581 research outputs found

    Review of the pschiatric consultation-liaison service at Helen Joseph Hospital

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    Objectives: To provide a demographic and clinical profile of all patients consulted by the consultation-liaison psychiatry (CLP) service, and describe the clinical management of patients referred with a diagnosis of a mental disorder associated with a co-morbid medical condition in a general hospital. Method: A retrospective record review of all patients referred to CLP team over a six-month period. Results: A total of 884 routine and emergency consultations were done for patients referred from the various other clinical departments, comprising of 662 patients (males = 305; females = 357) between the ages of 13 – 90 years. The most common reason for referral documented, was a request for assessment (n=182; 27.5%). Only 63 patients (10%) had a confirmed axis 1 diagnosis with a defined co-morbid medical condition. The medical wards admitted the majority of the patients (n=37; 67.3%), most of which had a diagnosis of delirium (n=28; 51.9%) and also HIV (n = 23; 67.7%). Conclusion: A female patient between the ages of 31 - 45 years with a diagnosis of delirium and also suffering from HIV/AIDS was more likely to be referred to the CLP service for assessment, and more likely to be managed in the medical wards

    International Labour Migration and Workers\u27 Remittance in Asia

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    Cislunar Satellite Constellation Design Via Integer Linear Programming

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    Cislunar space awareness is of increasing interest to the international community as Earth-Moon traffic is projected to increase. This raises the problem of placing satellites optimally in a constellation to provide satisfactory coverage for said traffic. The Circular Restricted 3 Body Problem (CR3BP) provides promising periodic orbits in the Earth-Moon rotating frame for traffic monitoring. This work converts a spatially and temporally varying traffic coverage requirement into an integer linear programming problem, attempting to minimize the number of satellites required for the requested coverage.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, submitted to 2023 AAS Conferenc

    Influence of a macrolide antibiotic, roxithromycin, on mast cell growth and activation in vitro.

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    BACKGROUND: Long-term administration of macrolide antibiotics is recognized to be able to favorably modify the clinical condition of inflammatory diseases, such as diffuse panbronchiolitis and cystic fibrosis. However, the precise mechanisms by which macrolide antibiotics could improve clinical conditions of the patients are not well understood. AIM: The present study was designed to examine the influence of macrolide antibiotics on effector cell functions responsible for inflammation through the choice of roxithromycin (RXM) and mast cell. METHODS: Mast cells were induced by long-term culture of splenocytes from BALB/c mice. RXM was added to the cultures at seeding and then every 4-5 days, when the culture medium was replaced with a fresh one. The influence of RXM on mast cell growth was evaluated by counting the number of cells grown on the 16th day. We also examined the influence of RXM on mast cell activation by examining histamine release and inflammatory cytokine secretion. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: RXM could not inhibit mast cell growth, even when splenocytes were exposed to 100 microg/ml of RXM throughout the entire culture periods. RXM also could not suppress histamine release from cultured mast cells in response to non-immunological and immunological stimulations. However, RXM could suppress inflammatory cytokine, interleukin-1beta, interleukin-6, granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, secretions induced by concanavalin A stimulation at a concentration of as little as 0.5 microg/ml. These results may suggest that RXM modulated the ability of mast cells to secrete inflammatory cytokines and results in improvement of clinical condition of chronic inflammatory diseases

    The possible introduction of advance pricing agreements in South Africa income tax legislation

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    This treatise analyses the suitability of the Advance Pricing Agreements (APA) for the South African Transfer Pricing legislation. The transfer pricing legislation places emphasis on the arm's length principle. Determining an arm's length price is problematic and as a result some countries have resorted to APA's to establish an arm's length price up-front, and thus avoid reviews and subsequent audits. The treatise first focuses on the transfer pricing provisions and other relevant applicable sections of the Act from the South African point of view, and it then examines the current status quo, i.e. the review processes used by the South African Revenue Services (SARS) as detailed in the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Developments (OECD) Guidelines and the SARS Practice Note. Since negotiated tax treaties form part of the South Africa law, the impact of these treaties are discussed in Chapter 4. The treatise discusses in detail an APA from the OECD's point of view. It examines the objectives of an APA; the benefit and the shortcomings of using an APA. It then examines the APA request processes from a Canadian perspective and the administration of the APA from an USA perspective. The treatise examines South African trading partners using APA in transfer pricing matters, with reference to the effects and the challenges such countries face. The treatise concludes by looking at the benefits provided by use of an APA by South African major trading partners. The effect and the use of such APA will have in South Africa is also discussed and how it should be modelled; the present status quo with regard to personnel at SARS; and the possible impact the introduction and implementation will have in South Africa

    Assessment of Rangelands Around Molepolole Village of Botswana to Ascertain Its Potential to Support Free Range Beef Cattle Despite Its Long Term Use as a Grazing Area

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    In Botswana, cattle rearing can either be in farms or in communal grazing areas. In communal grazing areas, carrying capacities are never adhered to, hence degradation sometimes occurs. This negatively impact on the livestock industry since cattle are mainly free ranging. This therefore calls for periodic checks of grass species to determine whether grazing areas still have potentials to sustain livestock production. A study was done to take stock of grass species and bush encroachment status around the biggest village of Botswana, known as Molepolole. The survey looked at species composition, distribution and production. The survey was done by using line transects, quadrats and plots in the northern and western direction of the village. In each quadrat, grass species were identified, counted by species, height measured and biomass determined by clipping. In plots, woody plants were counted for all species. The survey revealed that despite heavy grazing and periodic droughts the grazing area still has some grass species of good grazing value and the area is being threatened to being encroached by woody species. Thus there is still a potential for use of the area for grazing but at lower stocking rate. However, it was noted that the area needs some restoration by controlling bush encroachment and reintroduction of good grass species