315 research outputs found

    Monte-Carlo Modeling of Non-Gravitational Heating Processes in Galaxy Clusters

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    We consider non-gravitational heating effects on galaxy clusters on the basis of the Monte-Carlo modeling of merging trees of dark matter halos combined with the thermal evolution of gas inside each halo. Under the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium and the isothermal gas profiles, our model takes account of the metallicity evolution, metallicity-dependent cooling of gas, supernova energy feedback, and heating due to jets of radio galaxies in a consistent manner. The observed properties of galaxy clusters can be explained in models with higher non-gravitational heating efficiency than that in the conventional model. Possibilities include jet heating by the Fanaroff-Riley Type II radio galaxies, and the enhanced star formation efficiency and/or supernova energy feedback, especially at high redshifts.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures. To appear in PASJ, February 25, 200

    Reliability of merger tree realizations of dark halos in the Monte-Carlo modeling of galaxy formation

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    We examine the reliability of the merger trees generated for the Monte-Carlo modeling of galaxy formation. In particular we focus on the cold gas fraction predicted from the merger trees with different assumptions on the progenitor distribution function, the timestep, and the mass resolution. We show that the cold gas fraction is sensitive to the accuracy of the merger trees at small-mass scales of progenitors at high redshifts. One can reproduce the Press-Schechter prediction to a reasonable degree by adopting a fairly large number of redshift bins, N_{step} ~ 1000 in generating merger trees, which is a factor of ten larger than the canonical value used in previous literature.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures. To appear in PASJ, October 25, 200

    Systematic bias in the estimate of cluster mass and the fluctuation amplitude from cluster abundance statistics

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    We revisit the estimate of the mass fluctuation amplitude, sigma_8, from the observational X-ray cluster abundance. In particular, we examine the effect of the systematic difference between the cluster virial mass estimated from the X-ray spectroscopy, M_{vir, spec}, and the true virial mass of the corresponding halo, M_{vir}. Mazzotta et al. (2004) recently pointed out the possibility that alpha_M = M_{vir, spec}/M_{vir} is systematically lower than unity. We perform the statistical analysis combining the latest X-ray cluster sample and the improved theoretical models and find that sigma_8 \sim 0.76 +/- 0.01 + 0.50 (1-alpha_M) for 0.5 \le alpha_M \le 1, where the quoted errors are statistical only. Thus if alpha_M \sim 0.7, the value of sigma_8 from cluster abundance alone is now in better agreement with other cosmological data including the cosmic microwave background, the galaxy power spectrum and the weak lensing data. The current study also illustrates the importance of possible systematic effects in mapping real clusters to underlying dark halos which changes the interpretation of cluster abundance statistics.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures. To appear in PASJ, April 25, 200

    A novel approach to the synthesis of oligodeoxyribonucleotide boranophosphates

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    Deoxyribonucleoside 3′-boranophosphate derivatives including adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine bases were synthesized in good yields by the use of a new boranophosphorylation reaction. The reaction was found to be effective for the formation of internucleotidic boranophosphate linkages

    Different Responses to 5-fluoraouracil in Mutagenicity and Gene Expression between Two Human Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines with or without TP53 Mutation

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    Human lymphoblastoid TK6 and WTK-1 cells are widely used to detect mutagens in vitro. TK6 cells have wild-type TP53 alleles, while WTK-1 cells have one allele of mutated TP53. Both cells were treated with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), and gene mutation assay and micronucleus assay were performed to clarify the differential response related to the TP53 gene status. The effects of 5-FU on gene expression were assessed by microarray and quantitative RT-PCR analyses. In WTK-1 cells, 5-FU increased the frequency of cells with micronucleus and mutation. In TK6 cells, frequency of cells with micronucleus was increased but the mutation frequency was not. The cytotoxicity induced by 5-FU was more prominent in TK6 cells than in WTK-1 cells. Analysis of gene expression showed that the genes involved in the TP53 pathway were up-regulated in TK6 cells but not in WTK-1 cells. The differential responses to 5-FU between these cell lines appeared to be due to the difference in the TP53 gene status, thus providing a molecular basis for the bioassays using these cell lines in the toxicology field. Our results indicate that the clinical efficacy of 5-FU chemotherapy may depend on the TP53 genotype

