145 research outputs found


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    The Haramachi Fault segment in the northeastern part of Honshu Island, Japan, has mainly sinistral fault movements with minor reverse component within the Futaba Fault Zone in the northeastern Japan arc. The 2011 Mw 9.0 earthquake occurred off the Pacific coast of Tohoku which caused large crustal deformations. Despite being the closest active fault to the epicenter, very limited investigation has been conducted on the Futaba Fault Zone. Previous studies used smaller scale topographic maps and fault activity was estimated only from trenching and borehole investigations in the central part of the Haramachi Fault segment. Thus, geometry, kinematic, and recent tectonic activity of the fault segment is not well identified, especially in northern part. In this study, we use a combination of high-resolution DEMs (2-m and 5-m mesh), several types of topographic anaglyph images (slope, negative and positive openness), and conducted field survey to confirm remote sensing interpretation. Subtle surface expression of deformation associated with active faulting, such as deformed terrace risers, deflected drainages, and small fault scarps can now be identified more clearly. Several new fault strands in the northern part of the segment were found supported by fault outcrops found in the field confirming the recent activity of the fault system. The new estimation of the total length of the Haramachi segment produced from the approach of this study yields 25 km, which is capable of producing Mw 6.5 – 7.0 or Mjma 7.2 earthquakes if ruptures were to occur altogether in the future. Moreover, a shallow borehole survey and radiocarbon dating from the soil organic material has revealed the minimal timing estimation of the most recent faulting in the Haramachi segment to be 3694 ± 24 BP. This research provides a revised understanding of active fault distribution and deformation associated with the Haramachi segment and validates the timing of the most recent faulting event more broadly.Segment rasjeda Haramachi, dio je Fatuba rasjedne zone u sjeveroistočnom dijelu Japanskog luka, na otoku Honshu. Segment rasjeda Haramachi ukazuje uglavnom na lijeve pomake rasjeda s manjom reversnom komponentom. Potres intenziteta 9,0 Mw dogodio se 2011. godine u blizini pacifičke obale Tohokua koji je izazvao velike deformacije kore. Unatoč tome što predstavlja aktivni rasjed najbliži epicentru, u zoni rasjeda Futaba provedena su vrlo ograničena istraživanja. U prethodnim istraživanjima korištene su topografske karte manjeg mjerila, dok je aktivnost rasjeda procijenjena samo na temelju istraživanja izrađenih rovova i bušotinskih podataka u središnjem dijelu segmenta rasjeda Haramachi. Stoga, geometrija, kinematika, kao i nedavna tektonska aktivnost segmenta rasjeda nije dobro identificirana, osobito u sjevernom dijelu. U ovom istraživanju korištena je kombinacija DEM-ova visoke razlučivosti (mreža od 2 m i 5 m), nekoliko vrsta topografskih anaglifskih prikaza (nagib, negativna i pozitivna otvorenost), kao i terensko istraživanje kako bi se potvrdila interpretacija podataka dobivenih daljinskim istraživanjima. Neznantne površinski izražene deformacije povezane s aktivnim rasjedanjem, kao što su izdignute deformirane terase, pomaknute drenaže i mali pomaci rasjeda vidljivi na površini mogu se sada jasnije identificirati. Nedavna aktivnost rasjednog sustava vidljiva je kroz identifikaciju nekoliko novih rasjeda, čije je postojanje potkrijepljeno rezultatima terenskih istraživanja. Nova procjena ukupne duljine Haramachi segmenta dobivena pristupom iz ovog istraživanja iznosi 25 km, što može proizvesti potres od 6,5 – 7,0 Mw ili 7,2 Mjma. Štoviše, ispitivanje plitkih bušotina i datiranje ugljika iz organskog materijala tla otkrilo je minimalnu vremensku procjenu najnovijeg rasjedanja u Haramachi segmentu na 3694 ± 24 BP. Ovaj pristup revidirao je razumijevanje aktivne distribucije rasjeda i deformacija povezanih s Haramachi segmentom i potvrdio vrijeme najnovijeg događaja rasjedanja u širem smislu

    12 May 2008 M = 7.9 Wenchuan, China, earthquake calculated to increase failure stress and seismicity rate on three major fault systems

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 35 (2008): L17305, doi:10.1029/2008GL034903.The Wenchuan earthquake on the Longmen Shan fault zone devastated cities of Sichuan, claiming at least 69,000 lives. We calculate that the earthquake also brought the Xianshuihe, Kunlun and Min Jiang faults 150–400 km from the mainshock rupture in the eastern Tibetan Plateau 0.2–0.5 bars closer to Coulomb failure. Because some portions of these stressed faults have not ruptured in more than a century, the earthquake could trigger or hasten additional M > 7 earthquakes, potentially subjecting regions from Kangding to Daofu and Maqin to Rangtag to strong shaking. We use the calculated stress changes and the observed background seismicity to forecast the rate and distribution of damaging shocks. The earthquake probability in the region is estimated to be 57–71% for M ≥ 6 shocks during the next decade, and 8–12% for M ≥ 7 shocks. These are up to twice the probabilities for the decade before the Wenchuan earthquake struck.S. T. and R. S. are grateful for research fellowships at EOST- Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg, France. J. L. was supported by the Charles D. Hollister Endowed Fund for Support of Innovative Research at WHOI

