302 research outputs found

    Evidence for a preformed Cooper pair model in the pseudogap spectra of a Ca10(Pt4As8)(Fe2As2)5 single crystal with a nodal superconducting gap

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    For high-Tc superconductors, clarifying the role and origin of the pseudogap is essential for understanding the pairing mechanism. Among the various models describing the pseudogap, the preformed Cooper pair model is a potential candidate. Therefore, we present experimental evidence for the preformed Cooper pair model by studying the pseudogap spectrum observed in the optical conductivity of a Ca10(Pt4As8)(Fe2As2)5 (Tc = 34.6 K) single crystal. We observed a clear pseudogap structure in the optical conductivity and observed its temperature dependence. In the superconducting (SC) state, one SC gap with a gap size of {\Delta} = 26 cm-1, a scattering rate of 1/{\tau} = 360 cm-1 and a low-frequency extra Drude component were observed. Spectral weight analysis revealed that the SC gap and pseudogap are formed from the same Drude band. This means that the pseudogap is a gap structure observed as a result of a continuous temperature evolution of the SC gap observed below Tc. This provides clear experimental evidence for the preformed Cooper pair model.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Optical Evidence of Itinerant-Localized Crossover of 4f4f Electrons in Cerium Compounds

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    Cerium (Ce)-based heavy-fermion materials have a characteristic double-peak structure (mid-IR peak) in the optical conductivity [σ(ω)\sigma(\omega)] spectra originating from the strong conduction (cc)--ff electron hybridization. To clarify the behavior of the mid-IR peak at a low cc-ff hybridization strength, we compared the σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) spectra of the isostructural antiferromagnetic and heavy-fermion Ce compounds with the calculated unoccupied density of states and the spectra obtained from the impurity Anderson model. With decreasing cc-ff hybridization intensity, the mid-IR peak shifts to the low-energy side owing to the renormalization of the unoccupied 4f4f state, but suddenly shifts to the high-energy side owing to the ff-ff on-site Coulomb interaction at a slight localized side from the quantum critical point (QCP). This finding gives us information on the change in the electronic structure across QCP.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. To appear in JPSJ (Letters

    Electronic-Structure-Driven Magnetic Ordering in a Kondo Semiconductor CeOs2Al10

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    We report the anisotropic changes in the electronic structure of a Kondo semiconductor CeOs2_2Al10_{10} across an anomalous antiferromagnetic ordering temperature (T0T_0) of 29 K, using optical conductivity spectra. The spectra along the aa- and cc-axes indicate that a cc-ff hybridization gap emerges from a higher temperature continuously across T0T_0. Along the b-axis, on the other hand, a different energy gap with a peak at 20 meV appears below 39 K, which is higher temperature than T0T_0, because of structural distortion. The onset of the energy gap becomes visible below T0T_0. Our observation reveals that the electronic structure as well as the energy gap opening along the b-axis due to the structural distortion induces antiferromagnetic ordering below T0T_0.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Observation of Electronic Structure Modification in the Hidden Order Phase of CeCoSi

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    CeCoSi with no local inversion symmetric crystal structure (P4/nmmP4/nmm) exhibits a phase transition of unknown origin (Hidden Order: HO) at about 12 K (T0T_0) above the antiferromagnetic transition temperature (TN=9.4T_{\rm N}=9.4 K). The electronic structure change across T0T_0 was investigated with high-precision optical reflection spectroscopy. The optical spectrum changed from a typical metallic behavior above T0T_0 to a gap-like structure at around 15 meV below T0T_0. The gap-like structure was unchanged across TNT_{\rm N} except for the narrowing of the Drude component of carriers due to the suppression of magnetic fluctuations. This result suggests a slight change from the typical metallic electronic structure above T0T_0 to that with an energy gap near the Fermi level in the HO phase. The change in electronic structure in the HO phase was concluded to be due to electron/valence instability.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Optical signature of Weyl electronic structures in tantalum pnictides TaPnPn (Pn=Pn= P, As)

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    To investigate the electronic structure of Weyl semimetals TaPnPn (Pn=Pn=P, As), optical conductivity [σ(ω)\sigma(\omega)] spectra are measured over a wide range of photon energies and temperatures, and these measured values are compared with band calculations. Two significant structures can be observed: a bending structure at ω\hbar\omega\sim85 meV in TaAs, and peaks at ω\hbar\omega\sim 50 meV (TaP) and \sim30 meV (TaAs). The bending structure can be explained by the interband transition between saddle points connecting a set of W2W_2 Weyl points. The temperature dependence of the peak intensity can be fitted by assuming the interband transition between saddle points connecting a set of W1W_1 Weyl points. Owing to the different temperature dependence of the Drude weight in both materials, it is found that the Weyl points of TaAs are located near the Fermi level, whereas those of TaP are further away.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Spinal V2b neurons reveal a role for ipsilateral inhibition in speed control

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    The spinal cord contains a diverse array of interneurons that govern motor output. Traditionally, models of spinal circuits have emphasized the role of inhibition in enforcing reciprocal alternation between left and right sides or flexors and extensors. However, recent work has shown that inhibition also increases coincident with excitation during contraction. Here, using larval zebrafish, we investigate the V2b (Gata3+) class of neurons, which contribute to flexor-extensor alternation but are otherwise poorly understood. Using newly generated transgenic lines we define two stable subclasses with distinct neurotransmitter and morphological properties. These V2b subclasses synapse directly onto motor neurons with differential targeting to speed-specific circuits. In vivo, optogenetic manipulation of V2b activity modulates locomotor frequency: suppressing V2b neurons elicits faster locomotion, whereas activating V2b neurons slows locomotion. We conclude that V2b neurons serve as a brake on axial motor circuits. Together, these results indicate a role for ipsilateral inhibition in speed control