19 research outputs found

    In major joint diseases the human synovium retains its potential to form repair cartilage.

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    The inner surface layer of human joints, the synovium, is a source of stem cells for the repair of articular cartilage defects. We investigated the potential of the normal human synovium to form novel cartilage and compared its chondrogenic capacity with that of two patient groups suffering from major joint diseases: young adults with femoro-acetabular impingement syndromes of the hip (FAI), and elderly individuals with osteoarthritic degeneration of the knee (OA). Synovial membrane explants of these three patient groups were induced in vitro to undergo chondrogenesis by growth factors: bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) alone, transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) alone, or a combination of these two. Quantitative evaluations of the newly formed cartilages were performed respecting their gene activities, as well as the histochemical, immunhistochemical, morphological and histomorphometrical characteristics. Formation of adult articular-like cartilage was induced by the BMP-2/TGF-β1 combination within all three groups, and was confirmed by adequate gene-expression levels of the anabolic chondrogenic markers; the levels of the catabolic markers remained low. Our data reveal that the chondrogenic potential of the normal human synovium remains uncompromised, both in FAI and OA. The potential of synovium-based clinical repair of joint cartilage may thus not be impaired by age-related joint pathologies

    Targeted Accumulation of Macrophages Induced by Microbeam Irradiation in a Tissue-Dependent Manner

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    Radiation therapy (RT) is a vital component of multimodal cancer treatment, and its immunomodulatory effects are a major focus of current therapeutic strategies. Macrophages are some of the first cells recruited to sites of radiation-induced injury where they can aid in tissue repair, propagate radiation-induced fibrogenesis and influence tumour dynamics. Microbeam radiation therapy (MRT) is a unique, spatially fractionated radiation modality that has demonstrated exceptional tumour control and reduction in normal tissue toxicity, including fibrosis. We conducted a morphological analysis of MRT-irradiated normal liver, lung and skin tissues as well as lung and melanoma tumours. MRT induced distinct patterns of DNA damage, reflecting the geometry of the microbeam array. Macrophages infiltrated these regions of peak dose deposition at variable timepoints post-irradiation depending on the tissue type. In normal liver and lung tissue, macrophages clearly demarcated the beam path by 48 h and 7 days post-irradiation, respectively. This was not reflected, however, in normal skin tissue, despite clear DNA damage marking the beam path. Persistent DNA damage was observed in MRT-irradiated lung carcinoma, with an accompanying geometry-specific influx of mixed M1/M2-like macrophage populations. These data indicate the unique potential of MRT as a tool to induce a remarkable accumulation of macrophages in an organ/tissue-specific manner. Further characterization of these macrophage populations is warranted to identify their organ-specific roles in normal tissue sparing and anti-tumour responses

    Microbeam Radiation Therapy controls local growth of radioresistant melanoma and treats out-of-field locoregional metastasis.

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    PURPOSE Synchrotron-generated microbeam radiotherapy (MRT) represents an innovative preclinical type of cancer radiotherapy with an excellent therapeutic ratio. Beyond local control, metastatic spread is another important endpoint to assess the effectiveness of radiotherapy treatment. Currently, no data exists on an association between MRT and metastasis. Here, we evaluated the ability of MRT to delay B16F10 murine melanoma progression and locoregional metastatic spread. METHODS AND MATERIALS We assessed the primary tumor response and the extent of metastasis in sentinel lymph nodes in two cohorts of C57BL/6J mice, one receiving a single MRT and another receiving two MRT delivered with a 10-day interval. We compared these two cohorts with synchrotron broad beam-irradiated and non-irradiated mice. In addition, using multi-plex quantitative platforms, we measured plasma concentrations of 34 pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and frequencies of immune cell subsets infiltrating primary tumors that received either one or two MRT treatments. RESULTS Two MRT treatments were significantly more effective for local control than single MRT. Remarkably, the second MRT also triggered a pronounced regression of out-of-radiation field locoregional metastasis. Augmentation of CXCL5, CXCL12 and CCL22 levels after the second MRT indicated that inhibition of melanoma progression could be associated with increased activity of anti-tumor neutrophils and T-cells. Indeed, we demonstrated elevated infiltration of neutrophils and activated T-cells in the tumors following the second MRT. CONCLUSIONS Our study highlights the importance of monitoring metastasis following MRT and provides the first MRT fractionation schedule that promotes local and locoregional control with the potential to manage distant metastasis

