнических государств, где неизбежны межэтнические и межнациональные противоречия и конфликты. Анализу последних, их причин и возможных следствий и посвящена данная статья.Міжетнічні та міжнаціональні протиріччя сьогодні є однією з найбільш актуальних проблем багатьох країн світу, у тому числі і України. Вона належить до числа поліетнічних держав, де неминучі міжетнічні та міжнаціональні протиріччя та конфлікти, аналізу яких, їх причин і можливих наслідків присвячена дана стаття.Today interethnic and international contradictions are the most topical problems of many countries of the world including Ukraine. It belongs to those polyethnic states where interethnic and international contradictions and conflicts are unavoided. This article is devoted to analysis, causes and possible consequences of the last ones

    Matrixyl Patch vs Matrixyl Cream: A Comparative In Vivo Investigation of Matrixyl (MTI) Effect on Wound Healing

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    [Image: see text] Wound healing is one of the most complex biological processes. Studies show that Matrixyl (MTI), known as a cosmetic peptide, can lead to a faster healing process. The contribution of MTI to collagen formation during wound healing also depends on its mode of delivery and its release over time. Here, we investigate two modes of MTI-delivery system, the influence of MTI patch for wound healing application in comparison with MTI cream. In this study, animals were randomly divided into seven groups and studied for 21 days: patches containing two different concentrations of MTI (P-MTI-0.1 mg and P-MTI-1 mg), a cream containing MTI (C-MTI-1 mg), a patch (P-MTI-0), a cream with no MTI (C-MTI-0), a positive control (Comfeel), and a negative control (sham) group. To study the wound healing process, the change in collagen density, angiogenesis, epitheliogenesis, histopathology, immunohistochemical analysis, and wound area through imaging was monitored and measured. The macroscopic results showed that wound healing was improved from 63.5 up to 81.81% in treatment groups compared to that in the negative control group (P < 0.05 and P < 0.001). In addition, C-MTI-1 and P-MTI-1 had a larger impact on wound healing compared to that in the positive control group (Comfeel, P < 0.05). In hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining analysis, the rejuvenation of skin appendage was visible in both groups of cream and patches with MTI. According to the obtained results, the re-epithelialization had a higher range for the patch with MTI in comparison with cream containing MTI and positive control