131 research outputs found

    Why Don't We Have a Covariant Superstring Field Theory?

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    This talk deals with the old problem of formulatingn a covariant quantum theory of superstrings, ``covariant'' here meaning having manifest Lorentz symmetry and supersymmetry. The advantages and disadvantages of several quantization methods are reviewed. Special emphasis is put on the approaches using twistorial variables, and the algebraic structures of these. Some unsolved problems are identified.Comment: 5 pages, Goteborg-ITP-94-24, plain te

    The Seven-sphere and its Kac-Moody Algebra

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    We investigate the seven-sphere as a group-like manifold and its extension to a Kac-Moody-like algebra. Covariance properties and tensorial composition of spinors under S7S^7 are defined. The relation to Malcev algebras is established. The consequences for octonionic projective spaces are examined. Current algebras are formulated and their anomalies are derived, and shown to be unique (even regarding numerical coefficients) up to redefinitions of the currents. Nilpotency of the BRST operator is consistent with one particular expression in the class of (field-dependent) anomalies. A Sugawara construction is given.Comment: 22 pages. Macropackages used: phyzzx, epsf. Three epsf figure files appende

    Pure spinor superfields -- an overview

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    Maximally supersymmetric theories do not allow off-shell superspace formulations with traditional superfields containing a finite set of auxiliary fields. It has become clear that off-shell supersymmetric action formulations of such models can be achieved by the introduction of pure spinors. In this talk, an overview of this formalism is given, with emphasis on D=10 super-Yang-Mills theory and D=11 supergravity. This a somewhat expanded version of a talk presented at the workshop "Breaking of supersymmetry and ultraviolet divergences in extended supergravity" (BUDS), Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, March 25-28, 2013.Comment: 34 pp., 2 figs., contributions to the proceedings of the workshop "Breaking of supersymmetry and ultraviolet divergences in extended supergravity" (BUDS), Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, March 25-28, 201

    Poincare gauge invariance and gravitation in Minkowski spacetime

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    A formulation of Poincare symmetry as an inner symmetry of field theories defined on a fixed Minkowski spacetime is given. Local P gauge transformations and the corresponding covariant derivative with P gauge fields are introduced. The renormalization properties of scalar, spinor and vector fields in P gauge field backgrounds are determined. A minimal gauge field dynamics consistent with the renormalization constraints is given.Comment: 36 pages, latex-fil

    Hamiltonian structure and noncommutativity in pp-brane models with exotic supersymmetry

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    The Hamiltonian of the simplest super pp-brane model preserving 3/4 of the D=4 N=1 supersymmetry in the centrally extended symplectic superspace is derived and its symmetries are described. The constraints of the model are covariantly separated into the first- and the second-class sets and the Dirac brackets (D.B.) are constructed. We show the D.B. noncommutativity of the super pp-brane coordinates and find the D.B. realization of the OSp(18)OSp(1|8) superalgebra. Established is the coincidence of the D.B. and Poisson bracket realizations of the OSp(18)OSp(1|8) superalgebra on the constraint surface and the absence there of anomaly terms in the commutation relations for the quantized generators of the superalgebra.Comment: Latex, 27 pages, no figures. Latex packages amsfonts and euscript are use

    Universally Coupled Massive Gravity, II: Densitized Tetrad and Cotetrad Theories

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    Einstein's equations in a tetrad formulation are derived from a linear theory in flat spacetime with an asymmetric potential using free field gauge invariance, local Lorentz invariance and universal coupling. The gravitational potential can be either covariant or contravariant and of almost any density weight. These results are adapted to produce universally coupled massive variants of Einstein's equations, yielding two one-parameter families of distinct theories with spin 2 and spin 0. The theories derived, upon fixing the local Lorentz gauge freedom, are seen to be a subset of those found by Ogievetsky and Polubarinov some time ago using a spin limitation principle. In view of the stability question for massive gravities, the proven non-necessity of positive energy for stability in applied mathematics in some contexts is recalled. Massive tetrad gravities permit the mass of the spin 0 to be heavier than that of the spin 2, as well as lighter than or equal to it, and so provide phenomenological flexibility that might be of astrophysical or cosmological use.Comment: 2 figures. Forthcoming in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Super Multi-Instantons in Conformal Chiral Superspace

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    We reformulate self-dual supersymmetric theories directly in conformal chiral superspace, where superconformal invariance is manifest. The superspace can be interpreted as the generalization of the usual Atiyah-Drinfel'd-Hitchin-Manin twistors (the quaternionic projective line), the real projective light-cone in six dimensions, or harmonic superspace, but can be reduced immediately to four-dimensional chiral superspace. As an example, we give the 't Hooft and ADHM multi-instanton constructions for self-dual super Yang-Mills theory. In both cases, all the parameters are represented as a single, irreducible, constant tensor.Comment: 21 pg., uuencoded compressed postscript file (twist.ps.Z.uu), other formats (.dvi, .ps, .ps.Z, 8-bit .tex) available at http://insti.physics.sunysb.edu/~siegel/preprints or at ftp://max.physics.sunysb.edu/preprints/siege

    Supersymmetric string model with 30 kappa--symmetries in an extended D=11 superspace and 30/ 32 BPS states

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    A supersymmetric string model in the D=11 superspace maximally extended by antisymmetric tensor bosonic coordinates, Σ(52832)\Sigma^{(528|32)}, is proposed. It possesses 30 κ\kappa-symmetries and 32 target space supersymmetries. The usual preserved supersymmetry-κ\kappa-symmetry correspondence suggests that it describes the excitations of a BPS state preserving all but two supersymmetries. The model can also be formulated in any Σ(n(n+1)2n)\Sigma^{({n(n+1)\over 2}|n)} superspace, n=32 corresponding to D=11. It may also be treated as a `higher--spin generalization' of the usual Green--Schwarz superstring. Although the global symmetry of the model is a generalization of the super--Poincar\'e group, Σ(n(n+1)2n)×Sp(n){\Sigma}^{({n(n+1)\over 2}|n)}\times\supset Sp(n), it may be formulated in terms of constrained OSp(2n|1) orthosymplectic supertwistors. We work out this supertwistor realization and its Hamiltonian dynamics. We also give the supersymmetric p-brane generalization of the model. In particular, the Σ(52832)\Sigma^{(528|32)} supersymmetric membrane model describes excitations of a 30/32 BPS state, as the Σ(52832)\Sigma^{(528|32)} supersymmetric string does, while the supersymmetric 3-brane and 5-brane correspond, respectively, to 28/32 and 24/32 BPS states.Comment: 23 pages, RevTex4. V2: minor corrections in title and terminology, some references and comments adde