    Expression of cartilage-related genes in bovine synovial tissue

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    The synovium contains mesenchymal stem cells with chondrogenic potential. Although synovial and articular cartilage tissue develop from a common pool of mesenchymal cells, little is known about their genetic commonalities. In the present study, the mRNA levels for several cartilage-related proteins, namely, cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), Sox9, aggrecan, and collagen types I, II, IX, X, and XI, were measured using the real-time polymerase chain reaction. Our data reveal the synovium of calf metacarpal joints to physiologically express not only type I collagen but also COMP, Sox9, aggrecan, and collagen types X and XI. The mRNA levels for the latter five proteins lie between 2% and 15% of those in articular cartilage. We speculate that these genes are being expressed by chondroprogenitor cells, whose presence in the synovium reflects a common ontogenetic phase in the fetal development of this tissue and of articular cartilage

    How best to preserve and reveal the structural intricacies of cartilaginous tissue.

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    No single processing technique is capable of optimally preserving each and all of the structural entities of cartilaginous tissue. Hence, the choice of methodology must necessarily be governed by the nature of the component that is targeted for analysis, for example, fibrillar collagens or proteoglycans within the extracellular matrix, or the chondrocytes themselves. This article affords an insight into the pitfalls that are to be encountered when implementing the available techniques and how best to circumvent them. Adult articular cartilage is taken as a representative pars pro toto of the different bodily types. In mammals, this layer of tissue is a component of the synovial joints, wherein it fulfills crucial and diverse biomechanical functions. The biomechanical functions of articular cartilage have their structural and molecular correlates. During the natural course of postnatal development and after the onset of pathological disease processes, such as osteoarthritis, the tissue undergoes structural changes which are intimately reflected in biomechanical modulations. The fine structural intricacies that subserve the changes in tissue function can be accurately assessed only if they are faithfully preserved at the molecular level. For this reason, a careful consideration of the tissue-processing technique is indispensable. Since, as aforementioned, no single methodological tool is capable of optimally preserving all constituents, the approach must be pre-selected with a targeted structure in view. Guidance in this choice is offered

    TGF-ß1 enhances the BMP-2-induced chondrogenesis of bovine synovial explants and arrests downstream differentiation at an early stage of hypertrophy

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    BACKGROUND Synovial explants furnish an in-situ population of mesenchymal stem cells for the repair of articular cartilage. Although bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) induces the chondrogenesis of bovine synovial explants, the cartilage formed is neither homogeneously distributed nor of an exclusively hyaline type. Furthermore, the downstream differentiation of chondrocytes proceeds to the stage of terminal hypertrophy, which is inextricably coupled with undesired matrix mineralization. With a view to optimizing BMP-2-induced chondrogenesis, the modulating influences of fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2) and transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-ß1) were investigated. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS Explants of bovine calf metacarpal synovium were exposed to BMP-2 (200 ng/ml) for 4 (or 6) weeks. FGF-2 (10 ng/ml) or TGF-ß1 (10 ng/ml) was introduced at the onset of incubation and was present either during the first week of culturing alone or throughout its entire course. FGF-2 enhanced the BMP-2-induced increase in metachromatic staining for glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) only when it was present during the first week of culturing alone. TGF-ß1 enhanced not only the BMP-2-induced increase in metachromasia (to a greater degree than FGF-2), but also the biochemically-assayed accumulation of GAGs, when it was present throughout the entire culturing period; in addition, it arrested the downstream differentiation of cells at an early stage of hypertrophy. These findings were corroborated by an analysis of the gene- and protein-expression levels of key cartilaginous markers and by an estimation of individual cell volume. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE TGF-ß1 enhances the BMP-2-induced chondrogenesis of bovine synovial explants, improves the hyaline-like properties of the neocartilage, and arrests the downstream differentiation of cells at an early stage of hypertrophy. With the prospect of engineering a mature, truly articular type of cartilage in the context of clinical repair, our findings will be of importance in fine-tuning the stimulation protocol for the optimal chondrogenic differentiation of synovial explants

    Age-Independent Cartilage Generation for Synovium-Based Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation.

