10 research outputs found
ゼンガク FD ノ コウゾウ ト キノウ
ならない。In this article, we considered the structure and function of university-wide Faculty Development (FD) activities
and pointed out the following: (1) Being faced with a "FD obligation" phase, "coordinated mutual training
type FD" becomes important in meeting the needs of demanding daily problems. This is difficult with
enlightening type FD alone. In the same way to secure mutual learning among FD communities is difficult with
spontaneously generated mutual training type FD. (2) In "coordinated mutual training type FD", abilities of the
FD center to provide the following supports are needed. First; support is needed to create ample
opportunities for communication. Second, the building up of a better community. Furthermore, the latter can
be subdivided into two supports; FD implementations and needs grasp. (3) When we provide support in
creating an organization, we must know the state of the organization we are working with. The
developmental stage of community in terms of the depth and width of communication about education
among members of the organization is particularly important
Effects of Finding New Career Role Models on Expectancy for Career Decision-Making and Career Perspective among Undergraduate Students
本稿では,キャリアモデルを新たに獲得することが大学生の進路選択期待(①進路選択セルフ・エフィカシー(CDMSE) と,②進路選択に対する結果期待)と,キャリア・パースペクティブに及ぼす影響について確認した。その確認のために,大学1年生,2年生を対象にしたパネル調査を実施した。調査の結果,キャリアモデルを新たに獲得すると,(1)学生の進路選択に対する結果期待とキャリア・パースペクティブには影響しないが,(2)学生のCDMSE には影響することが分かった。This study examines the effects of finding new career role models on (1) outcome expectancy for career decision-making, (2) career perspective, and (3) career decision-making self-efficacy (CDMSE) of undergraduate students. This study analyzed data collected through a panel survey with two-way ANOVA with replication. The results clarified the following: (1) finding new career role models did not enhance undergraduate students’ outcome expectancy for career decision making and career perspective, and (2) finding new career role models enhanced undergraduate students’ CDMSE, however
Effects of Career Models on Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy among Undergraduate Students at a University
進路選択に関する意志決定の効力を表す概念に,進路選択セルフ・エフィカシー(CDMSE)がある。本稿では,大学生のCDMSEを高めるのに,キャリアモデルが有効であるかについて議論する。そのことを議論するために,A大学の学生を対象にした質問紙法によるパネル調査を実施した。調査の結果,(1)大学生においても,キャリアモデルを持つ者のCDMSE は,キャリアモデルを持たない学生と比較し,高い傾向にあることが示された。(2)キャリアモデルには,大学生のCDMSEを高める効果があることが示された。以上のことから,キャリアモデルは,学生のCDMSEを高めるのに有効であることが示された。Career decision-making self-efficacy (CDMSE) is a concept that expresses a degree of self-confidence in career decision-making. This study suggests that “career model” (career role model) is an important factor in increasing CDMSE of undergraduate students. In this study, data collected through a panel survey were analyzed with two-way ANOVA with replication. The results indicated the following: (1) the CDMSE of the students with career models tends to be higher than the CDMSE of the students without the models, (2) Career models have the effect of enhancing the students’ CDMSE
FD ファシリテーター ヨウセイ ケンシュウ ノ コウカ ニ カンスル イチコウサツ : トクシマ ダイガク ニオケル FD ファシリテーター ノ ヤクワリ ト イギ
として部局FDを実質的に担当する教員を養成するためのFDファシリテーター養成研修を実施している。2008年度からは部局FD組織が実質的に機能し始め、全学的なFD実施組織と部局FDの連携が活発に実施されるようになりつつある。部局FDを推進する担い手となるFDファシリテーターの役割や存在意義は部局FD組織にとって、ますます重要なものになりつつあると考えられる。 FDファシリテーターはFD組織の発達にも関わるコアメンバーであり、実質的なFDの実践を続けていくためには、FDの専門性に加え、組織に関わる正統的成員(1)としての高い当事者意識が必要である。本研究の目的は、徳島大学におけるFDファシリテーターの役割とその意義に注目し、FDファシリテーター養成研修でのアンケート調査をもとに、効果検証を試みるものである。特に、2009年度の研修については、FDファシリテーターにとって重要な知識やスキルの獲得と、FDファシリテーターとしての当事者意識に関わる意欲や自信の変化に注目したところ、スキルアップと当事者意識の変容に関する効果が見られた。Since 2002,educational innovation has started through FD programs at the University of Tokushima.
Until now various university-wide FD programs have been developed and conducted. The FD facilitator
training program has been carried out to develop teachers who are responsible for FD in their respective
departments. The Aim is to build up FD organizations in each department. Depaetment FD organizations have been incorporaled substantlally since 2008.
We see elaborated collaboration between the
university-wide FD organization and the departmenta FD organizations. The roles of the FD facilitator of each
department as the core member to promote their departmental FD are becoming more important. To keep
practicing substantial FD,they need to be conscious of their identity as the FD facilitator. They need to be
actively involved in facilitating FD programs for their departments while maintaining a sense of ownership as
an authentic member of the department.The aim of this paper is to discuss the importance of the FD
facilitator program based on the results of the questionnaire survey conducted at the beginning and the end
of FD facilitator training. To evaluate this program,we pay close attention to whether the participants are able
to acquire FD skills and knowledge which are considered necessary. Futhermore focus on whether they
demonstrated any attitudinal change in their motivation and confidence as FD facilitators
Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy of Freshmen and Sophomores at “A” University during the COVID-19 Pandemic
本稿では,コロナ禍におけるA 大学の大学1・2 年生(大学生低学年)の進路選択セルフ・エフィカシーについて議論する。パネル調査の結果,次の2 つのことが示された。(1)COVID-19 によってもたらされた雇用状況に対する不安は,大学1・2 年生の進路選択セルフ・エフィカシーの向上を阻害している。(2)雇用状況の悪化の下でも,大学1・2 年生の女子学生の進路選択セルフ・エフィカシーは高まっていることが示唆された。We discuss career decision-making self-efficacy (CDMSE) of freshmen and sophomores during the COVID-19 Pandemic. A panel survey with questionnaires (two-way ANOVA with replications) was conducted. The following two results were indicated: (1) the anticipation of a downward trend in employment during the COVID-19 Pandemic is preventing freshmen and sophomores from increasing CDMSE, (2) in spite of the downward trend, first year and second year female students have increased CDMSE
高等教育におけるインターネット利用の可能性 : バーチャル・ユニバーシティ構築に向けて
The purpose of this study was to clarify how we should use media, especially Internet, in higher education. In this article, we reviewed a history of media education and considered the appearance of Internet which was two-way media as one step to a new phase of media education. Then, we proposed to use Internet as a place for "becoming" though intercultural communication. In addition, the meaning of Internet as a place for "becoming" though intercultural communication was considered through our KKJ (Kyoto-Keio Joint Seminar) project. The KKJ project was a combination class to connect Kyoto University and Keio University by Internet. Through the KKJ project, we found that Internet had not only the possibility of intercultural communication by which students knew others but also the possibility of "Another intercultural communication" by which students were able to experience various self, and social relationships. We concluded that "Another different cultural contact" was effective as liberal arts studies in virtual universities