    Interactions between migraine and tension-type headache and alcohol drinking, alcohol flushing, and hangover in Japanese

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    The aim of the study was to investigate associations between headache types and alcohol drinking, alcohol flushing, and hangover. Alcohol consumption is inhibited by the presence of inactive aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2) whose carriers are susceptible to alcohol flushing and hangovers. We conducted a cross-sectional study of the 2,577 subjects (men/women: 1,018/1,559) who reported having ever experienced headaches unrelated to common colds and alcohol hangovers among 5,408 (2,778/2,630) Tokyo health checkup examinees. We used a questionnaire inquiring about current and past facial flushing after drinking a glass of beer which identifies the presence of inactive ALDH2 with a sensitivity and specificity of approximately 90%. Based on ICHD-II criteria migraine was diagnosed in 419 (75/344) subjects, and tension-type headache (TTH) in 613 (249/364). We classified the headaches of the remaining 1,545 (694/851) of headaches sufferers into the category “other headaches (OH)”. The migraineurs drank alcohol less frequently than the subjects with TTH among current/past alcohol flushers and than the subjects with OH regardless of flushing category. No such difference in drinking frequency was observed between TTH and OH. Current/past flushers drank alcohol less frequently than never flushers, and the likelihood that male migraineurs would avoid alcohol drinking than men with TTH or OH was stronger among current/past flushers than among never flushers. Flushers and women were more susceptible to hangover than never flushers and men, respectively, regardless of headache type. Among never flushers, women with migraine were more susceptible to hangover than women with OH. The difference in alcohol sensitivity may partly explain less alcohol consumption by migraineurs


