305 research outputs found

    Capability of Tissue Stem Cells to Organize into Salivary Rudiments

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    Branching morphogenesis (BrM), an essential step for salivary gland development, requires epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. BrM is impaired when the surrounding mesenchyme is detached from the salivary epithelium during the pseudoglandular stage. It is believed that the salivary mesenchyme is indispensable for BrM, however, an extracellular matrix gel with exogenous EGF can be used as a substitute for the mesenchyme during BrM in the developing salivary epithelium. Stem/progenitor cells isolated from salivary glands in humans and rodents can be classified as mesenchymal stem cell-like, bone-marrow-derived, duct cell-like, and embryonic epithelium-like cells. Salivary-gland-derived progenitor (SGP) cells isolated from duct-ligated rats, mice, and swine submandibular glands share similar characteristics, including intracellular laminin and α6β1-integrin expression, similar to the embryonic salivary epithelia during the pseudoglandular stage. Progenitor cells also isolated from human salivary glands (human SGP cells) having the same characteristics differentiate into hepatocyte-like cells when transplanted into the liver. Similar to the dissociated embryonic salivary epithelium, human SGP cells aggregate to self-organize into branching organ-like structures on Matrigel plus exogenous EGF. These results suggest the possibility that tissue stem cells organize rudiment-like structures, and the embryonic cells that organize into whole tissues during development are preserved even in adult tissues

    The role of clockwork orange in the circadian clock of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus

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    The circadian clock generates rhythms of approximately 24 h through periodic expression of the clock genes. In insects, the major clock genes period (per) and timeless (tim) are rhythmically expressed upon their transactivation by CLOCK/CYCLE, with peak levels in the early night. In Drosophila, clockwork orange (cwo) is known to inhibit the transcription of per and tim during the daytime to enhance the amplitude of the rhythm, but its function in other insects is largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the role of cwo in the clock mechanism of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. The results of quantitative RT-PCR showed that under a light/dark (LD) cycle, cwo is rhythmically expressed in the optic lobe (lamina-medulla complex) and peaks during the night. When cwo was knocked down via RNA interference (RNAi), some crickets lost their locomotor rhythm, while others maintained a rhythm but exhibited a longer free-running period under constant darkness (DD). In cwoRNAi crickets, all clock genes except for cryptochrome 2 (cry2) showed arrhythmic expression under DD; under LD, some of the clock genes showed higher mRNA levels, and tim showed rhythmic expression with a delayed phase. Based on these results, we propose that cwo plays an important role in the cricket circadian clock

    The role of clockwork orange in the circadian clock of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus

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    The circadian clock generates rhythms of approximately 24 h through periodic expression of the clock genes. In insects, the major clock genes period (per) and timeless (tim) are rhythmically expressed upon their transactivation by CLOCK/CYCLE, with peak levels in the early night. In Drosophila, clockwork orange (cwo) is known to inhibit the transcription of per and tim during the daytime to enhance the amplitude of the rhythm, but its function in other insects is largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the role of cwo in the clock mechanism of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. The results of quantitative RT-PCR showed that under a light/dark (LD) cycle, cwo is rhythmically expressed in the optic lobe (lamina-medulla complex) and peaks during the night. When cwo was knocked down via RNA interference (RNAi), some crickets lost their locomotor rhythm, while others maintained a rhythm but exhibited a longer free-running period under constant darkness (DD). In cwo(RNAi) crickets, all clock genes except for cryptochrome 2 (cry2) showed arrhythmic expression under DD; under LD, some of the clock genes showed higher mRNA levels, and tim showed rhythmic expression with a delayed phase. Based on these results, we propose that cwo plays an important role in the cricket circadian clock

    Characterization of expressed sequence tags from a full-length enriched cDNA library of Cryptomeria japonica male strobili

