578 research outputs found

    Direct Patterning of Ceramic Circuit Board with Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser

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    Direct patterning of copper coated ceramic circuit board is experimentally investigated with Q-switched Nd:YAG laser in order to shorten the time of the trial manufacture of electronic circuit board and to adapt the flexible design change. It is pointed out that the fast direct patterning the speed of which reaches about 100 mm/s is possible if the repetition frequency and the average power are selected properly. Furthermore cutting off and/or drilling of ceramic board are also possible under the condition that the repetition frequency is less than 3kHz. This technique makes it possible the mask1ess patterning of ceramic circuit board which has been widely used recently in place of conventional glass-epoxy or phenolic resin circuit board, and it leads to the shorter time limit of delivery as compared with the conventional end-milling method

    Consideration of impact factors on data acquisition for ocean radar with VHF band

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    An ocean radar with a VHF band is a useful tool for surveying coastal currents in a wide area. We have conducted a field observation of currents in Ariake Bay, the large inner sea located in the western part of Japan. Although the number of valid data acquired (hereafter, data acquisition) varies temporally and spatially, the mechanism of such variation is not yet well understood. Our aim in this study is to investigate the impact factor affecting data acquisition through field observations of current, salinity and wind in Ariake Bay. As a result, the data acquisition and the maximum measurement distance of the radar decreased owing to the decreases in salinity and wind speed. After receiving much rainfall, the data acquisition decreased rapidly in accordance with the decrease in surface salinity influenced by run-off from adjacent rivers and a flood control dike. Also, when wind speed became less than 2 m/s, the intensity of the signals received was not sufficient for the detection of current velocity. In conclusion, salinity and wind speed are important factors for steady-current observation using ocean radars.2008 International Conference on Radar (Radar 2008) : Adelaide, 2008.09.2-2008.09.

    Scribing of Ceramie Circuit Board with Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser

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    Scribing of copper coated alumina ceramic board with Q-switched YAG laser used for the maskless direct patterning of circuit board is experimentally investigated, which leads to efficient production of trial circuit board. Better dividing of alumina circuit board 655μm in thickness can be attained by the scribing of about 100μm depth. Higher repetition frequency of laser irradiation leads to smaller notch angle and lower breaking load

    Photodecomposition of Ergosterol by Near-UV irradiation in the Plasma Membrane of the Yeast Rhodotorula minuta

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    In search for primary photochemical reaction related to photoinduced carotenogenesis and photoinactivivation in yeast Rhodotorula minuta, the influence of near-UV radiation (300-400 nm) on ergosterol in the plasma membrane of the yeast. Irradiation by near-UV of intact cells and the plasma membrane preparation from the yeast caused changes in their absorption spectra. For the plasma membrane, difference spectra measured after irradiation of near-UV suggested the decomposition of ergosterol and the suggestion was proved by HPLC analysis. Experiments in model systems revealed that ergosterol itself was the photoreceptor in the photochemical reaction, and that there was not any other photoreceptor or photosensitizer which was related to photochemical reaction of ergosterol decomposition in the plasma membrane.酵母Rhodotorula minutaにおけるカロテノイドの光誘導合成および細胞膜の機能損傷に関わる初期光化学反応についての知見を得る目的で、長波長紫外光(UV-A光)による細胞膜エルゴステロールの分解を調べ、次の結果を得た。酵母菌体および菌体から調製した細胞膜調製品に長波長紫外光を照射すると吸収スペクトルに微細な変化が生じることを認めた。細胞膜調製品に生じた吸収スペクトルの変化は細胞膜エルゴステロールが光化学分解を受けることを予想させ、この予想はHPLC分析によって確かめられた。また、モデル系での実験によって、細胞膜中のエルゴステロールの光化学反応には特別な光受容体あるいは光増感剤は介在しておらず、エルゴステロール自身が光受容体であり反応基質となっていることが明らかになった

    Damage of Membrane Functions in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by Near-UV Irradiation

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    酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiaeに長波長紫外光を照射すると,酵母の生存率は光量に依存して急激に低下した.この現象の発現機構についての知見を得るために,細胞膜機能として非常に重要な透過障壁能と能動輸送能の長波長紫外照射による損傷について,光量一効果曲線を作成して調べた. 酵母に10J/mlの長波長紫外光を照射すると生存率は50%に低下する.この照射光量は,細胞膜の透過障壁能の破壊を引き起こし,細胞内のカリウムイオンおよびナトリウムイオンの非選択的漏出と細胞膜非透過性物質の細胞内への浸入をもたらした .5J/ml以下の光量は酵母の生存率にほとんど影響を与えないが,アミノ酸の取り込み速度の著しい低下とポンプあるいはチャンネル機構の損傷を予想させるカリウムイオンの選択的漏出をもたらした.また,動力学的解析結果から,アミノ酸の取り込み速度低下の要因は、細胞膜表面に存在するレセプターの損傷によるものではなく、受容以降の輸送系の損傷によることが示唆された

    A Novel RNA Synthesis Inhibitor, STK160830, Has Negligible DNA-Intercalating Activity for Triggering A p53 Response, and Can Inhibit p53-Dependent Apoptosis

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    RNA synthesis inhibitors and protein synthesis inhibitors are useful for investigating whether biological events with unknown mechanisms require transcription or translation; however, the dependence of RNA synthesis has been difficult to verify because many RNA synthesis inhibitors cause adverse events that trigger a p53 response. In this study, we screened a library containing 9600 core compounds and obtained STK160830 that shows anti-apoptotic effects in irradiated wild-type-p53-bearing human T-cell leukemia MOLT-4 cells and murine thymocytes. In many of the p53-impaired cells and p53-knockdown cells tested, STK160830 did not show a remarkable anti-apoptotic effect, suggesting that the anti-apoptotic activity is p53-dependent. In the expression analysis of p53, p53-target gene products, and reference proteins by immunoblotting, STK160830 down-regulated the expression of many of the proteins examined, and the downregulation correlated strongly with its inhibitory effect on cell death. mRNA expression analyses by qPCR and nascent RNA capture kit revealed that STK160830 showed a decreased mRNA expression, which was similar to that induced by the RNA synthesis inhibitor actinomycin D but differed to some extent. Furthermore, unlike other RNA synthesis inhibitors such as actinomycin D, p53 accumulation by STK160830 alone was negligible, and a DNA melting-curve analysis showed very weak DNA-intercalating activity, indicating that STK160830 is a useful inhibitor for RNA synthesis without triggering p53-mediated damage responses

    Mild Encephalopathy with Reversible Lesion in the Splenium of the Corpus Callosum and Bilateral Frontal White Matter

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    A 59-year-old man visited an emergency room due to the sudden onset of severe dysarthria with a drowsy mental status. MRI demonstrated T2 prolongation and restricted diffusion involving the splenium of the corpus callosum and bilateral frontal white matter neurological signs and symptoms were mild, and the recovery was complete within a week. Follow-up MRI performed one month later revealed complete resolution of the lesions. The clinical and radiological courses were consistent with previously reported reversible isolated splenial lesions in mild encephalitis/encephalopathy except for the presence of frontal lesions. This case suggests that such reversible lesions can occur outside the splenium