17 research outputs found

    Pleomorphic Adenoma: Report of Five Cases

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    Pleomorphic Adenoma (P A), the most common benign tumor of salivary gland, is common to occur in parotid gland and the submandibular gland. However, as far as minor salivary glands are concerned, the most common site is hard palate and very few cases are reported to occur in soft palate. In the present case report, one case found in soft palate, three cases involving hard palate and one case is found extra orally involving submandibular gland. All the cases were diagnosed on the basis of clinical features. CT Scan report (as in case I) and confirmed by histopathological report. The patient was given palliative radiotherapy due to poor cardiac condition of the patient. Other cases were treated with surgical excision. Follow up examination of all five cases was done for different durations. No re-occurrence was reported

    Congenital Epulis : Report of Two Cases

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    Congenital epulis of the newborn is a rare tumor of infancy. It occurs more often in female that in males and in the maxilla more than in the mandible. Various theories of its origin have been described. Here two cases of congenital epulis are presented. Case one is an unusual case of congenital epulis involving alveolar mucosa of maxilla and mandible in a girl and case two is the single congenital epulis involving alveolar mucosa of mandible in a boy is reported

    "A Clinical and Radiographic Study of Supernumerary Teeth": Report of Hundred Cases with Review of Literature

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    Supernumerary teeth are commonly encountered in our day to day life by the general dentist. Most supernumerary teeth are located in the maxilla with male predilection. Detection of supernumerary teeth is best achieved by thorough clinical and radiographic examination. Their management should form part of a comprehensive treatment plan. This article presents a clinical and radiographic study of hundred cases of supernumerary teeth and an overview of the clinical problems associated with supernumerary teeth


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    Double palate is a unique, congen_it3i, extremely rare and infrequent occurrence in the oro-facial complex. Most of other congenital anomalies of palate are of frequent occurrence and have an early and easy diagnosis. The reported case was an extremely rare and unique with duplication of palate and of maxillary dental arch. The patient had normal mandibular dentition, broad flat-palate very unusual to the age, depressed-nasal bridge, anatomically incompetent but potentially competent lips, hypertelorism with no other skeletal deformity. The patient had already been operated for growth in the palatal region one year ago. The present case needs a multi-approach team management for the future rehabilitation of oro-facial complex

    Fibrous Dysplasia of Jaws - Eight Case Reports with Review of Literature

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    The difficult problem of diagnosis in fibrous dysplasia is well recognised. A clear-cut diagnosis can seldom be made on the basis of clinical, radiological or histological examination alone. Although the usefulness of radiographic examination in the diagnosis of fibrous dysplasia of the skull and facial bones have been highlighted. Histologic and radiographic findings do not always correspond. The radiograph does, however, define the limits and characteristics of the condition grossly. Some of the radiographic features of this disease are sufficiently characteristic as to appear at tunes to be diagnostic

    Oral manifestations in patients with gastro-esophageal reflux disease: A hospital-based case-control study

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    Aim: To analyze the occurrence and correlation of oral manifestations of patients affected by gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), especially with dental erosion. Materials and Methods: With a simple randomization method, a total of 120 patients, GERD-diagnosed patients (group 1, n = 60), based on complaints and reviewed by gastroenterologists through proper history, clinical pictures, and established investigations, and healthy individuals (group 2, n = 60), were enrolled in the study. Oral manifestations such as xerostomia, oral acid/burning sensation, subjective halitosis, dental sensitivity, and dental erosion were evaluated in both groups. The Chi-square test and continuous variables were compared by the Mann–Whitney test and the Kruskal–Wallis test (P value < 0.05, significant). Results: The Mann–Whitney U test on the distribution of the gastric complaints between two groups revealed a significant difference in all the variables. A significant difference was found in the distribution of all the oral manifestations except halitosis and dentinal hypersensitivity between both groups. The Chi-square test between the heartburn and dental erosions revealed a significant association (c2 = 293.761, df = 1, P < 0.001), whereas there was no significant association between heartburn and dentinal hypersensitivity. Conclusion: GERD and dental erosions had no significant correlation, whereas other oral manifestations and mucosal changes were found significant with GERD