31 research outputs found

    Effect of dietary vitamin K1 on selected plasma characteristics and bone ash and the requirement of vitamin K1 in young turkeys

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    Six experiments (Exp.) were conducted to determine the effect of dietary K1 on selected plasma characteristics and bone ash and to determine the dietary K1 requirement for young turkeys. In Exp. 1, diets were supplemented with 0, 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 mg of K1/kg. All diets contained 1,650 IU of vitamin D3 (D3)/kg. Dietary K1 had no effect on tibia ash at 7 d. In Exp. 2, a 2 x 4 factorial arrangement was used consisting of 1650 or 550 IU of D3/kg and 0.1, 0.45, 1.0 and 2.0 mg of K1/kg. Dietary D3 and K1 had no effect on bone ash. In Exp. 3, dietary treatments consisted of a Control (1,650 IU of D3 and 2.0 mg of K1/kg) and K1 concentrations of 0, 0.37, 2.28, or 5.33 mg/kg in diets containing 275 IU of D3/kg. Poults fed the low D3 diet without K1 consumed less feed and gained less weight, and had increased plasma alkaline phosphatase activity, decreased inorganic phosphorus level and decreased tibia ash compared with those of poults fed the Control diet. Feed intake and body weight gain were improved, plasma alkaline phosphatase activity decreased, and plasma inorganic phosphorus increased when poults were fed the low D3 diet supplemented with 0.37 or 2.88 mg of K1/kg. Tibia ash of poults fed the low D3 diet was not affected by K1 supplementation. In Exp. 4, a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement was used with 0 or 75mg of neomycin/L in the drinking water and 0, 0.1 or 0.5 mg of dietary K1/kg. PT was reduced to a nadir and PC in plasma increased to a plateau when diets contained 0.1 mg of K1/kg. Dietary K1 concentrations tested in Exp. 5 and 6 were 0, 0.08, 0.31 or 0.44 mg/kg and 0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5 or 2.0 mg/kg, respectively. The results of Exp. 5 indicated that the dietary K1 requirement was 0.079mg, based on the influence of dietary K1 on PT. In Exp. 6, The K1 requirement was estimated to be 0.099 and 0.13 mg/kg, on the basis of PT and PC, respectively

    Removal of accidentally ingested large foreign object via the anus after watchful waiting

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    One of the commonest complaints, for which a patient arrives in hospitals, is the presence of foreign body. It could be due to accidental ingestion or any other cause which leads to presences of a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract. It is believed that foreign objects larger than 5–6 cm in size are unlikely to pass through the duodenum. Here, we describe a case wherein the patient accidentally swallowed a 7-cm-sized mouthguard that could not be removed by emergency upper gastrointestinal endoscopy but was subsequently removed via the anus after a period of watchful waiting

    ヘルスプロモーションを目指した介護予防における作業療法士の間接的支援の支援構造 : 住民運営通いの場への参加促進要因についての作業科学の視点からの一考察

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    研究論文Original Articles 目的:本研究では,住民運営通いの場への参加促進要因を質的,帰納的分析により抽出し,その結果から,間接的支援のための支援構造を考察することを目的とした.対象と方法:個別インタビューはサロンの立ち上げに関与したA 氏に行い,フォーカス・グループ・インタビューは,サロン研究やそれに類似する高齢者介護研究を実施してきた研究者4 名に行い,結果を,帰納的に分析し,カテゴリ化を行い,カテゴリを説明する概念を付した.また先行研究を参考にし,さらに作業科学の知見を基にテーマを設定した.結果:people に関わる要因とplace に関わる要因に分類された.People に関わる要因は,作業的存在としてのbelonging とdoing に分けられた.考察:人を作業的存在として捉えたとき,サロンは,健康志向性を持った,高齢者の誰をも受け入れるbelonging を用意し,ソーシャルキャピタルを育成するdoing を提供しているplace であると整理できた. Aims: This study aims to extract factors that promote participation in a community-based social program in a local senior salon via qualitative and inductive analyses and discuss a structure for occupational therapists to provide indirect support. Subjects and methods: An interview was conducted with Mr. A, who was involved in the launch of a local senior salon, and a focus group interview was conducted with four researchers who have studied the role of senior care centers among the elderly and elderly care. An inductive analysis was conducted. The results were categorized, and a concept explaining each category was assigned. Additionally, a theme was set based on the knowledge of occupational science. Results: Factors were classified into those related to people and those related to place. Factors related to people were further divided into “belonging” and “doing” in terms of the human as an occupational being. Discussion: When an elderly person is deemed as an occupational being, a local senior salon was a place that accepts all elderly people, provides elderly people with a sense of belonging, and provides them with a sense of doing while cultivating social capital