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    I. God saw the light,that it was good. /Consider the lilies of the field,how they growなどに見るTwo Objectsを取る構文の性質について-聖書以外の例-redundance-emphatic,emotional;補語的又は副詞的働き II. The land flowing with milk and honeyを中心に。主語の問題-flowの意味-milk and honey-land of plenty-New Canaan III. Butter (or curds) and milk (food in destitution)-locusts and wild honey-(luscious) locusts-St. John\u27s Bread (or carob-pods)-meaning of fowl and locust-insect? or plant?Ⅰ  Sentences such as "God saw the light, that it was good"; "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow", in which a single verb (in many cases \u27of perception\u27) takes two objects- a noun or pronoun and a noun clause in which the subject is identical (in substance) with the first object - are said to be exclusively Biblical in contemporary English, though quite frequent in older and early modern English, e.g. "Mark King Richard how he looks" (Richard II). Similar examples are, however, observable not infrequently in later English, esp. in poetry, e.g. in Milton, Dryden, Tennyson- "I know thee… who thou art" (Paradise Lost); "See the snakes… how they hiss" (Alexander\u27s Feast). In such cases, one of the two objects is counted as \u27redundant\u27. There is a tendency in modern versions of the Bible to omit such \u27redundant objects\u27. There seems to be little difference in meaning caused by the omission. Stylistically speaking, however, what seems dispensable may help the subsequent clause have emphatic or emotional tone, functioning as adverbial or complimentary component.  In "Behold my hands and my feet, that it is myself" (Luke 24. 39), the conjunction that sounds rather disturbing. In such a case, Weymouth\u27s half emotional and half emphatic "See my hands and feet- it is my very self" may be taken as carrying the meaning close to the original. The various renderings of Matt. 6.25 (AV: Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink) into "Do not be anxious about your life here-what you can get to eat or drink" (Tw. C. N. T.), "do not be anxious for your life, as to what you shall eat…" (NASB), or do not worry about your life, wondering what you will have to eat or drink" (Goodspeed) would seem to be very suggestive in construing the particular time-honored construction. II  With regard to the recurrent symbolic sentence "(to) the land flowing with milk and honey", there arises a question if it is not parallel to such structures as "The hovel was crawling with virmin"; "His clothes were dripping with water". Dictionaries usually explain flowing with as \u27overflowing with\u27 to the exclusion of other interpretations. But renderings such as "the land where milk and honey flow "(Jerusalem Bible) seems to favor the question. In translating the original word corresponding to \u27flow (with)\u27, there seems to be an influence of the Vulgate\u27s barbarism (\u27fluit\u27) of the Hebrew zub (\u27gush\u27, \u27flow\u27). Further, there may be only a slight difference between \u27overflow\u27 and \u27flow on\u27. But the image derivable from "the land where (rivers of) milk and honey flow" may be said to be more to the liking of many people than the static picture of a land which is rich or abounds in milk and honey.  In connection with Canaan, the promised land, the land of plenty, it is of some interest that New England used to be called New Canaan, and that we read of \u27a land flowing with maple molasses and sugar\u27. III  \u27Milk and honey\u27 is usually associated with the land of plenty, such as the Israelites are supposed to have aspired to. But there is a possibility of their being a wild land\u27s food. In Isaiah vii, \u27butter (or curds) and honey\u27 are obviously taken as food in destitution. Somewhat similar are St. John\u27s \u27locusts and wild honey\u27. Interpretations are divided concerning \u27locusts\u27, whether they are what are called \u27St John\u27s Bread (carob-pod) or the \u27insects\u27 which were and are being eaten often dried. Leviticus xi. 20ff. is considered to be the authority on which John\u27s \u27locusts\u27 are taken as insects, which are involved in the term \u27fowl\u27 in AV.  As to the meaning of \u27fowl\u27 -birds and winged creatures including \u27locusts\u27. The mystery of insects going on four legs-a prescientific description of the biblical age

    Headache Associated with Myasthenia Gravis: The Impact of Mild Ocular Symptoms

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    Myasthenia gravis (MG) patients visiting outpatient clinics frequently complain of headache. However, there have been few reports on the relation between chronic headache and myasthenia gravis (MG). We aimed to investigate whether MG symptoms affect the development or worsening of chronic headache. Among the 184 MG patients who were followed at the MG clinics, tension-type headache was observed in 71 (38.6%) patients and 9 (4.9%) complained of migraine. Twenty-five (13.6%) complained that headache appeared or was exacerbated after the MG onset. The investigation into differences in the clinical characteristics of the MG patients showed that women tended to suffer from MG-associated headache more often than men. Logistic regression analyses revealed that female gender and mild ocular symptoms were independently predictive of headache associated with MG. Our results suggest that treatment of chronic headache should be required to improve the quality of life in MG patients

    Tumor-specific exon creation of the HELLS/SMARCA6 gene in non-small cell lung cancer

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    In an attempt to identify tumor suppressor genes on chromosome 10 in non-small cell lung cancers, we isolated 10 types of splicing variants of the HELLS/ SMARCA6 gene transcripts. HELLS/SMARCA6 is a novel member of SNF2 family, which is implicated in cellular function like chromatin remodeling. Variant 1 was an alternatively spliced isoform containing an insertion of a 44-ntd intronic sequence between exons 3 and 4, giving rise to a premature termination of translation. The expression of the variant 1 was detected exclusively in the lung cancer specimens (11 of 43 cases, 26%), but was not detected in corresponding normal tissues. D10S520 marker in the proximity of the HELLS/SMARCA6 gene showed prevalent allelic loss (41%) as compared with flanking markers (25-31%). These results suggest that loss of function of HELLS/SMARCA6 by allelic loss and aberrant proteins by tumor-specific exon creation may result in epigenetic deregulation, leading the lung cells to malignancy or its progression