    Fluoride Retention following the Professional Topical Application of 2% Neutral Sodium Fluoride Foam

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    The objective of the present research was to determine the appropriate amount of fluoride to use professional topical application and the residual amounts of fluoride in the oral cavity using a 2% neutral sodium fluoride (NaF) foam with a dedicated tray. Using dentition study models, a method for determining the appropriate amount of NaF foam was investigated. In eight adult subjects, the appropriate amount of NaF foam, the concentration of fluoride in the saliva following professional topical application, and the amount of residual fluoride in the oral cavity following professional topical application was examined. The results indicated that the appropriate amount of NaF foam was approximately 0.8 g, the amount of residual fluoride in the oral cavity was approximately 25% of the amount of foam used

    Reproductive strategy of Acartia steueri in Sagami Bay, Japan

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    Reproduction, hatching success and population dynamics of the dominant copepod Acartia steueri were studied in Sagami Bay, Japan from February 2002 to December 2003. A. steueri occurred through the year in the water column, and it produced physiologically different eggs, subitaneous and diapausing. Subitaneous eggs were produced through the experimental period, whereas diapausing ones were restricted from February to August in both years. Population egg production rate (EPR) increased with the abundance of adult males and females from February and reached maximum in June. However, planktonic population of A. steueri did not increase during summer to winter because diapausing eggs occupied a great part of their reproduction (~98%). Recruitment rates in October to December 2002 and September 2003 were higher than population EPR, implying that diapausing eggs of A. steueri had a key role to support the recruitment into water column when the reproductive ability of the population diminished rather than to contribute to an increase of the planktonic population rapidly in their favorable seasons

    Study of Field-Induced Magnetic Order in Singlet-Ground-State Magnet CsFeCl3_3

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    The field-induced magnetic order in the singlet-ground-state system CsFeCl3_3 has been studied by measuring magnetization and neutron diffraction. The field dependence of intensity for the neutron magnetic reflection has clearly demonstrated that the field-induced ordered phase is described by the order parameter . A condensate growth of magnons is investigated through the temperature dependence of MzM_z and MM_{\perp}, and this ordering is discussed in the context of a magnon Bose-Einstein condensation. Development of the coherent state and the static correlation length has been observed in the incommensurate phase in the field region of 5Hc5 H_{\rm c}, a satellite peak was found in coexistence with the commensurate peak at the phase boundary around 10 T, which indicates that the tilt of the c-axis would be less than 0.5\sim 0.5^{\circ} in the whole experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Widespread seismicity excitation throughout central Japan following the 2011 M=9.0 Tohoku earthquake and its interpretation by Coulomb stress transfer

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2011. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 38 (2011): L00G03, doi:10.1029/2011GL047834.We report on a broad and unprecedented increase in seismicity rate following the M=9.0 Tohoku mainshock for M ≥ 2 earthquakes over inland Japan, parts of the Japan Sea and Izu islands, at distances of up to 425 km from the locus of high (≥15 m) seismic slip on the megathrust. Such an increase was not seen for the 2004 M=9.1 Sumatra or 2010 M=8.8 Chile earthquakes, but they lacked the seismic networks necessary to detect such small events. Here we explore the possibility that the rate changes are the product of static Coulomb stress transfer to small faults. We use the nodal planes of M ≥ 3.5 earthquakes as proxies for such small active faults, and find that of fifteen regions averaging ∼80 by 80 km in size, 11 show a positive association between calculated stress changes and the observed seismicity rate change, 3 show a negative correlation, and for one the changes are too small to assess. This work demonstrates that seismicity can turn on in the nominal stress shadow of a mainshock as long as small geometrically diverse active faults exist there, which is likely quite common

    Modeling Subject-Specific Formant Transition Patterns in /aSa/ Sequences

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    International audienceCareful observation reveals that the formant transition patterns in a particular VCV sequence vary according to subjects. It is the case in /aSa/ uttered by French speakers. This variation can be explained by the realization of acoustically equivalent but differently articulated /S/ or /a/ segments and their combination. This paper reports an acoustic simulation experiment aiming at replicating this phenomenon. The results are compared to simultaneous ultrasound tongue contour data and discussed in the perspective of speech inversion

    A New Induction Method for the Controlled Differentiation of Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Using Frozen Sections

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    Considering that every tissue/organ has the most suitable microenvironment for its functional cells, controlling induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) differentiation by culture on frozen sections having a suitable microenvironment is possible. Induced PSCs were cultured on frozen sections of the liver, the brain, the spinal cord, and cover glasses (control) for 9 days. The iPSCs cultured on the sections of the liver resembled hepatocytes, whereas those on sections of the brain and the spinal cord resembled neuronal cells. The percentage of hepatocytic marker-positive cells in the iPSCs cultured on the sections of the liver was statistically higher than that of those in the iPSCs cultured on the sections of the brain and the spinal cord or on cover glasses. In contrast, the iPSCs cultured on the sections of the brain and the spinal cord revealed a high percentage of neural marker-positive cells. Thus, iPSCs can be differentiated into a specific cell lineage in response to specific factors within frozen sections of tissues/organs. Differentiation efficacy of the frozen sections markedly differed between the iPSC clones. Therefore, our induction method could be simple and effective for evaluating the iPSC quality