    TT ウイルス ボシ カンセン ノ コウホウシテキ, ゼンホウシテキ ケンキュウ : トクニ ボシ カンセン ヨウシキ ト シュウサンキ ニオケル リンショウテキ イギ ニツイテ

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    近年同定され,輸血後肝炎との関連が示唆されているTTV について,その母子感染の自然史と周産期における臨床的意義について後方視的,前方視的に検討した.HBV 及びHCV が検出されない妊婦(前方視的研究;NBCPW 群)におけるTTV DNA 陽性率は19.0%(37/195)であり,このうちsAST/sALT 値が110 U/L を超える例は皆無であった.HBV あるいはHCV キャリア妊婦(後方視的研究;BCCPW 群)ではTTV DNA 陽性率は25.0%(21/84)である.このうちsAST/sALT 値が110U/L を超える例は23.8%(5/21)に達し,この5 例はTTV 単独キャリアではなく,HBV 又はHCV との重複キャリアであった.NBCPW 群の出生児(14 名)におけるTTV DNA 陽転率は57.1%であり,このうちsAST/sALT 値が110 U/L を超えた例は無かった.BCCPW 群の出生児(21 名)におけるTTV DNA 陽転率は42.9%であり,このうちsAST/sALT 値が110 U/L を超えた児は2 名(22.2%)で,この2 名はHCV キャリアでもあった.TTV DNA 陽転化した総数17 名の出生児は全員生後18 ヶ月時点までTTV DNA 陽性が持続しており,脱キャリア化は認められていない.また,キャリア化児におけるTTV DNA 出現時期および哺育方法より経胎盤感染,経産道感染および経唾液感染は否定的であり,経母乳感染の可能性が強く示唆される結果であった.また,キャリア妊婦及びキャリア化児における肝機能異常は母子共々TTV 単独キャリアでは認められず,TTV 感染の周産期における臨床的インパクトは低いと思われる.The natural history of mother-to-child transmission(MTCT) of the TT virus (TTV) was investigated retroandprospectively.Serum TTV DNA was detected in 37 out of the 195( 19.0%) pregnant women without both HBV and HCV in theirsera (NBCPW) and 21 out of the 84 (25.0 %) pregnantwomen with HBV and/or HCV (BCCPW). In the lattergroup, 5 out of the 21( 23.8%) TTV carrier pregnant womenshowed repeatedly sAST and/or sALT levels over110U/L, but none of the former group did.With informed consent (IC), 14 (NBCPW) and 21 (BCCPW)infants were followed from birth up to 18 months ofage by receiving tests for serum TTV DNA and levels ofsAST and sALT. Eight out of the 14 infants (57.1 %, NBCPW)and 9 out of the 21 infants( 42.9%, BCCPW) developedTTV carrier-state, and all of these 17 carrier infantsmaintained serum TTV DNA-positive through the followupperiods. No infants (NBCPW) showed elevated serumlevels (>110 U/L) of AST or ALT during the follow-upperiods, but 2 out of the 9 infants( 22.2%, BCCPW) showedsAST or sALT levels higher than 110 U/L, and these 2 infantswere found to be in HCV carrier-state.None of the infants developed a TTV-positive resultwithin 1 month after birth, and thereafter 11.8 % (2/17)developed carrier-state in 3 months, 47.1 % in 6 months,82.4 % in 12 months. These findings may exclude the intrauterineor trans-vaginal infection as a mode of TTVMTCT. On the other hand, all carrier infants with one exceptionwere raised by breast feeding, which was rich inTTV. Both carrier pregnant women and children, who wereneither HBV nor HCV carriers, showed no abnormal liverfunction through the follow-up periods.Thus, we conclude that TTV MTCT occurs highly, but itis not so significant practically

