246 research outputs found

    好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離に関する研究. 1 自動分析装置による全血からのヒスタミン遊離の測定

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    Histamine released from whole blood was determined by an automated fiuorometric histamine analysis system. The increased release of histamine from basophils by anti-IgE was observed in ten healthy subjects and 12 extrinsic asthma patients, while the release in 11 intrinsic asthma patients was significantly less as compared to that in healthy and extrinsic asthma subjects. House dust extract caused a significant increase in the histamine release from basophils of the extrinsic asthma patients who are sensitive to house dust. It was concluded from this study that histamine released from basophils could be easily determined by an automated analysis system and that the method is useful for the diagnosis and study of allergy.ヒスタミン自動分析装置により,健康人10名,気管支喘息23例の全血からのヒスタミン遊離を測定した. 抗ヒトIgEを添加した際のヒスタミン遊離は,健康人および外因性気管支喘息症例では有意の増加傾向を示したが,一方内因性喘息症例では遊離増加はほとんどみられなかった. ハウスダスト抗原添加では,ハウスダストが抗原である気管支喘息症例においてのみ全血からの有意のヒスタミン遊離の増加が観察された. 以上の結果より,ヒスタミン自動分析装置による全血からの遊離ヒスタミンの測定は,気管支喘息の病態解明の1手段として極めて有用であると考えられる

    Influence of Cigarette Smoking on Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) in Japanese Male Workers

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    The link between changes in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and cigarette smoking was evaluated in Japanese male workers with a 5-year follow-up. We examined the data of 456 Japanese male workers, aged 22-70 years, who were taking no medications, and from this group, 286 men (43.5±8.2 years) were followed for 5-years. Habits of cigarette smoking were obtained during interviews by well-trained staff. The influence of cigarette smoking on eGFR was evaluated. In the first analysis, there was no significant difference in eGFR between subjects with and without cigarette smoking. In the second analysis, eGFR was significantly reduced after 5 years in all subjects. Changes in eGFR in subjects with cigarette smoking (-1.90±12.31ml/min/1.73m2) were significantly smaller than those in subjects without cigarette smoking (-4.97±12.05ml/min/1.73m2). At follow-up, we found that eGFR was weakly and negatively correlated with the number of cigarettes smoked (/day). The present study indicated that cigarette smoking may be an important modifiable factor for eGFR in Japanese male workers who are not taking any medications

    Autoantibodies in myasthenia gravis: demonstration of anti-motor endplate antibody and anti-muscle membrane antibody using membrane immunofluorescence technique

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    The presence of specific serum antibodies in five myasthenia gravis patients was demonstrated against the motor endplates and muscle membranes of rats by membrane immunofluorescence technique. The immunologic specificity of the antibodies was confirmed. The clinical significance is discussed.</p


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    Characteristics of each asthma type classified by clinical symptoms and findings were studied in 72 patients with bronchial asthma. 1. Ventilatory function tests showed that the values of % MMF, % V(50) and % V(25) were significantly lower in patients with bronchiolar obstruction (type II) compared to the values of those with simple bronchoconstriction type (type Ia) and those with bronchoconstriction + hypersecretion (type Ib). 2. The proportion of neutrophils in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid was significantly higher in type II than in type Ia and type Ib. Several patients with type Ib showed higher proportion of BAL eosinophils. 3. The release of LTC(4) from leucocytes was significantly lower in type II compared with type Ia and type Ib. There was no significant difference in the release of histamine and LTB(4) among the three asthma types.気管支喘息72例を対象に,その臨床病態の特徴を,気道炎症性の細胞および化学伝達物質の観察により検討した。1.気道反応の特徴を換気機能の面から検討すると,II細気管支閉塞型において,MMF,V(50)やV(25)などの小ないし細気管支領域の換気障害を示すパラメーターの値は,Ia型,Ib型に比べ 有意の低下を示した。2.気道細胞反応では,II型において,他の臨床病型に比べ,BAL液中好中球の出現頻度の有意の増加が観察された(Ia, p<0.001 ; Ib, p<0.01)。好酸球の出現頻度は,Ib過分泌型において著しい増加傾向を示す症例が見られたが,その平均出現頻度には3病型間に有意の差は見られなかった。3.好中球からのメジェー夕ー遊離では,ヒスタミン遊離は,Ia単純性気管支撃縮型において最も高い値が示されたが,推計学的には3病型間に有意の差は見られなかった。ロイコトリエンC(4)では,Ia型においてII型に比べ有意に高い遊離が観察された(p<0.05)。ロイコトリエンB(4)遊離には,3病型間に差は見られなかった

    Presence of antibodies against adult T cell leukemia antigen in the patients with chronic respiratory diseases.

