22 research outputs found
Guided flows in coronal magnetic flux tubes
There is evidence for coronal plasma flows to break down into fragments and
to be laminar. We investigate this effect by modeling flows confined along
magnetic channels. We consider a full MHD model of a solar atmosphere box with
a dipole magnetic field. We compare the propagation of a cylindrical flow
perfectly aligned to the field to that of another one with a slight
misalignment. We assume a flow speed of 200 km/s, and an ambient magnetic field
of 30 G. We find that while the aligned flow maintains its cylindrical symmetry
while it travels along the magnetic tube, the misaligned one is rapidly
squashed on one side, becoming laminar and eventually fragmented because of the
interaction and backreaction of the magnetic field. This model could explain an
observation of erupted fragments that fall back as thin and elongated strands
and end up onto the solar surface in a hedge-like configuration, made by the
Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory. The
initial alignment of plasma flow plays an important role in determining the
possible laminar structure and fragmentation of flows while they travel along
magnetic channels.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication, movies available upon
request to the first autho
Variations of GRSP amount, composition and soil properties in different land-uses.
<p>Note: Lowercase letters stand for significance of 0.05 (and that these comparisons are across each row).</p><p>Variations of GRSP amount, composition and soil properties in different land-uses.</p
The effects of water addition, N addition and their interaction on soil properties.
<p>Bars indicate standard errors. SM, soil moisture; SOC, total soil organic carbon; TN, total nitrogen; MBC, microbial biomass carbon; and MBN, microbial biomass nitrogen.</p
Structural equation models of water addition and N addition effects on soil nematode communities
<p>(χ<sup>2</sup> = 41.08; df = 30; <i>P</i> = 0.09; GFI = 0.79; CFI = 0.96; RMSEA = 0.13). Numbers on arrows are standardized path coefficients. Width of the arrows indicates the strength of the causal influence. Dashed and straight lines represent significant and non-significant pathways, respectively. Nitrogen, N addition effect; Water, water addition effect; Nema, soil nematode communities; Soil, soil properties; SOC, total soil organic carbon; TN, total nitrogen; SM, soil moisture; TEM, total nematodes; FF, the abundance of fungivores; PP, the abundance of plant-parasites; and OP, the abundance of omnivores-predators.</p
Correlations between GRSP concentration and soil properties.
<p>Correlations between GRSP concentration and: (a) SOC content (p<0.05); (b) total N content (p<0.05); (c) total P content (p>0.05); (d) soil pH (p<0.05); (e) EC (p<0.05); (f) bulk density (p<0.05). N = 19 = Primary forest (7) + Plantation forest (6) + Farmland (6).</p
The abundances of total nematodes and trophic groups among different water or/and N addition treatments.
<p>Bars indicate standard errors. OP, omnivores-predators; PP, plant-parasites; FF, fungivores; BF, bacterivores.</p
Effects of N treatment, sampling dates, soil layers, and their interactions on fine root biomass, necromass, soil nitrate-N and ammonium-N (Amm-N), analyzed using 3-way ANOVAs.
<p>d.f.: degree of freedom. Significance level: NS: not significant <i>P</i>>0.05; *<i>P</i><0.05; **<i>P</i><0.01; ***<i>P</i><0.001. The biomass and necromass are gained from sequential soil cores.</p><p><i>F</i>-values are given.</p
The averaged soil nitrate-N and ammonium-N (amm-N) (a), and fine root biomass and necromass (b) in 0–10 and 10–20 cm soil in N fertilization and control plots across the study period from May to October, 2010 (Mean ± SE, <i>n</i> = 3).
<p>The biomass and necromass are gained from sequential soil cores.</p
Seasonal changes in soil nitrate-N (a), ammonium-N (Amm-N) (b), fine root biomass (c), and necromass (d), in 0–10 and 10–20 cm soil in N fertilization and control plots (Means ± SE, <i>n</i> = 3).
<p>The biomass and necromass are from sequential soil cores.</p
Production (Mg ha<sup>−1</sup> year<sup>−1</sup>) and turnover rates of fine roots (year<sup>−1</sup>) in 0–10 and 10–20 cm soil in N fertilization and control plots.
<p>Means (Mean ± SE, <i>n</i> = 3) sharing the same letter in the same row within each soil layer indicated that the differences were not significant at 0.05 level. SC-MM, sequential soil cores with minimum-maximum calculation; IC, ingrowth cores.</p