    The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (ICBEB 2016)

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    Effect of dietary vitamin K1 on selected plasma characteristics and bone ash and the requirement of vitamin K1 in young turkeys

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    Six experiments (Exp.) were conducted to determine the effect of dietary K1 on selected plasma characteristics and bone ash and to determine the dietary K1 requirement for young turkeys. In Exp. 1, diets were supplemented with 0, 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 mg of K1/kg. All diets contained 1,650 IU of vitamin D3 (D3)/kg. Dietary K1 had no effect on tibia ash at 7 d. In Exp. 2, a 2 x 4 factorial arrangement was used consisting of 1650 or 550 IU of D3/kg and 0.1, 0.45, 1.0 and 2.0 mg of K1/kg. Dietary D3 and K1 had no effect on bone ash. In Exp. 3, dietary treatments consisted of a Control (1,650 IU of D3 and 2.0 mg of K1/kg) and K1 concentrations of 0, 0.37, 2.28, or 5.33 mg/kg in diets containing 275 IU of D3/kg. Poults fed the low D3 diet without K1 consumed less feed and gained less weight, and had increased plasma alkaline phosphatase activity, decreased inorganic phosphorus level and decreased tibia ash compared with those of poults fed the Control diet. Feed intake and body weight gain were improved, plasma alkaline phosphatase activity decreased, and plasma inorganic phosphorus increased when poults were fed the low D3 diet supplemented with 0.37 or 2.88 mg of K1/kg. Tibia ash of poults fed the low D3 diet was not affected by K1 supplementation. In Exp. 4, a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement was used with 0 or 75mg of neomycin/L in the drinking water and 0, 0.1 or 0.5 mg of dietary K1/kg. PT was reduced to a nadir and PC in plasma increased to a plateau when diets contained 0.1 mg of K1/kg. Dietary K1 concentrations tested in Exp. 5 and 6 were 0, 0.08, 0.31 or 0.44 mg/kg and 0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5 or 2.0 mg/kg, respectively. The results of Exp. 5 indicated that the dietary K1 requirement was 0.079mg, based on the influence of dietary K1 on PT. In Exp. 6, The K1 requirement was estimated to be 0.099 and 0.13 mg/kg, on the basis of PT and PC, respectively.</p

    Pain Analysis in Patients with Pancreatic Carcinoma: Irreversible Electroporation versus Cryoablation

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    The aim of this article is to evaluate and compare the postprocedure pain in patients with pancreatic carcinoma treated with irreversible electroporation (IRE) and cryoablation (CRYO). We compared 22 patients with 22 lesions in pancreas treated with IRE and 26 patients with 27 lesions treated with cryosurgery. All the patients in the two groups were under celiac plexus block (CPB) treatment to alleviate the postprocedure pain. A numerical rating scale (VAS) consisting of 11-point scales and the 24 h total hydromorphone use were recorded for the analysis of the pain level in the patients who underwent these two technologies separately. Other parameters, such as the complications and the ECOG performance status, were also noted. Statistical analysis was performed by Fisher’s exact test, the Chi-square test, and Student’s t-test. All the pancreatic carcinoma patients in our study were reported to have postprocedure pain in the two groups. But there was no significant difference in the mean pain score (4.95 (IRE) versus 4.85 (CRYO); P=0.52) and 24 h total hydromorphone use (3.89 mg (IRE) versus 3.97 mg (CRYO); P=0.30). IRE is comparable to cryotherapy in the amount of pain that patients with pancreatic carcinoma experience