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    The articular cartilage layer of synovial joints is commonly lesioned by trauma or by a degenerative joint disease. Attempts to repair the damage frequently involve the performance of autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). Healthy cartilage must be first removed from the joint, and then, on a separate occasion, following the isolation of the chondrocytes and their expansion in vitro, implanted within the lesion. The disadvantages of this therapeutic approach include the destruction of healthy cartilage-which may predispose the joint to osteoarthritic degeneration-the necessarily restricted availability of healthy tissue, the limited proliferative capacity of the donor cells-which declines with age-and the need for two surgical interventions. We postulated that it should be possible to induce synovial stem cells, which are characterized by high, age-independent, proliferative and chondrogenic differentiation capacities, to lay down cartilage within the outer juxtasynovial space after the transcutaneous implantation of a carrier bearing BMP-2 in a slow-release system. The chondrocytes could be isolated on-site and immediately used for ACI. To test this hypothesis, Chinchilla rabbits were used as an experimental model. A collagenous patch bearing BMP-2 in a slow-delivery vehicle was sutured to the inner face of the synovial membrane. The neoformed tissue was excised 5, 8, 11 and 14 days postimplantation for histological and histomorphometric analyses. Neoformed tissue was observed within the outer juxtasynovial space already on the 5th postimplantation day. It contained connective and adipose tissues, and a central nugget of growing cartilage. Between days 5 and 14, the absolute volume of cartilage increased, attaining a value of 12 mm(3) at the latter juncture. Bone was deposited in measurable quantities from the 11th day onwards, but owing to resorption, the net volume did not exceed 1.5 mm(3) (14th day). The findings confirm our hypothesis. The quantity of neoformed cartilage that is deposited after only 1 week within the outer juxtasynovial space would yield sufficient cells for ACI. Since the BMP-2-bearing patches would be implanted transcutaneously in humans, only one surgical or arthroscopic intervention would be called for. Moreover, most importantly, sufficient numbers of cells could be generated in patients of all ages

    An educational review of cartilage repair: precepts & practice - myths & misconceptions - progress & prospects.

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    OBJECTIVE The repair of cartilaginous lesions within synovial joints is still an unresolved and weighty clinical problem. Although research activity in this area has been indefatigably sustained, no significant progress has been made during the past decade. The aim of this educational review is to heighten the awareness amongst students and scientists of the basic issues that must be tackled and resolved before we can hope to escape from the whirlpool of stagnation into which we have fallen: cartilage repair redivivus! DESIGN Articular-cartilage lesions may be induced traumatically (e.g., by sports injuries and occupational accidents) or pathologically during the course of a degenerative disease (e.g., osteoarthritis). This review addresses the biological basis of cartilage repair and surveys current trends in treatment strategies, focussing on those that are most widely adopted by orthopaedic surgeons [viz., abrasive chondroplasty, microfracturing/microdrilling, osteochondral grafting and autologous-chondrocyte implantation (ACI)]. Also described are current research activities in the field of cartilage-tissue engineering, which, as a therapeutic principle, holds more promise for success than any other experimental approach. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Tissue engineering aims to reconstitute a tissue both structurally and functionally. This process can be conducted entirely in vitro, initially in vitro and then in vivo (in situ), or entirely in vivo. Three key constituents usually form the building blocks of such an approach: a matrix scaffold, cells, and signalling molecules. Of the proposed approaches, none have yet advanced beyond the phase of experimental development to the level of clinical induction. The hurdles that need to be surmounted for ultimate success are discussed

    Influence of FGF-2 on the BMP-2-induced accumulation of GAGs in synovial explants (biochemical analysis).

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    <p>A, B: Graphs depicting the GAG-content of explants that had been cultured for 4 weeks under the indicated stimulation conditions, expressed either in µg per mg of the initial wet weight of the tissue sample (A) or in µg per µg of DNA (B). C: Graph depicting the DNA-content of explants that had been cultured for 4 weeks under the indicated stimulation conditions, expressed in µg per mg of the initial wet weight of the tissue sample. BMP-2 was applied at a concentration of 200 ng/ml, and FGF-2 at one of 10 ng/ml. Mean values for <i>n</i> = 4 animals (4 explants in each case) are represented together with the SEM. #: <i>p</i><0.05 vs. “No factor”; ##: <i>p</i><0.01 vs. “No factor”; *: <i>p</i><0.05; **: <i>p</i><0.01.</p

    Influence of FGF-2 on the BMP-2-induced chondrogenesis of synovial explants (histochemical and histomorphometric analysis).

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    <p>A–C: Light micrographs of Toluidine-Blue-stained sections through bovine explants that had been cultured for 4 weeks under the indicated stimulation conditions, and graphs depicting the volume fraction of metachromasia in each case. In A, an image of metacarpal-joint cartilage is included as a positive control. BMP-2 was applied at a concentration of 200 ng/ml, and FGF-2 at one of 10 ng/ml. In the graphs, mean values for <i>n</i> = 4 animals (4 explants in each case) are represented together with the SEM. n.d.: not detectable; *: <i>p</i><0.05 vs. “BMP-2” alone. Bars = 100 µm.</p