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    The presence of antibodies against adult T cell leukemia antigen (ATLA) was studied in 59 patients with chronic respiratory diseases. Of 13 patients with diffuse panbronchiolitis, 3, who developed adult T cell leukemia, had the anti-ATLA antibody and 8 had the related, anti-ATLA-like antibody. Of 13 cases of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, 8 had the anti-ATLA-like antibody. Except for only one case, these antibodies were not detected in 33 patients with bronchial asthma or sarcoidosis and 20 healthy adults examined. These results suggested that the test of these antibodies would be useful for the diagnosis of diffuse panbronchiolitis and idiopathic interstitial pneumonia which frequently develop lung cancers.</p

    Blood eosinophilia in bronchial asthma and its relationship to IgE-mediated reactions

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    The correlation between blood eosinophilia and anti-IgE-mediated histamine release was investigated in 22 bronchial asthma patients with peripheral eosinophilia (over 8%). In the cases (Group A-1 and Group A-2) in which house dust was the specific antigen, significant histamine release from basophils was induced by anti-IgE and house dust. The result indicates a relationship between eosinophilia and the IgE-mediated mechanism of disease onset. In the cases (Group A-3) with RAST scores of 0+ and 1+ to house dust, the anti-IgE-induced histamine release varied from low to high percentages, and the participation of the IgE-mediated pathway was indicated in some cases. In the cases (Group B) with negative skin reactions, few patients had a family history of allergic disease. Their ages at onset were higher, and they demonstrated lower total IgE levels. These cases showed an extremely low percent of histamine release from basophils, which indicated the absence of a correlation between eosinophilia and IgE-mediated mechanisms.</p

    Histamine release from whole blood induced by anti-IgE: relationship to patient age, age at onset and serum IgE levels.

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    Anti-IgE-induced histamine release from basophils was examined in 46 asthmatic subjects using a whole blood method. Basophils from subjects less than 30 years old released more histamine than those from subjects aged 41 to 50. The age at onset of the disease also affected the reactivity of basophils to anti-IgE: basophils showed a high response in subjects whose age at onset was between 0 and 10 years, and low response in the subjects whose age at onset was between 41 and 50 years. There was a correlation between histamine release and serum IgE levels. However, individual dose-response curves of histamine release varied greatly in whom serum IgE levels were low.</p


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    The immediate effects (IEs) and distant effects (DEs) of spa therapy were observed in 67 patients with steroid- dependent intractable asthma (SDIA). (1) The IEs of spa therapy evaluated one week after spa therapy were considerably high, and the efficacy rate was 61.5% in type Ⅰa, 82.7% in type Ⅰb, and 83.4% in type Ⅱ asthmatics. (2) The DEs of spa therapy on SDIA were also observed. The efficacy rate was 50.2% in type Ⅰa, 54.3% in type Ⅰb and 63.7% in type Ⅱ asthmatics. (3) The DEs of spa therapy were different between cases with and without maintenance therapy (MT). The efficacy rate of DEs was generally high (72.8~91.7%) in cases with MT, and low (16.7~40.0%) in cases without MT. These results show that MT is very important to keep the IEs of spa therapy high for a long time.67例のステロイド依存性重症難治性喘息を対象に,温泉療法を行い,その即時的効果(1週間後)および遠隔効果(1年後),さらには,温泉療法後の継続療法の影響などについて検討を加えた。1.温泉療法1週間後の即時的効果は比較的高く,その有効率は,Ⅰa.気管支攣縮型で61.5%,Ⅰb.気管支攣縮+過分泌型で82.7%,Ⅱ.細気管支閉塞型で83.4%であった。2.温泉療法の遠隔効果では,その有効率は,Ⅰa型で50.2%,Ⅰb型で54.1%,Ⅱ型で63.7%であった。3.温泉療法の遠隔効果は,その後の継続療法の有無によりかなり異なった結果であった。すなわち,継続療法を行った症例の有効率は,72.8~91.7%と高く,一方,継続療法を行わなかった症例の有効率は,16.7~40.0%の間にあった。これらの結果から,温泉療法の即時的効果を保つためには,その後の継続療法が極めて重要であることが示唆された

    好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離に関する研究. 2. ハウスダスト抗原および抗ヒトIgEによるヒスタミン遊離

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    IgE-mediated release of histamine from whole blood was examined in two healthy and four asthmatic subjects by dose-dependent fashion. The significantly increased amount of histamine was released from basophils of both healthy and asthmatic subjects by a limited concentration of anti-IgE. Antigen (house dust) caused histamine release only from basophils of asthmatics who are sensitive to house dust. Basophils from one patients with asthma released no significant amount of histamine by anti-IgE.好塩基球からのIgE-mediated histamine releaseの機序を,健康人(2名)および気管支喘息(4例)それぞれの代表例で比較検討した. 抗ヒトIgEの添加濃度別検討では,健康人および外因性喘息例いずれも有意のヒスタミン遊離の増加をしめしたが,Max. % histamine releaseをひきおこす抗ヒトIgEの濃度は比較的限られた範囲内にある傾向がみられた. 一方内因性喘息例では,いずれの抗ヒトIgE濃度でも有意のヒスタミン遊離はみられなかった. ハウスダスト抗原の添加濃度別検討では,ハウスダストが抗原である気管支喘息症例においてdose-dependentなヒスタミン遊離が観察されたが,使用された抗原濃度の範囲ではMax. % releaseをひきおこす至適濃度は明らかでなかった