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Cryptomeria japonica </it>D. Don is one of the most commercially important conifers in Japan. However, the allergic disease caused by its pollen is a severe public health problem in Japan. Since large-scale analysis of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) in the male strobili of <it>C. japonica </it>should help us to clarify the overall expression of genes during the process of pollen development, we constructed a full-length enriched cDNA library that was derived from male strobili at various developmental stages.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We obtained 36,011 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from either one or both ends of 19,437 clones derived from the cDNA library of <it>C. japonica </it>male strobili at various developmental stages. The 19,437 cDNA clones corresponded to 10,463 transcripts. Approximately 80% of the transcripts resembled ESTs from <it>Pinus </it>and <it>Picea</it>, while approximately 75% had homologs in <it>Arabidopsis</it>. An analysis of homologies between ESTs from <it>C. japonica </it>male strobili and known pollen allergens in the Allergome Database revealed that products of 180 transcripts exhibited significant homology. Approximately 2% of the transcripts appeared to encode transcription factors. We identified twelve genes for MADS-box proteins among these transcription factors. The twelve MADS-box genes were classified as <it>DEF/GLO/GGM13-, AG-, AGL6-, TM3- </it>and <it>TM8</it>-like MIKC<sup>C </sup>genes and type I MADS-box genes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our full-length enriched cDNA library derived from <it>C. japonica </it>male strobili provides information on expression of genes during the development of male reproductive organs. We provided potential allergens in <it>C. japonica</it>. We also provided new information about transcription factors including MADS-box genes expressed in male strobili of <it>C. japonica</it>. Large-scale gene discovery using full-length cDNAs is a valuable tool for studies of gymnosperm species.</p

    Precise Three-Dimensional Morphology of the Male Anterior Anorectum Reconstructed From Large Serial Histologic Sections: A Cadaveric Study

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    BACKGROUND: Deep anatomic knowledge of the male anterior anorectum is important to avoid urethral injury and rectal perforation in intersphincteric resection or abdominoperineal resection for very low rectal cancer. However, its structure is difficult to understand, because the anorectum, muscles, and urogenital organs are complicatedly and 3-dimensionally arranged. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to revisit the anatomic information of the male anterior anorectum for intersphincteric resection and abdominoperineal resection with a focus on the spatial muscular morphology. DESIGN: This was a descriptive cadaveric study. SETTINGS: The study was conducted at Ehime and Kyoto universities. PATIENTS: Tissue specimens from 9 male cadavers were included. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Specimens around the anterior anorectum were serially sectioned in the horizontal, sagittal, or frontal plane; large semiserial histologic sections were created at 250-μm intervals. The series were stained with Elastica van Gieson, and some sections from the series were studied by immunohistochemistry to detect smooth and striated muscles. Two series were digitalized and reconstructed 3-dimensionally. RESULTS: Two regions without a clear anatomic border were elucidated: 1) the anterior region of the external anal sphincter, where the external anal sphincter, bulbospongiosus muscle, and superficial transverse perineal muscle were intertwined; and 2) the rectourethralis muscle, where the smooth muscle of the longitudinal muscle continuously extended to the posteroinferior area of the urethra, which became closest to the anorectum at the prostatic apex level. A tight connection between the striated and smooth muscles was identified at the anterior part of the upper external anal sphincter and anterolateral part of the puborectalis muscle level. LIMITATIONS: This study involved a small sample size of elderly cadavers. CONCLUSIONS: This study clarified the precise spatial relationship between smooth and striated muscles. The detailed anatomic findings will contribute more accurate step-by-step anterior dissection in intersphincteric resection and abdominoperineal resection, especially with the transanal approach, which can magnify the muscle fiber direction and contraction of striated muscle by electrostimulation. MORFOLOGÍA TRIDIMENSIONAL PRECISA DEL ANORRECTO ANTERIOR MASCULINO RECONSTRUIDO A TRAVÉS DE SECCIONES MAYORES HISTOLÓGICAS EN SERIE: UN ESTUDIO CADAVÉRICO: El conocimiento anatómico amplio del anorrecto anterior masculino es importante para evitar lesiones de uretra y perforación de recto en la resección interesfinterica o la resección abdominoperineal para cáncer de recto bajo. Sin embargo, su estructura es difícil de entender porque el anorrecto, los músculos y los órganos urogenitales están aliñados en forma complexa tridimensional. OBJETIVO: Revisar de nuevo el conocimiento anatómico del anorrecto anterior masculino relevante a la resección interesfinterica y la resección abdominoperineal con un enfoque en la morfología muscular espacial. DISEÑO:: Estudio descriptivo cadavérico. ENTORNO: Ehime y la Universidad de Kyoto. SUJETOS: Tejido especímenes de nueve cadáveres masculinos. PUNTOS FINALES DE VALORACIÓN:: Las muestras alrededor del anorrecto anterior se seccionaron en serie en planos horizontal, sagital y coronal. Se crearon mayores secciones histológicas en serie a intervalos de 250 μm. Los especímenes fueron teñidos con Elástica van Gieson, y algunas secciones de la serie se estudiaron mediante inmunohistoquímica para detectar músculos lisos y estriados. Dos series fueron digitalizadas y reconstruidas tridimensionalmente. RESULTADOS: Se demostraron dos regiones sin un borde anatómico definido: (i) la región anterior del esfínter anal externo, donde se entrelazaron el esfínter anal externo, el músculo bulbospongoso y el músculo perineal transverso superficial; y (ii) músculo rectouretral, donde el músculo liso del músculo longitudinal se extiende continuamente a la zona posteroinferior de la uretra, que se acerca más al anorrecto a nivel del ápice prostático. La conexión estrecha entre los músculos estriados y lisos se identificó en la parte anterior del esfínter anal externo superior y la parte anterolateral del nivel del músculo puborrectal. LIMITACIÓN:: Este estudio incluyó una muestra pequeña de cadáveres ancianos. CONCLUSIÓN:: Este estudio aclaró la relación espacial precisa entre los músculos lisos y estriados. Los hallazgos anatómicos detallados ayudarán para una disección anterior paso a paso más precisa en la resección interesfintérica y la resección abdominoperineal, especialmente con el abordaje transanal, que puede magnificar la dirección de las fibras musculares y la contracción del músculo estriado utilizando electroestimulación

