2 research outputs found

    Correlation between "oketsu" syndrome and autonomic nervous activity : a diachronic study on the same subjects

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    In order to confirm that autonomic nervous activity changes with the change in the "oketsu" state using a diachronic study with the same subjects, 20 patients were evaluated by laser Doppler flowmetry and spectral analyses of the R-R intervals (RRs) and systolic blood pressure (SBP). According to the diagnostic criteria of "oketsu", the "oketsu" score (OS) was evaluated. After evaluation of OS and measurement of the parameters, each subject underwent his own Kampo treatment. Twelve weeks later, OS and the parameters were re-evaluated for each subject. The changes in OS and the parameters between week 0 and 12 weeks later were investigated, with the quantity of each change being calculated as Δ-. Δ-SBF showed a significant negative correlation with Δ-OS, and Δ-RR-L/H, Δ-SBP-LF and Δ-. SBP-L/H revealed significant positive correlations with Δ-OS. It is known that SBF changes with sympathetic nervous activity, and SBP-LF and SBP-L/H reflect α-sympathetic nervous activity. These results suggest that the significant relationship between OS and sympathetic nervous activity was maintained even after change in the "oketsu" state in the same subjects. 瘀血病態の経時的変化と自律神経活動の変化との関連性を明らかとするために,レーザードプラ血流計,R-R間隔および収縮期血圧のスペクトル解析を用いて検討した。患者20名を対象とし,瘀血スコアの変化と自律神経活動の変化との関連について統計学的に解析した。結果として,皮膚血流量(SBF)の変化量は瘀血スコアと負の相関を示し,R-R間隔成分比(RR-L/H)・収縮期血圧低周波成分(SBP-LF)・収縮期血圧成分比(SBP-L/H)は瘀血スコアと正の相関を示した。CVRR,・R-R間隔高周波成分(RR-HF)・収縮期血圧高周波成分(SBP-HF)については瘀血スコアとの間に有意な相関を認めなかった。SBFは交感神経活動にともない変化し,SBP-LFはα作動性交感神経活動と関連するとされている。今回の結果は,血病態がα作動性交感神経活動と密接に関連していることを示唆するものである