3 research outputs found

    Variation in woody vegetation structure and composition in a semi-arid savanna of southern Zimbabwe

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    The objectives of this study were: i) to establish the status of woody vegetation structure and composition, and ii) to determine the main factors influencing woody vegetation structure and composition across Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe. We divided the park into three large strata based on natural and artificial features. A total of 137 sample plots were randomly placed to gather data on woody vegetation in the three study strata across Gonarezhou National Park from May to June 2011. Trees constituted 66% and shrubs 34% of the woody plants sampled. A total of 132 woody plant species were recorded. Significant differences were found in basal area, shrub density, browsed plants density and woody species diversity across Gonarezhou National Park. In contrast, no significant differences were recorded in tree height, densities of trees, stems, dead plants and fire damaged plants. Our results suggest that there are some variations in woody vegetation structure and composition across Gonarezhou National Park. These variations could be attributed to both natural and anthropogenic disturbance factors including elephant (Loxodonta africana Blumenbach) browsing, fires, droughts and previous tsetse fly (Glossina spp.) (Diptera: Glossinidae) eradication activities in the park

    Vegetation structure and composition across different land use in a semi-arid savanna of southern Zimbabwe

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    We compared the structure and composition of vegetation communities across different land uses in the northern Gonarezhou National Park and adjacent areas, southeast Zimbabwe. Vegetation data were collected from 60 sample plots using a stratified random sampling technique from April to May 2012. Stratification was by land use, and sample plots in all three strata occurred on predominantly siallitic soils. Our results show that the communal area had higher woody plant species diversity (H' = 2.66) than the protected area (H' = 1.78). However, the protected area had higher grass species richness per plot than the communal area and resettlement area. Overall, the protected area had more structural and compositional diversity than the other land use areas. These findings suggest that the areas adjacent to protected areas contribute to plant diversity in the greater ecosystem; hence conservation efforts should extend beyond the boundaries of protected areas. We recommend that protected area management should engage community-based institutions in neighbouring areas for effective monitoring of woody vegetation structure and composition

    Emergent trees in Colophospermum mopane woodland: influence of elephant density on persistence versus attrition

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    Colophospermum mopane (mopane) forms mono-dominant woodlands covering extensive areas of southern Africa. Mopane provides a staple foodstuff for elephants, who hedge woodland by reducing trees to small trees or shrubs, leaving emergent trees which are too large to be pollarded. Emergent trees are important for supporting faunal biodiversity, but they can be killed by ringbarking. This study first examined the influence of elephant density on woodland transformation and the height distribution of canopy volume, and, second, whether canopy volume is maintained, and tall emergent trees too large to be broken can persist, under chronic elephant utilisation. Three regimes of 0.23, 0.59 and 2.75 elephants km−2 differed in vegetation structure and the height structure of trees. Areas under the highest elephant density supported the lowest total canopy volume owing to less canopy for plants >3 m in height, shorter trees, loss of most trees 6–10 m in height, but trees >10 m in height (>45 cm stem diameter) persisted. Under eight years of chronic utilisation by elephants, transformed mopane woodland maintained its plant density and canopy volume. Plant density was greatest for the 0–1 m height class, whereas the 3.1–6 m height class provided the bulk of canopy volume, and the 1.1–3 m height layer contained the most canopy volume. Emergent trees (>10 m in height) suffered a loss of 1.4% per annum as a result of debarking. Canopy dieback of emergent trees increased conspicuously when more than 50% of a stem was debarked, and such trees could be toppled by windthrow before being ringbarked. Thus relict emergent trees will slowly be eliminated but will not be replaced whilst smaller trees are being maintained in a pollarded state. Woodland transformation has not markedly reduced canopy volume available to elephants, but the slow attrition of emergent trees may affect supported biota, especially cavity-dependent vertebrate species, making use of these trees