    Serum tau protein as a marker for the diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

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    Total tau protein (t-tau) levels in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (CSF-tau) are markedly elevated in patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). Some CSF-tau may leak into the blood. We evaluated t-tau levels in serum (serum-tau) as a possible marker for the differential diagnosis of CJD from Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) and other rapidly progressive dementias (RPD). Serum- and CSF-tau levels were determined in patients with sporadic CJD (n = 12), AD (n = 10) and RPD but no CJD (non-CJD-RPD; n = 9) who showed RPD fulfilling the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria for possible CJD at onset and had a final diagnosis other than CJD. We also analyzed serum-tau levels in healthy volunteers as a control group (n = 10). Serum- as well as CSF-tau levels were significantly elevated in CJD group compared to those in AD, non-CJD-RPD and healthy control groups. Serum-tau would be a simple and useful marker to distinguish CJD from AD and non-CJD-RPD, requiring further large study to confirm this. © 2011 Springer-Verlag


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    Introduction: Participating in meaningful activities that reflect one’s identity promotes the wellbeing of elderly people. This study aimed to prepare a questionnaire draft to evaluate occupational identity of the elderly and to examine the content and face validity of the questionnaire. Methods: First, we generated questionnaire items to evaluate the occupational identity of elderly people. Second, a content validity study was conducted with experts, using three rounds of the Delphi method. Lastly, the face validity study was undertaken by elderly participants, who reported on whether they could understand the questionnaire. Results: The 50 original questionnaire items were reduced to 21 items with the Delphi method. The items showed item-level content validity index (I-CVI) ranging between 91.7% and 100%, and scale-level CVI with the universal average method (S-CVI/Ave) of 97.4%, which fulfilled the consensus criteria. In the result of the face validity, although none of the items were checked as “Difficult to understand,” there were four items checked as “Difficult to answer.” Accordingly, only one item was corrected. Conclusion: Results suggest that this assessment possesses content and face validity in a sample of elderly people. The questionnaire is likely to allow occupational therapists to gain information about elderly peoples’ occupational identity.東京都立大学学位論文甲第1150号 副論

    Glutamate Snsor Using L-Glutamate Oxidase and Its Application for Sensing GOT/GPT Activity

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    L-Glutamate measurement and GOT/GPT assay was successful by H2O2 measurement using the L-glutamate oxidase with 4-aminoantipyrine / phenol method. But, in examination of oxigen electrode, immobilized L-glutamate oxidase at the cellulose to L-glutamate and GOT-GPT sensor, Lpglutamate measurement was used for the amperometric determination with non-fixed enzyme. On examination of electron mediator, response for L-glutamate was observed with each of the compounds ferricyane, ferrocene-COOH, ferrocene-MeOH, and benzoquinone. L-Glutamate was measured by carbon printed tip electrode the L-glutamate oxidase and ferricyane based on the principle of chronoamperometry. A linear calibration graph was obtained between 1mM and 30mM. These results suggest that L-glutamate oxidase is able to utilize to L-glutamate sensor, and that there is a strong possibility to put this sensor to sensing for GOT/GPT activity