18 research outputs found

    Shot Noise Induced by Nonequilibrium Spin Accumulation

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    When an electric current passes across a potential barrier, the partition process of electrons at the barrier gives rise to the shot noise, reflecting the discrete nature of the electric charge. Here we report the observation of excess shot noise connected with a spin current which is induced by a nonequilibrium spin accumulation in an all-semiconductor lateral spin-valve device. We find that this excess shot noise is proportional to the spin current. Additionally, we determine quantitatively the spin-injection-induced electron temperature by measuring the current noise. Our experiments show that spin accumulation driven shot noise provides a novel means of investigating nonequilibrium spin transport.Comment: 5 pages and Supplemental Materia

    Non-coplanar spin structure in a metallic thin film of triangular lattice antiferromagnet CrSe

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    Tajima Y., Shiogai J., Ueda K., et al. APL Materials, 12, 041112 (2024); licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license.An antiferromagnetic metal with a two-dimensional triangular network offers a unique playground of intriguing magneto-transport properties and functionalities stemming from the interplay between conducting electrons and intricate magnetic phases. A NiAs-type CrSe is one of the candidates owing to alternate stackings of Cr and Se triangular atomic networks in its crystal structure. While the fabrication of CrSe thin films is indispensable to develop functional devices, studies on its thin-film properties have been limited to date due to the lack of metallic samples. Here, we report on the realization of metallic conductivities of CrSe thin films, which allows us to investigate their intrinsic magneto-transport properties. The metallic sample exhibits a co-occurrence of weak ferromagnetism with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and antiferromagnetic behavior, indicating the presence of non-coplanar spin structures. In addition, control of the polarity and tilting angle of the non-coplanar spin structure is accomplished by a sign of cooling magnetic fields. The observed non-coplanar spin structure, which can be a source of emergent magnetic field acting on the conducting electrons, highlights the high potential of the triangular lattice antiferromagnet and provides a unique platform for functional thin-film devices composed of NiAs-type derivative Cr chalcogenides and pnictides

    In-plane tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance in (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs Esaki diodes in the regime of the ecxess current

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    We investigate the angular dependence of the tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance in (Ga,Mn)As/n-GaAs spin Esaki diodes in the regime where the tunneling process is dominated by the excess current through midgap states in (Ga,Mn)As. We compare it to similar measurements performed in the regime of band-to-band tunneling. Whereas the latter show biaxial symmetry typical for magnetic anisotropy observed in (Ga,Mn)As samples, the former is dominated by uniaxial anisotropy along the 〈110〉 axes

    Spatial variation of dynamic nuclear spin polarization probed by the non-local Hanle effect

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    The spatial distribution of dynamic nuclear spin polarization (DNP) has been investigated in a lateral all-semiconductor spin-injection device based on a (Ga,Mn)As/n þ -GaAs spin-Esaki diode. The DNP induced by the hyperfine interaction has been probed via satellite peaks in non-local Hanle-type spin precession signals, indicating the recovery of electron spin polarization. A quantitative analysis using the self-consistent calculation reproduces the magnetic field position of the satellite peaks as a function of spin injection bias and injector-detector separation. The distance dependence of the Hanle curves reveals that the spin-lattice relaxation rather than the hyperfine interaction is the dominant mechanism of nuclear spin relaxation in the non-local region

    Dynamic nuclear spin polarization in an all-semiconductor spin injection device with (Ga,Mn)As/n-GaAs spin Esaki diode

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    We investigate the dynamic nuclear spinpolarization in an n-GaAs lateral channel induced by electrical spin injection from a (Ga,Mn)As/n-GaAs spin Esaki diode. Signatures of nuclear spinpolarization are studied in both three-terminal and non-local voltage signals, where a strong electron spin depolarization feature is observed close to zero magnetic field. This is due to the large nuclear field induced in the channel through hyperfine interaction between injected electron spins and localized nuclear spins. We study the time evolution of the dynamic nuclear spinpolarization and evaluate polarization and relaxation times of nuclear spins in the channel

    Tunneling mechanism in a (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs-based spin Esaki diode investigated by bias-dependent shot noise measurements

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    Electron transport across a tunneling barrier is governed by intricate and diverse causes such as interface conditions, material properties, and device geometries. Here, by measuring the shot noise, we investigate electron transport in a (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs-based spin Esaki diode junction over a wide range of bias voltage. The asymmetric electronic band profile across the junction allows us to tune the types of tunneling process. By changing the bias voltage in a single device, we successively address the conventional direct tunneling, the excess current conduction through the mid-gap localized states, and the thermal excitation current conduction. These observations lead to a proper comparison of the bias dependent Fano factors. While the Fano factor is unity for the direct tunneling, it is pronouncedly reduced in the excess current region. Thus, we have succeeded in evaluating several types of conduction process with the Fano factor in a single junction