790 research outputs found

    Entanglement Cost of Antisymmetric States and Additivity of Capacity of Some Quantum Channel

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    We study the entanglement cost of the states in the contragredient space, which consists of (d1)(d-1) dd-dimensional systems. The cost is always log2(d1)\log_2 (d-1) ebits when the state is divided into bipartite \C^d \otimes (\C^d)^{d-2}. Combined with the arguments in \cite{Matsumoto02}, additivity of channel capacity of some quantum channels is also shown.Comment: revtex 4 pages, no figures, small changes in title and author's affiliation and some typo are correcte

    Entanglement Cost of Three-Level Antisymmetric States

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    We show that the entanglement cost of the three-dimensional antisymmetric states is one ebit.Comment: 8page

    Remarks on additivity of the Holevo channel capacity and of the entanglement of formation

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    The purpose of these notes is to discuss the relation between the additivity questions regarding the quantities (Holevo) capacity of a quantum channel T and entanglement of formation of a given bipartite state. In particular, using the Stinespring dilation theorem, we give a formula for the channel capacity involving entanglement of formation. This can be used to show that additivity of the latter for some states can be inferred from the additivity of capacity for certain channels. We demonstrate this connection for a family of group--covariant channels, allowing us to calculate the entanglement cost for many states, including some where a strictly smaller upper bound on the distillable entanglement is known. This is presented in a general framework, extending recent findings of Vidal, Dur and Cirac (e-print quant-ph/0112131). In an appendix we speculate on a general relation of superadditivity of the entanglement of formation, which would imply both the general additivity of this function under tensor products and of the Holevo capacity (with or without linear cost constraints)

    Ionization Source of a Minor-axis Cloud in the Outer Halo of M82

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    The M82 `cap' is a gas cloud at a projected radius of 11.6 kpc along the minor axis of this well known superwind source. The cap has been detected in optical line emission and X-ray emission and therefore provides an important probe of the wind energetics. In order to investigate the ionization source of the cap, we observed it with the Kyoto3DII Fabry-Perot instrument mounted on the Subaru Telescope. Deep continuum, Ha, [NII]6583/Ha, and [SII]6716,6731/Ha maps were obtained with sub-arcsecond resolution. The superior spatial resolution compared to earlier studies reveals a number of bright Ha emitting clouds within the cap. The emission line widths (< 100 km s^-1 FWHM) and line ratios in the newly identified knots are most reasonably explained by slow to moderate shocks velocities (v_shock = 40--80 km s^-1) driven by a fast wind into dense clouds. The momentum input from the M82 nuclear starburst region is enough to produce the observed shock. Consequently, earlier claims of photoionization by the central starburst are ruled out because they cannot explain the observed fluxes of the densest knots unless the UV escape fraction is very high (f_esc > 60%), i.e., an order of magnitude higher than observed in dwarf galaxies to date. Using these results, we discuss the evolutionary history of the M82 superwind. Future UV/X-ray surveys are expected to confirm that the temperature of the gas is consistent with our moderate shock model.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables; Accepted for publication in Ap

    Galactic Wind in the Nearby Starburst Galaxy NGC 253 Observed with the Kyoto3DII Fabry-Perot Mode

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    We have observed the central region of the nearby starburst galaxy NGC 253 with the Kyoto Tridimensional Spectrograph II (Kyoto3DII) Fabry-Perot mode in order to investigate the properties of its galactic wind. Since this galaxy has a large inclination, it is easy to observe its galactic wind. We produced the Ha, [N II]6583, and [S II]6716,6731 images, as well as those line ratio maps. The [N II]/Ha ratio in the galactic wind region is larger than those in H II regions in the galactic disk. The [N II]/Ha ratio in the southeastern filament, a part of the galactic wind, is the largest and reaches about 1.5. These large [N II]/Ha ratios are explained by shock ionization/excitation. Using the [S II]/Ha ratio map, we spatially separate the galactic wind region from the starburst region. The kinetic energy of the galactic wind can be sufficiently supplied by supernovae in a starburst region in the galactic center. The shape of the galactic wind and the line ratio maps are non-axisymmetric about the galactic minor axis, which is also seen in M82. In the [N II]6583/[S II]6716,6731 map, the positions with large ratios coincide with the positions of star clusters found in the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observation. This means that intense star formation causes strong nitrogen enrichment in these regions. Our unique data of the line ratio maps including [S II] lines have demonstrated their effectiveness for clearly distinguishing between shocked gas regions and starburst regions, determining the extent of galactic wind and its mass and kinetic energy, and discovering regions with enhanced nitrogen abundance.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Ap

    Visible camera cryostat design and performance for the SuMIRe Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS)

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    We describe the design and performance of the SuMIRe Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) visible camera cryostats. SuMIRe PFS is a massively multi-plexed ground-based spectrograph consisting of four identical spectrograph modules, each receiving roughly 600 fibers from a 2394 fiber robotic positioner at the prime focus. Each spectrograph module has three channels covering wavelength ranges 380~nm -- 640~nm, 640~nm -- 955~nm, and 955~nm -- 1.26~um, with the dispersed light being imaged in each channel by a f/1.07 vacuum Schmidt camera. The cameras are very large, having a clear aperture of 300~mm at the entrance window, and a mass of \sim280~kg. In this paper we describe the design of the visible camera cryostats and discuss various aspects of cryostat performance

    Mie-resonances, infrared emission and band gap of InN

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    Mie resonances due to scattering/absorption of light in InN containing clusters of metallic In may have been erroneously interpreted as the infrared band gap absorption in tens of papers. Here we show by direct thermally detected optical absorption measurements that the true band gap of InN is markedly wider than currently accepted 0.7 eV. Micro-cathodoluminescence studies complemented by imaging of metallic In have shown that bright infrared emission at 0.7-0.8 eV arises from In aggregates, and is likely associated with surface states at the metal/InN interfaces.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Spatially Resolved Spectroscopic Observations of a Possible E+A Progenitor SDSS J160241.00+521426.9

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    In order to investigate the evolution of E+A galaxies, we observed a galaxy SDSS J160241.00+521426.9, a possible E+A progenitor which shows both emission and strong Balmer absorptions, and its neighbor galaxy. We used the integral field spectroscopic mode of the Kyoto Tridimensional Spectrograph (Kyoto3DII), mounted on the University of Hawaii 88-inch telescope located on Mauna Kea, and the slit-spectroscopic mode of the Faint Object Camera and Spectrograph (FOCAS) on the Subaru Telescope. We found a strong Balmer absorption region in the center of the galaxy and an emission-line region located 2 kpc from the center, in the direction of its neighbor galaxy. The recession velocities of the galaxy and its neighbor galaxy differ only by 100 km s^-1, which suggests that they are a physical pair and would have been interacting. Comparing observed Lick indices of Balmer lines and color indices with those predicted from stellar population synthesis models, we find that a suddenly quenched star-formation scenario is plausible for the star-formation history of the central region. We consider that star formation started in the galaxy due to galaxy interactions and was quenched in the central region, whereas star formation in a region offset from the center still continues or has begun recently. This work is the first study of a possible E+A progenitor using spatially resolved spectroscopy.Comment: 39 pages, 10 figures and 10 tables, accepted to Ap